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Let's transform the world together through radical generosity!

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Dhammadharini Support Foundation

Nov 27, 2023, 11:12:50 AM11/27/23
to Dhammadharini Google Group post
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Please join me in supporting the Bhikkhuni Sangha


Greetings Dhamma Friends!,

The holidays are upon us and Giving Tuesday is right around the corner! It’s such a beautiful time of year to reflect on generosity, gratitude and the joys of the Buddha’s teachings, our wise friends and teachers. 

Giving Tuesday is on November 28th and is a day of world-wide giving and generosity.
A wonderful time to turn towards what we have to give, the joys of sharing, and how that can bring a feeling of abundance and happiness.

As desire abates, generosity is born. When we are present and connected, what else is there to do but give?

A single flame can light 100 candles and together we can illuminate a path of support for our community.  

Our year end goal is to raise $10,000 for our general fund to overcome our current gap. 

Your gift of any size, large or small, will help us reach this important goal.

There are many ways to offer support: 

 Sign up for a monthly donation
Monthly donations of any size are an amazing way to help add stability to the lives of the monastics and planning activities of the support foundation. Monthly donations can be made to offer meals, the monastic 4 requisites, our mortgage or whatever is needed.

  There is also a wonderful program of offering delivered groceries and a hot meal dana to the monastic community monthly as well. This can be done by Dhamma friends near and far.  For more information on this program please reach out to the monastery and we will put you in touch with our amazing Dana Coordinator.

Offer a one time donation

This donation can also be a tribute gift or holiday gift in honor of a loved one. Provide their information and we will reach out to them with a custom message.

Offer your time
The gift of time is very precious. There are opportunities for volunteering your time as well.  A wide variety of skills may be helpful - such as driving monastics for local appointments, help with gardening (or forestry at our hermitage), graphic design, social media, audio editing, Zoom technical support, and many others. 

Additionally there may also be opportunities to join a committee which helps to care for the monastery or hermitage facilities, organizes volunteers or fundraisers; or for lay community leadership in service as an officer or director on our Dhammadharini Support Foundation Board of Directors. 

With an abundant heart,
Paula Snow 

Dhammadharini Support Foundation 
Director of Development

P.S>  Dhammadharini Monastery is a non-profit organization that only exists through the generosity of our community. If you have already made a tax-deductible contribution this year, on behalf of our whole community of supporters and participants, I offer deep bows of gratitude. If you have not given yet, please consider doing so today.


 our monastery
6791 Sturtevant Dr, Penngrove CA
 94951 USA
Phone or text: 707.583.9522

 ☸ our hermitage 
Mailing Address: PO Box 16, Jenner, CA 95450  USA
Voicemail or text: 707.583.9523


 our monastery
6791 Sturtevant Dr, Penngrove CA
 94951 USA
Phone or text: 707.583.9522

 ☸ our hermitage 
Mailing Address: PO Box 16, Jenner, CA 95450  USA
Voicemail or text: 707.583.9523

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