Dec 26th Detailed Program & Zoom Info > Sanghamitta Day Live Online Sangha Gathering - Welcome!

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❧ Dhammadharini Monastery

Dec 26, 2020, 2:58:08 AM12/26/20
Dear Venerables and Dhamma friends,
Happy Holidays! Her day now also comes 📯 ~

We look forward to our gathering together this Saturday December 26th* for our Sanghamitta Day International Bhikkhuni Sangha Gathering hosted by Dhammadharini!
*Dec 26 evening-27 morning for those in Asia and Europe, see timezone converter below.

The detailed schedule is below with many wonderful offerings from our International Bhikkhu and Bhikkhunis' community and Dhamma friends. Welcome! You can join in together via Zoom, YouTube Livestream or Facebook Live for the whole day or most interesting parts.

Sanghamitta Theri Arrival at Jambukola Patthuna Sri Lanka_Mendis_Kelaniya [banner].png

Schedule for Sanghamitta Day Sangha Gathering Day of Dhamma

All times are in Pacific Standard Time (PST = California Time), see this *Time Zone Converter to find your local time. 

8:30 -10:30 am

Morning Program | Sanghamitta Day Sangha Gathering 

8:30 - 9:00 pm

Vandana/Puja Chanting and Silent Meditation: Ven. Ayya Sobhana Theri

9:00 - 9:10 pm

Words of Welcome:  Dhammadharini Teacher Ven. Ayya Sobhana Theri,
Dhammadharini support foundation president Srisakul (Susie) Kliks 

9:10 - 10:30 pm

Refuges & Precepts, Dhamma Talk: “Carrying the Lineage: Sanghamittā Therī and Anulā-devī - Sri Lanka’s First Awakened Arahant Bhikkhunī” with Ven. Ayya Sudhamma Theri (chanting text: Three Refuges and Five Precepts)

10:30 - 1:00 pm

Lunch Dana Offering to Bhikkhuni Sangha
Intermission: messages from our partner-sister organizations

1:00 - 5:00 pm

Afternoon Program

1:00 - 1:15 pm

Words of Welcome: Dhammadharini founding abbess Ven. Tathaloka Mahatheri

1:15 - 1:35 pm

Messages from the Dhammadharini Support Foundation
and Inspiring Generosity Committee

1:25 - 1:35 pm

Message from Inspiring Generosity Committee

1:35 - 1:55 pm

Words from Ven. (Bhante) Anandajoti Mahathera

1:55 - 2:05 pm

Refuges & Precepts: Renewal and Affirmation

(chanting text: Three Refuges and Five Precepts

2:05 - 2:10 pm

Three Refuges Song: Dhamma School Children

2:10 - 2:45 pm

Dhamma Talk: “Dhamma Reflection on Sanghamitta’s Journey: Understanding the Conceit of ‘I Am’” with Ven. Ayya Suvijjana Theri 

2:45 - 2:55 pm

Sangha Dana Program: led by International Ambassador for Bhikkhunis Upasamaya Shirley Kwok on behalf of the lay supporters’ community

2:55 - 3:00 pm

Meditation break

3:00 - 3:15 pm

Chanting Together: Queen Anula’s Awakening & Sanghamitta’s Journey

(chanting text: Sanghamitta's Story)

3:15 - 3:20 pm

“Sanghamitta’s Journey with the Bodhi Tree” reenactment on the Kashaya shores 

3:20 - 4:30 pm

International Sangha Forum:Why is Sanghamitta Important?” 

Forum Q&A with senior bhikkhuni teachers Ayya Tathaloka & Ayya Anandabodhi

4:30 - 5:00 pm

“Open Zoom” Community Social/tea time together

5:00 - 5:15 pm

Sunset Meditation on the Sonoma Coast with Ayya Tathaloka and Aranya dwellers

6:00 - 9:00 pm

Evening Program

6:00 - 6:15 pm

6:15 - 6:30 pm

6:30 - 6:45 pm

6:50 - 7:05 pm

LIVE “On the Ground: Connecting with our Heritage” 

Introduced and facilitated by Ven. Ayya Tathaloka Theri

- from India: Intro to Vedisa Devi Vihara Sanghamitta’s mother monastery in Sanchi 

with Archeologist Dr. Garima Kaushik

- from Sanghamitta Stupa in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka 

with Ven. Bandarawela Dhamma Dharani

- from Charumati Stupa and Charumati Vihara in Kathmandu, Nepal

(Charumati Theri is Sanghamitta Theri’s younger sister) 

7:05 - 8:00 pm

Ven. (Bhante) Sumitta Thero: Dhamma Talk, "Theri Sanghamitta: Her Importance," from our Bhikkhuni Ovada Teacher 

8:00 - 8:30 pm

Closing Meditation of the day with Ven. Ayya Sucitta Theri
Program Closing Dedication led by Ven. Ayya Sobhana Theri

To watch and participate

If you wish to participate in the program (such as by sending chat messages or joining in question and answer sessions), welcome to join by Zoom. Zoom details and password are given at the end of this message. 

To watch only

If you wish to just view the program, you may watch the YouTube Live or Facebook Live broadcast. You can also register for the Facebook event to receive reminders and updates about the program.

This gathering is a benefit** All donations made during this Day of Dhamma will be offered for:
1. Dhammadharini Monastery open air outdoor Dana Sala (a gracious, comfortable and safe place to make offerings to the Bhikkhuni Sangha and listen to Dhamma during this time of Covid pandemic)
2. Winter Retreat for Dhammadharini monastic community (offering all requisites)

Please see our Dhammadharini website for ways to donate, or our useful things list if you'd like to offer helpful monastic requisites (Pāli: parikara, Sinhala: pirikara, Thai: borikan).

**Please note: donations are not required to join! - this program is a freely-given offering of Dhamma Dana in the way of the Buddha.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

With much metta,

The Dhammadharini Community

Zoom details:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 3853 1125

Passcode: 64882 = "MITTA" on your phone keypad

One tap mobile

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        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

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        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 869 3853 1125

Passcode: 64882

Find your local number:

Dhammadharini Monastery
6791 Sturtevant Dr., Penngrove CA 94951
tel or text: 707.583.9522
more info on the web @
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