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Sept 2nd Samaneri Pabbaja at Aranya Bodhi

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Aranya Bodhi Hermitage

Aug 18, 2012, 2:04:07 PM8/18/12
Dear Venerables and Friends,

We wanted to share the glad news with you that our community has agreed yesterday on a date for Sayalay Santacari's "going forth" as a samaneri -- Sunday September 2nd.  

Sayalay Santacari came to the United States and joined our community nearly 3 months ago with the aspiration and intention for samaneri ordination.  Ayya Tathaaloka and Ayya Sobhana have known her since she was training with the 8 precepts at Santi Forest Monastery in Australia in early 2008. Sy Santacari later traveled to Burma where she ordained as a Burmese-tradition 8-precept thilashin (silashin) nun under the guidance of the renowned Swiss nun Venerable Ariya Nyani.  Upon meeting Ayya Tathaaloka and Ayya Sobhana earlier this year at Sanghamittarama in Australia, she was welcomed and decided to join us for the vassa. We are delighted to now (hopefully!) welcome her as a samaneri (woman samana in training) into the ancient and historical path of the greater Bhikkhuni Sangha, one of our world's largest and longest lasting international intentional communities -- with gladness that it's Theravada branch is now in revival.

Welcome to join us on this special day.  Details forthcoming.

Heart sharing joy,
Aranya Bodhi Sangha
"Beautiful in the beginning, beautiful in the middle, beautiful in the end"
, Blog,Friends of the Hermitage,

Aranya Bodhi Hermitage

Sep 1, 2012, 10:22:27 AM9/1/12
Sayalay Santacari's Going-Forth will take place at 1:00 pm tomorrow, Sunday, September 2, following our 11:00 am alms meal.  If you are coming, please remember to get driving directions and the gate code.  (Write to if you need the information.)  In peaceful joy ...

Luisa Garrett Cook

Sep 2, 2012, 11:15:56 AM9/2/12
Many blessings to Sayalay soon to be Samaneri Santacari, to the extended Bhikkhuni sangha, and to all living beings on this auspicious day. Mudita!

~ Lulu

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Aranya Bodhi Hermitage

Sep 3, 2012, 9:03:00 PM9/3/12
Dear Friends,

The Buddha mentioned three days as being particularly memorable in lay life, and three days as particularly worth remembering in monastic life.  The pabbaja -- the "going forth" as a samaneri (or samanera (m)) ranks first.  Second, the place where one realizes for oneself the actuality of the Four Noble Truths.  And third, the place where the afflictions of the human heart --the asavas -- utterly and completely come to an end. (Saraniya Sutta, Anguttara Nikaya)

With warm heart of congratulations, and thanks for all of your kind words of blessing and support, we share with you a few photos from the lovely day here yesterday of former Sayalay Santacari, now Samaneri Sr. Santacari's, Samaneri Pabbaja ~

Inline image 1

~ Ven. Ayya Tathaaloka cutting the very last of the hair on the top of Sayalay Santacari's head together with the "kesa, loma, nakha, danta, taco" -- "hair of the head, hair of the body, nails, teeth and skin" mindfulness of the body meditation instructions.  All her bhikkhuni sisters participated in shaving her head together earlier in the morning.

Inline image 3

~ Santacari enters with offering tray of her new robes, together with flowers, candles and incense.  

Inline image 4

~ Time to exchange her little gold-brown shoulder sash for the big burnt-saffron patchwork upper robe used by bhikkhunis and samaneris.  Ayya Tathaaloka explained the robe is folded like a flag and is called "the banner of the arahants".  It also looks like a paddy field with all its patches, and is called "a field of merit for the world". 

Inline image 5

~ Having undertaken the Refuges and Samaneri Precepts together with dependancy on her preceptor and teacher, with a mutual affirmation that they will support each other -- the Going Forth is complete!!

Everyone then together chanted the Lanna-Thai 13 Arahant Theris Blessing Chant together with the Kariniya Metta Sutta--the Buddha's Words on Loving Kindness as blessing together.

Samaneri Sr Santacari looks very well in her new robes and transformed with her new precepts.  Inside meets outside, heart and form now together in harmony.

Great mudita and anumodana from all of us here at the Awakening Forest.  
And thanks Holly! for sharing the great photos.
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