Commemorating the Parinibbāna of Venerable Bhikkhunī Yasodharā Therī, Monday March 25th Full Moon

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❧ Dhammadharini Monastery

Mar 23, 2024, 8:24:03 PMMar 23
Yasodhara program poster.png

On Monday March 25, 2024, our Dhammadharini Community will be offering the final Full Moon Uposatha program of our winter retreat.

Register here to join on Zoom 

As part of this program, we will be sharing a new discovery for the final week of Women's History Month, as we continue to learn about and share the "HerStory" of the ancient Women Disciples of the Buddha.

We will be remembering a Bhikkhunī who was known by several names….

  • The Venerable Bhaddā Kaccānā Therī: For decades she was renowned as one of the Buddha's long-established and outstanding fully-awakened arahant disciples, established by the Buddha as his bhikkhunī disciple "foremost in attainment of great direct knowledge" (mahābhiññapattānam).

  • Bimbā Yasodharā: As princess and wife of the Bodhisatta, before he went forth and awakened as the Buddha. 

  • Rāhulamātā: As the mother of the Bodhisatta’s son Rāhula.

We've learned that this Phagguṇa Punnamī full moon Uposatha has been passed down in Pāli-text manuscript traditions long-preserved in southern, central and northern Thailand as the date of her Parinibbāna.

Here at Dhammadharini, Ayya Tathālokā Therī (and we) learned of these long-standing Pāli manuscript traditions—and recorded within them this very special commemorative date—just on the eve of entering our winter retreat this year. So, this year will be a launching of awareness and remembrance for us—an enormously powerful time for reflecting on Nibbāna. A most suitable conclusion to Women's History Month, and to our focus on stream entry, with its natural culmination in the ultimate, Parinibbāna.

Those who wish to learn more about Ayyā Tathālokā Therī’s research and discoveries are invited to see her "Diary of Discovery" post on the Dhammadharini website. You may also read the same information, and comment, on her corresponding Facebook post.

During the evening program on Monday March 25th, we’ll have a special time of learning and reflection about Venerable Bhaddā Kaccānā Therī. Here is the planned program for that evening: 

  • 7:00 - 7:10pm Brief introductory meditation

  • 7:10 - 7:40pm Sharing & discussion about Venerable Bhaddā Kaccānā Therī and her Parinibbāna

  • 7:40 - 8:00pm Contemplation of Venerable Bhaddā Kaccānā Therī’s Apadana verses

  • 8:00 - 9:00pm Dhamma talk about the qualities of a stream winner, with time for questions and discussion, offered by Ayya Sobhana Theri

Register here to join on Zoom 

The times above are according to Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).  Please use a time zone converter for your local times.  All events will be live on Zoom; please register to receive the link. The events will also streamed on | Dhammadharini Monastery, and  so you can watch at a suitable time.

With metta,

-the Dhammadharini Community


Dhammadharini Monastery

6791 Sturtevant Dr., Penngrove CA 94951

tel or text: +1 707.583.9522


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