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Banana Split at BRAUM'S vs. Banana Split at DAIRY QUEEN

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Jan 28, 2004, 1:18:30 AM1/28/04
For overall quality and texture, I'd vote for Braum's. Any dissenting
opinions here?

Nigel Reed

Jan 28, 2004, 2:00:02 AM1/28/04
to wrote:
> For overall quality and texture, I'd vote for Braum's. Any dissenting
> opinions here?

Yup, skip the banana split and get a strawberry milkshake instead :)

I'm always on the quest for the best strawberry milkshake in Plano. Best
I can come up with is Chucks followed by Braums.


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Simon Belmont

Jan 29, 2004, 12:24:49 AM1/29/04
<> wrote in message

> For overall quality and texture, I'd vote for Braum's.
> Any dissenting opinions here?

I enjoy the webtv guy because if nothing else he can
bring some comic relief. I wonder if he's actually one
of the regular posters venting a sick sense of humor.

Anyhow, I have not compared DQ and Braums
for banana splits. Considering the general quality
of other menu items, I'd agree Braums is better.
Besides, don't they make their own ice cream?


Jan 29, 2004, 12:52:45 AM1/29/04
On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 00:18:30 -0600 (CST),

>For overall quality and texture, I'd vote for Braum's. Any dissenting
>opinions here?

Well, I can't say as to the banana split, but I will say that I have
been boycotting the only Braum's near me (Trinity Mills/Midway), as
they have set the standard for poor, confused and rude service. If as
many as one car is in the drive through line, give up and drive to Ft will be quicker.

The last time I made the mistake of trying to order a soft yogurt
swirl, which they were always out of one or both flavors, I finally,
after waiting for a number of minutes with no sign of life over the
speaker, said "hello?". I said it in a nice way, thinking perhaps the
speaker was broken or that the person inside was unaware of my
presence. I was then answered with a VERY curt "I"M BUSY"!

If this were an isolated incident of rudeness, confusion or
incompetence, I might have chalked it up as an isolated event, but
sadly, such is not the case. I have not been back, and that was at
least 5 years ago. I find the Wendy's Frosty a reasonable substitute
for the rarely available soft yogurt at Braums, and a quick and
painless purchasing process:)

There is certainly no shortage of burger/fast food/ places. I don't
know how Braums stays in business. Just as well that I don't much
care for banana splits, I guess:)

Brian Baresch

Jan 29, 2004, 2:19:54 AM1/29/04
>Well, I can't say as to the banana split, but I will say that I have
>been boycotting the only Braum's near me (Trinity Mills/Midway), as
>they have set the standard for poor, confused and rude service.

Haven't been to that one, but I recall several years ago going to one
in Kansas somewhere and noting that there were four points of contact
between the staff and the customers: The food line, the ice cream
line, the milk counter and the drive-through. At the time I was there,
they had only five employees working, one in the kitchen making hot
food and one at each contact point. This meant that they couldn't back
each other up, and since it was middlin' busy the dining area wasn't
being cleaned.

I was struck by how the store was *designed* for poor service.

Brian P. Baresch
Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Professional editing and proofreading

If you're going through hell, keep going. --Winston Churchill

Hank Mishkoff

Jan 29, 2004, 9:53:49 AM1/29/04
>Well, I can't say as to the banana split, but I will say that I have
>been boycotting the only Braum's near me (Trinity Mills/Midway), as
>they have set the standard for poor, confused and rude service.

I've been going to that location for years, and while
they've never been rude to me, they do always appear to be
very confused. Even when they're not especially busy,
everyone working there appears to be overwhelmed, all the
time. But I like their chocolate malts so much that I try
to ignore the confusion.


Jan 29, 2004, 10:26:01 AM1/29/04
On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 08:53:49 -0600, Hank Mishkoff <>

It is a poor reflection on management, or the lack thereof. When they
finally made me mad with their "I'm busy", I took the time to write a
fairly long e-mail to their corporate office customer contact/comments
address. By and large it was a very constructive e-mail, but it did
explain, in very direct terms, just how bad their service is. In my
opinion, it is a function of the absence of training and a poor
business concept. Braums was, and I assume still is, offering such a
wide variety of time consuming menu items that they cannot hope to be
efficient. The only thing they excell at are dairy products, yet they
were offering all manner of fried chicken, catfish, burgers, chicken
fried steak, and I can't even recall what other eclectic items they
had on their fairly extensive menu. All while surrounded by a
Grandy's, KFC, Wendy's, Burger King (now DOA), Taco Bueno, Long John
Silvers, and on and on.

They clearly are not positioned to compete with everyone on
everything, and by attempting (poorly) to do so, they are completely
bogging down their customer service for those who want to brave the
ordeal of waiting in their lines. In any event, I was just trying to
vent my frustration in a constructive and helpful way, rather than
just venting. About three weeks later, I got a one line e-mail from
Braums corporate saying "we are sorry you had a bad experience."

It was my last bad experience at Braums:)

Gregory A Greenman

Jan 29, 2004, 2:28:07 PM1/29/04
On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 00:18:30 -0600 (CST), Goldenboy135 said...

> For overall quality and texture, I'd vote for Braum's. Any dissenting
> opinions here?

I haven't had any banana splits at Braums, but I've tried
their strawberry shortcake sundaes a couple of times. The
shortbread was stale both times, so I won't get that anymore.

greg -at- spencersoft -dot- com


Jan 30, 2004, 2:24:31 PM1/30/04

"felton" <> wrote in message

> It is a poor reflection on management, or the lack thereof. When they
> finally made me mad with their "I'm busy", I took the time to write a
> fairly long e-mail to their corporate office customer contact/comments
> address. By and large it was a very constructive e-mail, but it did
> explain, in very direct terms, just how bad their service is. In my
> opinion, it is a function of the absence of training and a poor
> business concept. Braums was, and I assume still is, offering such a
> wide variety of time consuming menu items that they cannot hope to be
> efficient. The only thing they excell at are dairy products, yet they
> were offering all manner of fried chicken, catfish, burgers, chicken
> fried steak, and I can't even recall what other eclectic items they
> had on their fairly extensive menu. All while surrounded by a
> Grandy's, KFC, Wendy's, Burger King (now DOA), Taco Bueno, Long John
> Silvers, and on and on.
> They clearly are not positioned to compete with everyone on
> everything, and by attempting (poorly) to do so, they are completely
> bogging down their customer service for those who want to brave the
> ordeal of waiting in their lines. In any event, I was just trying to
> vent my frustration in a constructive and helpful way, rather than
> just venting. About three weeks later, I got a one line e-mail from
> Braums corporate saying "we are sorry you had a bad experience."
> It was my last bad experience at Braums:)

Doesn't sound like the Braum's I know. I could consider your experience to
be isolated to that store and management at that time, and hopefully in five
years time the management has been "corrected". It doesn't negate your
experience, but I've never had any major problems in any of the Braum's
stores I visit, save for an occasional mixed up order. The corporate reply
could be more concerning. Pretty much a brush off with minimal
acknowledgement of a problem. Just to suggest- try one of the new stores.
The new store layout is more efficient and you might be impressed with their

To the OP: Sounds like it's worthy of a taste test. But I think I'll wait
for summer!

Jason Fortezzo

Jan 31, 2004, 1:31:01 AM1/31/04
On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 19:28:07 GMT, Gregory A Greenman <s...@sig.below> wrote:
>On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 00:18:30 -0600 (CST), Goldenboy135
> said...
>> For overall quality and texture, I'd vote for Braum's. Any dissenting
>> opinions here?
>I haven't had any banana splits at Braums, but I've tried
>their strawberry shortcake sundaes a couple of times. The
>shortbread was stale both times, so I won't get that anymore.

Funny you should mention that. I worked at a Braums in Lewisville about a decade
ago and here's a list of transgressions that we were forced to commit.

1. The pound and fudge cake used to make sundaes, such as your strawberry
shortcake, were often past their expiration date. The same may have been
true for milk depending on the amount on-hand.
2. After closing, leftover chili and gravy were thrown into the freezer for the
next day. Old chili was mixed in with the new, I don't know if the pot ever
got cleaned out.
3. When the soda fountain broke, we'd break open the Braum's Imitation Cola(tm)
sold in the grocery section and hope customers wouldn't notice. The
nastiest flavour was their Dr. Pepper equivalent, <shudder>.
4. Desserts made in error or with nuts etc would be placed in the freezer.
Depending on the traffic, some people may have received stale desserts.

A lot of these policies were driven by management to reduce "shrinkage". Braums
made a lot of good stuff, but they took advantage of the customer any chance
they could get; IMHO.

Jason Fortezzo
usenet at mechanicalism dot net

Richard Varnado

Jan 31, 2004, 3:13:04 AM1/31/04
Greg...Scathing indictments from a former BRAUM'S employee in this
thread confirm what you allege....


Jan 31, 2004, 8:32:28 AM1/31/04
On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 05:52:45 GMT, felton <> wrote:

>If this were an isolated incident of rudeness, confusion or
>incompetence, I might have chalked it up as an isolated event, but
>sadly, such is not the case. I have not been back, and that was at
>least 5 years ago.

Don't worry, things have not changed. I've had very similar
experiences (including the drive through) and I simply won't go there,

Thanks for your comment on your e-mail. I won't bother taking the
time to send them one myself.

I'll go up to the RaceTrak and get a pint of Ben & Jerry's or Sonic
for a chocolate malt.

Lumber Cartel Unit 2514 (tinlc)
A rose by any other name would be "deadly thorn-bearing assault vegetation."


Jan 31, 2004, 10:58:53 AM1/31/04
Hank Mishkoff wrote:
> I've been going to that location for years, and while
> they've never been rude to me, they do always appear to be
> very confused. Even when they're not especially busy,
> everyone working there appears to be overwhelmed, all the
> time. But I like their chocolate malts so much that I try
> to ignore the confusion.

Burger Box locations have no appeal for me >except<, they
serve Blue Bell ice cream. Apparently malt is very cheap
from their supplier.

Try a chocolate malt from Burger Box.

Chuck Fiedler

Jan 31, 2004, 6:30:08 PM1/31/04
On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 09:58:53 -0600, Thurman <>

I've never heard of Burger Box. Where are they?

Chuck Fiedler


Feb 1, 2004, 12:26:28 AM2/1/04
Chuck Fiedler wrote:
>>Try a chocolate malt from Burger Box.
> I've never heard of Burger Box. Where are they?

Search on for 'Burger
Box' yielded 18 hits, all in Tarrant County.


Mar 18, 2004, 4:13:23 PM3/18/04
In article <BO0Sb.12587$>,

"Simon Belmont" <> writes:
><> wrote in message
>> For overall quality and texture, I'd vote for Braum's.
>> Any dissenting opinions here?
> I enjoy the webtv guy because if nothing else he can
> bring some comic relief. I wonder if he's actually one
> of the regular posters venting a sick sense of humor.

You are a stalker, aren't you. If not, why all the posts in every
thread he starts?

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