Hi there!
Love the tool, it's been an invaluable asset in uploading several GB
worth of photos to flickr. I've run into some problems though - some
photos don't seem to upload properly, and the only way I've gotten
around that so far is to remove them from my upload queue and
uploading them manually. This is obviously somewhat less desirable. :)
What happens on a problem picture is that I get the status bar message
that the picture is uploading, and from my network activity it seems
that the picture is getting uploaded. Once the upload "completes",
however, DFO silently fails and goes back to waiting on the next sync.
The picture never shows up in my photo stream.
To investigate this I checked out the latest source code and ran from
the console, and I ended up with the same problem. This time I had
console output however:
General upload failure (3)
at FlickrNet.Flickr.UploadPicture (System.IO.Stream stream,
System.String title, System.String description, System.String tags,
Int32 isPublic, Int32 isFamily, Int32 isFriend, ContentType
contentType, SafetyLevel safetyLevel, HiddenFromSearch
hiddenFromSearch) [0x00000]
at FlickrNet.Flickr.UploadPicture (System.String filename,
System.String title, System.String description, System.String tags,
Boolean isPublic, Boolean isFamily, Boolean isFriend) [0x00000]
at FlickrCommunicator.CheckPhotosToUpload () [0x00000]
at FlickrCommunicator.RoutineCheck () [0x00000]
Any ideas how to fix this problem?