[Announce] DevOpsDays Singapore 2015 - Call for helping hands!

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May 20, 2015, 9:06:34 PM5/20/15
to devop...@googlegroups.com

We are planning a DevOpsDays event in Singapore around September this year and would like to call out for helping hands!

*Who's 'we'? What's the status?*

Right now we are four people down in Singapore activly looking for a location and finalizing the sponsor packages.

We've reached out to a proper location that is suitable for the DevOpsDays format, conveniently located and easy to reach.

We are also about to release the Sponsor-Packages - which depend on the costs of the location we get.

Once we have that we will open the call for papers.

*Sounds interesting, how can I help?*

If you wish to help organize the first DevOpsDays in Singapore please get in touch with us:

Email: organizers-s...@devopsdays.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DevOpsDaysSG
Website: http://www.devopsdays.org/events/2015-singapore/
Google Group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/devopsdays-singapore

The Google Group is marked as private for now to avoid random posts. The group is just for planners right now. Invitation only.

You're welcome to join our weekly Hangout on Wednesday evening 10:30 SGT to introduce yourself:


All the best

Christian, on behalf of the DevOpsDays Singapore Team
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