How to deploy cloud native application on-prem?

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Jan 25, 2019, 12:58:43 AM1/25/19
to devops
We have a native cloud application (with a several microservices), and would like to build an enterprise version of  it. The challenge is how to build and deploy it to our enterprise customers. Some customers only have bare metal, and some have data centre.  We are considering gravity and Bosh (CFCR). Don't know if we are on the right track or if there is better tool and solution....Any better suggestion?

Nathaniel Eliot

Jan 25, 2019, 1:00:39 AM1/25/19
I've had success with Kubernetes, and definitely prefer it for this type of deployment. On-prem is harder than in-cloud, but mostly because of the on-prem environment, not kubernetes.


Nathaniel Eliot
T9 Productions

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 11:58 PM <> wrote:
We have a native cloud application (with a several microservices), and would like to build an enterprise version of  it. The challenge is how to build and deploy it to our enterprise customers. Some customers only have bare metal, and some have data centre.  We are considering gravity and Bosh (CFCR). Don't know if we are on the right track or if there is better tool and solution....Any better suggestion?


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