Workspaces / viewports on Ubuntu 13.10

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Peter G.

Feb 25, 2014, 10:15:14 AM2/25/14

I'm a former devilspie user, but after my upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10 it hasn't worked for me.  I'm experimenting with devilspie2, and it seems to be working somewhat.  Here are the issues I'm having.

I'd like to make it open windows in assigned workspaces.  According to the Unity Tweak Tool, I have 5 workspaces (5 horizontal by 1 vertical).   But the output from

 debug_print("Workspace count: " .. get_workspace_count());

is always 1.  Neither set_viewport nor set_workspace will do anything for me, as far as I can tell.  I get an error like

** (devilspie2:32182): WARNING **: Workspace number 2 does not exist!

(devilspie2:32182): Wnck-CRITICAL **: wnck_window_move_to_workspace: assertion 'WNCK_IS_WORKSPACE (space)' failed

I have been playing with a command like

 if (get_window_name()=="Document Viewer") then

(My display is 2560x1440.)  This seems to move the new window one workspace to the right (or two if I change the 2600 to 5200, or one to the left if I change it to -2600, and so on).   But I'd like to open the window in a particular workspace, no matter where I was when the window opened.

What am I missing?   Thanks in advance for any tips.
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