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Suggestions to PhET Simulations

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Peter Burbery

Apr 22, 2022, 8:25:07 PM4/22/22
to Developing Interactive Simulations in HTML5
I am wondering if there is a way to modify a PhET simulation to extend the functionality. For example, I would like to modify the PhET simulation to include isotope symbols, binding energy data, and other isotope data and spectral lines for different numbers of electrons on ions.
I am wondering if there is a way to make these changes without making an entirely new PhET simulation for atoms.


Apr 26, 2022, 12:41:56 PM4/26/22
to Developing Interactive Simulations in HTML5
Greetings!  The PhET simulations can be adapted and modified.  Some notes:

* Please be aware your changes must be compatible with the licensing rules (GPL)
* Please be aware the simulations are non-trivial and this work is time-consuming.
* You may also wish to look through the issues at and see if there are already proposals for what you envision.  Alternatively, you may wish to create a new issue describing the design of the proposal so the team is aware what you are envisioning and why it would be valuable.

Best Regards and Good Luck,

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