Developing Interactive Simulations in HTML5

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Transition Announcement: PhET Community is Shifting to GitHub

Hello developers!

PhET is transitioning away from this Google Group to bring our community even closer to the codebase. Our aim is to foster a more integrated space for resources, discussions, and collaborations that fuel creativity in the world of HTML5 interactive media.

We're building out a central community repository around the common code library stack (coined SceneryStack: to help guide and inspire you.

Before you dive into the new Discussions forum, here's a quick guide to get you started:

1. Get Acquainted: The in the Community repo is a great starting point.

2. The is now available in all library repos that are part of the development stack. Find it here:

3. Visit the Welcome post in the Discussion forum.

Ready to share your ideas and creations? Post away at – We can't wait to see what you're making, while we build a community, together.

See you there!

PhET Interactive Simulations