Fellowship Programme 2017 - Applications closing soon (Sunday October 2nd).

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Shoaib Sufi

Sep 28, 2016, 11:39:44 AM9/28/16
to develope...@googlegroups.com
 Applications for the Software Sustainability Institute Programme 2017 close this Sunday 2nd October 2016.

Becoming a Software Sustainability Fellow means much more than just receiving funding to attend or organise conferences, workshops and other events. It means gaining credibility for promoting best practice, meeting and networking with like-minded people, learning new skills and it can accelerate your career!

Read more reasons - Fellowship Programme 2017—Why you should apply!

Our Fellowship Programme funds researchers in exchange for their expertise and advice. Find out more details and how to apply on the Programme page.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact shoaib.sufi@software.ac.uk or in...@software.ac.uk

Feel free to forward.

Kindest regards,

Shoaib Sufi

Community Lead

Software Sustainability Institute

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