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to devel-querypath
In addition to the changes noted in the announcement to querypath-
support, the following low-level changes have been made:
- QueryPath now allows you to explicitly set the exact error handling
level using the option 'exception_level'. In other words, you can do
qp($xml, NULL, array('exception_level' => E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE));
qp($xml, NULL, array('exception_level' => E_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR));
qp($xml, NULL, array('exception_level' => 257)); // Same as E_ERROR |
Note that these settings will not effect IO warnings. A failure to
open, write, or read a document will still result in a
QueryPathIOException regardless of the exception level settings.
Also note that if the ignore_parser_warnings option is set to TRUE,
the exception_level option will be ignored.