unread,Jul 6, 2009, 9:24:10 PM7/6/09Sign in to reply to author
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to devel-querypath
Today I merged the Quark (QueryPath 2.0 dev) branch onto master, and
branched 1.0 off into maintenance.
What does this mean? It means a few things:
1. QueryPath 2.0 is now feature complete
2. We will be hitting beta releases very soon (this week, I hope)
3. QueryPath 1.x is now in maintenance mode, and probably won't get a
new release unless something major breaks.
1. A beta release is considered feature complete. QueryPath will live
in beta while it is tested, but as soon as it looks stable, 2.0-final
will be released. As of right now, QueryPath is passing 261 tests
(with 700+ assertions), so things are looking good.
2. QueryPath 2.0-final will be released in two versions: A full
version (source + docs + tests + examples) and a minimal version
(compressed code only).
3. QueryPath 3.0 will target PHP 5.3. As many of you know, PHP 5.3-
final was released last week. It adds anonymous functions and closures
(two VERY attractive features for QueryPath) as well as a better
SPLObjectStorage system. Those are target features for QP 3. If you
have the time, I'd love to see some patches.