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Dan Lockton

Nov 13, 2008, 8:12:46 PM11/13/08
to Design and Behaviour
Guess I should get this started! Please, feel free to introduce*
yourself and what your areas of interest are. These discussions are
visible to anyone, and indexed by Google, so the potential audience
(in time) is greater than just the members of the group.

I'm Dan Lockton, a doctoral student (since 9/2007) at Brunel
University in London, researching what we've termed Design for
Sustainable Behaviour: how products and systems can be designed to
influence user behaviour to reduce their environmental impact. (http:// )

We're developing an innovation tool, a method for helping designers
choose techniques that are applicable to particular 'target
behaviours', based on analysing examples of design that's intended to
influence behaviour from lots of different fields (what I call Design
with Intent). After that, the plan is to build prototypes of some
products embodying particular techniques, designed using the method,
within a particular energy/resource-using context, and run user trials
to allow the effectiveness of different techniques in use to be
quantified, and the human and technical factors that affect this to be

In 2005 I started a blog, 'Architectures of Control in Design', which
has evolved into the current 'Design with Intent' (http:// ). It started out as a fairly critical reaction to
examples of often user-unfriendly 'control' being designed into
products, computer systems and the built environment, but over time,
due in large part to readers' comments and suggestions, I realised
that many of the same techniques could be applied differently, to help
users, and benefit society. This led to applying the ideas to
environmental problems, but I'm still very interested in the overall
field of how design influence behaviour in general - and how we might
apply it intentionally to do this.

Best wishes
Dan Lockton

Your turn!

*The Facebook group also has some very interesting introductions from
people, and until we find a way of automatically integrating the two,
there'll be a bit of overlap/duplication.

Kjell I. Øvergård

Nov 14, 2008, 2:04:16 PM11/14/08
to Design and Behaviour
Hi all,

I'm Kjell Øvergård, I just finished with my PhD in Cognitive Systems
Engineering at the Department of Psychology at the Norwegian
University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. I
have a masters degree from the same university with the focus on
Cognitive Psychology, Safety Psychology, Usability Engineering and
Human Factors. My masters thesis was written on the evaluation of
ergonomics recommendations (e.g. on Classical Ergonomics). Since 2004
I have been involved in transdisciplinary research groups through the
University of Oslo and NTNU. My research interest relate a wide range
of research fields, but can be quickly put under the fields of "Work
and Industrial Psychology", "Statistics and Quantitative Modelling",
and "Dynamic and Conceptual Modelling of Human Behaviour". These
research fields require a transdiciplinary approach, hence I see
myself as half psychologist, half interaction designer and half
engineer. Additionally, I would like to get myself a much more firm
and broader mathematical background.

My practical research experience the last years have mainly been
related to understanding and modelling how human operators control
transport systems such as High-Speed-Crafts (ships) and passenger
trains. Both quantitative modelling and ethnographical observation
studies have been used to investigate and model the operators
behaviour. Secondly, I have participated in design groups designing
prototypes of in-car audio systems, and in so-called 'expert'
evaluations of fire alarm systems (a long time ago), train stations
and the train-platform interface with respect to both safety and
universal design. The majority of 2008 have been used to understand
the human factors that affect work quality within emergency medicine -
or more specific - in manual resuscitation. Some of my activities in
these fields have been published in international peer-reviewed
journals, books, conferences and in technical/scientific reports.

I would be very happy if I could contribute to the discussions or idea
formulations on this group!

Best Regards
Kjell Øvergård
Oslo, Norway


Nov 14, 2008, 2:27:32 PM11/14/08
to Design and Behaviour
Hi All,

This is Sachin Gaur.

I am a master degree student of NordSecMob: Mobile security and
computing. (which is a erasmus mundus course). I am attending Helsinki
University of Technology in Finland and University of Tartu in
Estonia. I am nearly finished with my courses and will graduate in
june 2009.

I am moving to Oslo (UNIK) for my thesis in Usable Security starting
this January.

Prior to this, I have worked in C.E.R.N, Geneva for Single Sign On
project. worked for more than 2 years in Adobe India on Adobe Acrobat

I am interested in design, HCI, usability, usable security, mobile
devices, which brings me to this group. I hope, i can learn more about
these inter disciplinary research areas and if possible can contribute
to some ideas and discussions.

I am a big fan of cool product features in devices and softwares. like
I was working on a mobile phone contact book for illiterates, which
got me best poster prize in NordSec 2008. Also, I had some success in
similar innovation with Adobe in past.

I would like to share a list of 10 people whose research work/ideas I
follow, maybe that will also reflect my interests to the group.

User researchers / mobile design etc

Talks/ blogs

Philosophy for Internet Culture

Opinions on state of law, issues like privacy, copyright etc

Sachin Gaur


Nov 15, 2008, 2:16:11 PM11/15/08
to Design and Behaviour
My name is Ryan Calo. I am a fellow in residence at Stanford Law
School's Center for Internet and Society (http://, a public interest technology law and policy
program founded by law professor Larry Lessig and co-directed by Larry
and Barbara van Schewick. I hold a law degree from the University of
Michigan and, prior to Stanford, worked as an associate in the D.C.
office of Covington and Burling, LLP, where I dealt mostly with the
Federal Communications Commission and Federal Trade Commission on
issues of privacy and rural broadband policy. I've also worked as an
investigator of allegations of police misconduct in New York City.

I am interested in the use of design by the government in lieu of laws
and in the legal ramifications of "social" technology, i.e., computers
imbued with anthropomorphic or social characteristics. As a
consequence I've been reading the work of Clifford Naas, BJ Fogg, and
others who work in this space (as well as following Dan's excellent
blog). I recently presented and chaired at the "Future of" conference
on law and technology at the European University Institute in
Florence, Italy (

Thanks to Dan for putting together this group. I look forward to
sharing ideas.



M. Ryan Calo
Residential Fellow
Center for Internet and Society
Stanford Law School
Crown Quadrangle
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, CA 94305-8610
Work: (650) 736-8675
Fax: (650) 723-4426

Cameron Tonkinwise

Nov 15, 2008, 11:26:11 PM11/15/08
I'm Cameron Tonkinwise. I have a confusing title (see
below) which basically means that I am trying to bring
sustainable design to a Design School known primarily for
its fashion program, within a university primarily known
for its progressive faculty of social sciences, in a city
at the center the current global financial crisis.

My academic background is in the philosophy of Heidegger,
read through the optic of poststructuralism in the heady
days of high Theory. Throughout the 90s I worked for the
EcoDesign Foundation with Tony Fry, a think-tank based in
Sydney, Australia, that tried to push sustainable design
beyond the greening of artefacts toward the creation of
more sustainable ways of living through the enabling and
disabling power of design. In those days we used to call
what Dan calls 'Design with Intent,' 'designs design', or
'ontological designing', appropriating the latter from the
work of Fernando Flores. I was cheered to later find similar
ideas developed in parallel from more Latourian perspectives
by Jaap Jelsma and Peter-Paul Verbeek in the Netherlands.

I continue to teach in the area of 'designs affording sus-
tainable behaviors' and continue a writing project trying
to account more philosophically (and corporeally) for the
power of 'design of (rather than for) use' (Latour et al's
'script' seems too semiotic). My current research focus
however is on service design for the decoupling of use and
ownership - ie design for shared-use. I am also looking at
'elimination design' (another project originated by the
EcoDesign Foundation), which is the attempt to design out
of existence products or product categories that cannot
be greened and so rather need to be removed from society.
My 'undesign' target at the moment is window box air con-
ditioner units, which are astoundingly prevalent in NYC.


Assoc.Prof. Cameron Tonkinwise
Chair, Design Thinking and Sustainability
School of Design Strategies
Parsons The New School for Design
Co-Chair, Tishman Environment and Design Center
Room 325, 65 5th Ave, New York, NY 10011

Rosie H

Nov 17, 2008, 4:41:28 AM11/17/08
to Design and Behaviour
Hello design and behavourists,

I'm a doctoral student at Kingston University. My project actually
focusses in the use of secondary materials in design, and how
designers can be supported in making decisions that make the (re)
cycling of materials more effective. There is more on the project at So in relation to this group my project
interests are on two levels: design methods towards more sustainable
production, and how to 'design' for the behaviour of designers - in
the case of my project, behaviour during materials selection.

In the longer term, I'm interested in how designers can find the
'space' to engage in more sustainable and socially beneficial
practices, and how designers in different scenarios can be supported
to act out their concerns to different degrees. Also how designers
balance commercial and altruistic / activist concerns in their

My interests in design and behaviour are rooted in my undergraduate
work, where I was interested in how people adopt, use and adapt
things, my major project involved a study of mobile libraries, talking
to marginalised young people in Leeds, Librarians and the youth
service to design more inclusive mobile environments for young
people. I also wrote my dissertation on the adoption of SMS (this was
in 2003) and the consequent effects on communication and social
behaviour. What I find fascinating is the democracy of use, how
designers/planners can plan for one type of behaviour while users will
often completely disregard those plans and adapt things/places/
information/services to their own needs/desires. I hope this aspect
of design behaviour will play out in future discussions on this list.

Rajiv Shah

Nov 17, 2008, 10:26:57 AM11/17/08
My name is Rajiv Shah. I am an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the
Department of Communication at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
I finished my dissertation in 2004 on how software can influence
behavior. I have published a number of papers in this area from case
studies, empirical work on defaults, as well as trying to develop a
theoretical framework for understanding how software can influence
behavior. While I focus on software, as a guide I often think about
how architecture in terms of the built environment can influence
behavior. I have also published a paper on this topic.

My recent research has drifted away from influencing behavior and is
focused on open standards. However, I have also been studying the
development of smart cameras and other surveillance technology. I
think this is another fascinating area.

I have followed Dan’s blog for a while now and I appreciate how he
connects this issue to design. I look forward to the conversation on
this list.

My publications can be found at:

Rajiv Shah
rajiv.shah AT


Jan 14, 2009, 5:30:31 AM1/14/09
to Design and Behaviour
My name is Jamie Young. I'm a designer/engineer by background, and
(like all of you!) am interested in how design affects human

In the UK there is a real emphasis on character, responsibility and
explicitly encouraging behaviour change in public policy, and I'm
particularly interested in how designers can contribute to this sort
of policy development - especially encouraging so-called "pro-
environmental" behaviours.

I work (part time) for the Royal Society for the encouragement of
Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) - an organisation that seeks to
develop and promote new ways of thinking about human fulfilment and
social progress - managing a new project on how techniques from design
can contribute to solving behaviour-related social problems. The rest
of my time I spend with a small design practice in London, mostly
doing electronic engineering.

I write a blog about design, behaviour and policy as part of the RSA
project which you can find here:

Cameron Tonkinwise

Jan 14, 2009, 9:49:17 PM1/14/09
For anyone in NYC, we (New School) are hosting a symposium
centered on the work of an Australian, Heideggerian philo-
sopher, Carleton Bruin Christensen, who has recently been
writing some philosophic critiques of socio-technical ap-
proaches to the fostering of sustainable behavior. See the
details following. Whilst the paper he is giving on this
occasion focuses on the work of Elizabeth Shove, he has
previously examined the behavior-steering design proposals
by Jaap Jelsma (drawing on Latour's work). For the pur-
poses of the symposium, I have temporarily made available
some of Bruin's published articles at
The article on Jelsma is entitled, "On the Material Basis
of Everyday Rationality."


Sustainable Design Philosophy Symposium #2

On Thursday January 22nd, Carleton Christensen
will be presenting his paper "On not being Constructivist
about Affectivities, or, Some people really do smell" at
the New School - a philosophically critical reading of
some of the socio-technical sustainability transition
research of Elizabeth Shove (author of _Comfort, Conveni-
ence and Cleanliness: The Social Organization of Normal-
ity_ Berg, 2005).

Jay Bernstein (NSSR Philosophy), Rachel Heiman (NSSR
Anthropology) and Harvey Molotch (NYU Sociology) will be
respondents. The event is being billed as the 2nd Sustainable
Design Philosophy Symposium (see the attached

Background information, including previously published
papers by Bruin, is available at:

Please let colleagues and students know, and please RSVP
by remailing me if you can come. If need be it might
shift to a bigger location than:

Tishman Environment and Design Center

Level 5, 72 5th Ave

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