Denver area UAV fliers - hello!

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Feb 15, 2011, 7:43:40 PM2/15/11
to Denver-CO-Area-UAV-Flyers
Hey everybody!

Just got around to checking out the group. I know Mark, and bGatti I
have run in to you on the forum before, but didn't know you were local
(unless I am forgetting who you are).

I am flying frequently at the Boulder RC club field. My current UAV
fleet is
- Skywalker with APM flying either 1.02 or the trunk code
- Skyfun with APM getting ready for SparkFun
- ArduCopter with APM flying ACM trunk
- XPlane with APM on the bench "flying" the trunk and testing
QGroundControl integration.

Let me know if you want to meet me at the Boulder field any weekday
with decent weather. Weekends are hit or (more) miss for me cause
I've got busy kids.


UAV - Flyer

Feb 15, 2011, 8:03:52 PM2/15/11
to Denver-CO-Area-UAV-Flyers
Hi Doug,

My name is also Doug, so I'll go by DougB as not to confuse people.
I'm down in Parker south east of Denver. It's quite a drive for me to
boulder but. I would love to get together with you sometime, I just
need to plan in advance. I have a ArduQuad, I had NG on it but decided
to give ArduPiratesNG latest version a try. I looked at ACM and ran
into some config problems. I'm flying in X with the APM pointed
forward between the arms. I also have a Trex 600 that I stretched with
a 700 tail boom. Also a HawkSky, Working on a Nitroplanes 81"
skymaster. And about 10 other planes and 6 other heli's, I can't fly
the heli's other than in a hover but my 21 year son is a proficient 3d
heli pilot. I'm also setting up a strictly aerobatic Quad for the kid.


Doug Weibel

Feb 16, 2011, 11:04:02 AM2/16/11
Hey DougB,

Great to meet you. I'll try to remember to go by DougW

I also fly non-UAV rc, with a T-rex 550, Century Swift, and various smaller
heli's and a bunch of random planes. Where do you typically fly?

ACM is very much still under development and not at all stable from day to
day, although Jason is making tremendous progress with it. I am mostly
involved with the development of APM and the libraries, but do keep tabs on
what Jason is doing. Unfortunately for unfamiliar users it is very poorly
documented at this time.... I'll probably be working a bit on ACM to
integrate a mouse sensor for low level position hold.


UAV - Flyer

Feb 16, 2011, 11:33:00 AM2/16/11
to Denver-CO-Area-UAV-Flyers
Welcome DougW

I actually meet you last year, I was up at your house for the BBQ
before the Sparkfun contest. Flew Chris's Parrot in your backyard. I
have about 10 acres of open space right behind my house so I do alot
there. When I'm flying regular RC stuff I go to the Cherry Creek
Reservoir RC field. I don't like taking the UAV stuff there because
it's usually very busy there and I get bombarded with question along
with the usual "You can't do that here" hassle. I'm a pretty good
software programmer but not to good yet with "C" so I'm on the steep
side of the learning curve.

Have a great day!


Feb 17, 2011, 1:50:01 PM2/17/11
to Denver-CO-Area-UAV-Flyers
Hey All,
Coby here. I am up in Ft Collins and would be in for any meet-ups. I
am flying all electric park flyer stuff, plus spending a huge amount
of time on my multi-copter project. I have not joined a club up here
as I pretty much hover around the house or fly at the local school.
And as was mentioned already the UAS stuff is not always a big hit at
your local AMA field. Like many others I am watching what the FAA is
going to do as I want to add AP to my photo services.

On Feb 15, 5:43 pm, Doug <> wrote:

Doug Weibel

Feb 17, 2011, 2:04:50 PM2/17/11
So far so good at the Boulder club field. I do UAV and FPV out there and
nobody complains :)

It would be a lovely day to fly today if the wind weren't blowing 30+


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Coby
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 11:50 AM
To: Denver-CO-Area-UAV-Flyers
Subject: Re: Denver area UAV fliers - hello!


Feb 17, 2011, 2:35:28 PM2/17/11
to Denver-CO-Area-UAV-Flyers
Good to know DougW! And yes, the winds are not too good up here
either. Been hover testing under a street lamp the last few nights
once the winds settle down. I am sure my neighbors now wonder even
more about the nut next door.

BTW, I am flying my quad (soon to be coax 8) with the latest
ArduPirates branch of NG. I got the roll/pitch PIDs tuned pretty well
but I am having big problems with yaw. Works OK if I keep it pointed
south but as soon as I point it north it wants to yaw back towards
south - in either direction. I have what I think is a good mag offset
as I am seeing 0 degress +/- ~.7 degrees in the Configuration
artificial horizon. Going to play with the PIDS some more. It may be
that I have some interference from the XBee so will try removing that
from the loop if the PIDs don't fix it. I am running the latest DIY
mag with the resistor fix and it seems to work OK. Too many variables
at this point I guess.



Apr 8, 2012, 10:05:41 PM4/8/12
Hi Doug,
I'm in Boulder for the week. we went by the RC Field this Sunday beautiful day - no fliers.
If you'll be flying this week, and want company - let me know?


Allen Bishop

Apr 9, 2012, 8:50:38 AM4/9/12

Hey Guys:


The Boulder Field has the return of the Osprey which has closed the North West corner of the field.


There is also talk of a complete closing of the field by the City Parks and Rec.


A lot going on behind the scenes to try and get that attempt turned around.




From: [] On Behalf Of bGatti
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2012 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: Denver area UAV fliers - hello!


Hi Doug,

Doug Weibel

Apr 9, 2012, 10:01:01 AM4/9/12
Hey Ben,

No specific plans right now.  The Boulder field is temporarily officially closed.  There is a meeting today between club exec's and the city Parks dept, so news is expected soon.  If the field gets reopened I'd like to get out and just verify the current APM trunk code.



Aug 28, 2012, 4:20:20 PM8/28/12
Hey Everyone!

Looks liket there haven't been any postings here in some time.  I am just getting into the hobby (dabbled in RC for a long time).  I am currently obtaining parts to assemble my quad as a fall project.  I live in Parker and am certainly interested for a meetup to learn more before I get my quad setup.


Allen Bishop

Aug 28, 2012, 4:44:05 PM8/28/12



Let me know if you need any help.


What airframe are you using or did you do your own?


What autopilot did you get?










From: [] On Behalf Of Jake
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: Denver area UAV fliers - hello!


Hey Everyone!


Aug 28, 2012, 4:49:18 PM8/28/12
Hi Jake,

Welcome, I also live in Parker and mostly fly in a open space behind my
house. Like Allen said let us know know what your getting and we will be
glad to help.



Aug 29, 2012, 6:45:34 PM8/29/12
Hi Doug and Allen,

So far I have an HT-FPV frame and am about to purchase an APM2.5

As far as electronics, I plan on a turnigy 9x with a frsky module

I am looking into this set of motors/props/escs any thoughts? 

Allen Bishop

Aug 29, 2012, 8:34:02 PM8/29/12

The motors are the 880 KVAs which are an upgrade from the 850 KVAs that generally ship with the DIY Drones quad. 


The ESCs are 20 A and will work fine.  I use the 30A ESCs from DIY on my quads with 880 motors and 50 A ESCs for my Hexa.


Props are something you will have to play with to see what kind of performance you need.  Payload , battery type etc. will determine the optimum prop size and pitch.  The 880 motors will spin an 11” and 12” prop with no effort.  Remember, the slower  you can run the motors the longer  your flight times will be.  (generally)


I would highly recommend that you go with prop hubs that have two set screws vs. the ones that are shipped standard by DIY Drones.  (picture attached)  The DIY variety are slip on and are held in place by a tapered sleeve that “grips” the motor shaft.  These can come loose and the prop hub will spin off and the copter will do many flips before it hits the ground.  You can get them at most of the local hobby shops.  I know they carry them in Longmont at Hobby Town on Main street.


I use Loctite (blue) and the set screw hubs for all of my air frames.  Don’t use RED since you will never get the hub off the shaft nor be able to unscrew the hub.  Red is like welding it.  It says permanent on the tube and they mean it!


Also, purchase a second set of props.  You will go through them like toilet paper until you get all the dynamics worked out with your airframe.  Most hobby shops do not stock pusher props and your quad uses two puller and two pusher props.


Finally, check the balance of each prop before you attach them to the motors and DO NOT attach any props until you have calibrated the ESCs and completed all alignment setups for the autopilot you plan on using.  It saves a lot of band aids.








From: [] On Behalf Of Jake
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: Denver area UAV fliers - hello!


Hi Doug and Allen,


Allen Bishop

Aug 29, 2012, 8:08:51 PM8/29/12

You might consider joining us tomorrow morning.


No too late to register and you can register at the door as well.  Lots of UAS folks at this meeting.




From: [] On Behalf Of Jake
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: Denver area UAV fliers - hello!


Hi Doug and Allen,

Breakfast Round Table.pdf


Oct 20, 2012, 12:50:31 AM10/20/12
Hello, I'm down in the Chatfield Park area and interested in R/C, FPV, and UAVs. I've been lurking around at RCGroups and getting involved in the FPV Lab Colorado Group for the last year or so. I flew r/c 20 years ago when everything was gas and fixed field operations; so the adjustment has been large. There is actually a small but fairly active community of guys doing FPV, with some really amazing results in both fixed wing and rotary wing. People fly most weekends somewhere. We are having a BBQ and multi-rotor fly in at my house tomorrow afternoon for instance. Drop me a line at gmail or check out the Colorado group! Regards, KK7KR, ni8av8r
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