Wookong-m for sale

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Jonathan Brown

Jul 18, 2014, 9:54:16 PM7/18/14
to denver-co-ar...@googlegroups.com
Hello, I am new to this group here. I have some electronic components for sale, perhaps someone out there could use this stuff.

Wookong-m flight controller with Bluetooth data link, OSD module, 5.8 ghz video transmitter and 7" monitor with dual 5.8 ghz receivers built in w/transmitter mount.

Everything for $900, or best offer.

Need to sell, will have to complete my
Tarot fly-680 later when I can afford it.

I just recently had my DX-7s stolen. It was in an aluminum case, and someone must have just thought it was something expensive so they took it from my truck.

U can call or text - 907-602,1343

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