Update #247 - Lack of Opposition

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Dena Grace

10.02.2016, 14:02:0410.02.16
an Dena's Ongoing Adventures
“All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.” Hebrews 12:11

Christmas 2015 - Joe, me and Emily (5 months)

A friend lamented the unfairness of the world. She was comparing Joe and me to a gay friend. We have been trying to sell our condo for 7 months – fasting, praying, seeking counsel, dropping prices, adding incentives, staging and then de-staging the property… on and on and on. Our gay friend listed both her and her partners’ properties and they sold in a day. ONE DAY.  Joe and I had a few glitches getting ready for our wedding – ok, several. Our homosexual friend had not one logistical hiccup or detail disaster before, during or after her wedding process. NOT ONE.

I agreed with my friend, life is unfair. But, honestly, in this situation, it wasn’t a matter of favor or blessing but lack of opposition.  

God is good.  He is kind, loving, tender and gentle. He gives without expectation of return and does not take from us…unless we give it to him. Satan can also “bless” – by removing opposition, antagonism, hostility, disagreement, obstruction, unfriendliness, resistance, conflict, etc. and set up situations for us to walk into, be tempted by, and either flee from or embrace depending on our belief system, moral code, and the lies we trust are truth.

Joe and I are trying to live, to the best of our ability, emulating God and his Kingdom. Therefore we are a threat to the dark underbelly of the spiritual world.  Due to this, our condo has not completed the sale cycle because of opposition.  We had issues before we married owing to resistance to the act taking place.  We have had trials, tests, hardship and pain directly related to our testimony for God’s kingdom. We have fought with one another when we forget who the real enemy is (we are not impervious to his schemes but hopefully getting better at recognizing them).

Our friend, and her partner, are not creating a “God testimony” right now (we are praying for one) – therefore, no need for the enemy of their soul to resist, challenge, antagonize or threaten what they are doing.  They are playing into his hand and are out of commission on the Kingdom Change Market. Both of them are right where Satan wants them – benched.

I am not saying these ladies cannot be useful to the Kingdom of God – they can. They can do great things in his name – but, their lifestyle is barring their entering the throne room, being forgiven of sin, washed in Jesus’ blood and therefore their testimony is marred. This hurts my heart.

Are you experiencing a life of ease or opposition? Do you feel everything is a fight or simple to complete? Are you experiencing pain, grief or sorrow or are unicorns, rainbows and scented flowers lining your path?  

Our time here on earth is not about ease, the simple, unicorns, rainbows and scented flowers – it is about finding God, making him known, and bringing others to him.  This brings opposition. This brings resistance. This brings hostility. This makes life HARD at times.  But, your heavenly reward will be worth it; God promises it.

PS: A bit of background: Our mutual friend went off the rails (so to speak) about 2 years ago into the world of homosexuality… deep into it. None of us, none of her friends or family, saw it coming. It shocked us all. You bet her choices were confronted, her thinking challenged, her position, her arguments, her rationale contested. But deception is deep, emotion is strong, and love – in whatever form it comes – is powerful.  One of her arguments was her life was so “blessed”; everything was falling into place, was a breeze to do, and things that were once so difficult were now easy. She felt it was God’s blessing; He was favoring her actions. Sigh…

Personal – I am getting more sleep! Emily is mostly only waking once a night now… unless we have a growth spurt or illness or are too hot or have a wet diaper or…. you get the picture. 
Move – The condo is STILL on the market. But, after dropping the price AGAIN, we are in contract with an interested buyer!!! The financing is a bit precarious and after the contract solidified we had a faucet leak destroying 25% of the hardwood floors. But, Praise Jesus, the sale is still moving forward (praying, praying, praying!).
Baby – Emily is doing great! She is sitting all by herself, talks a lot, and loves bath time. Her giggle is infectious, and she, at 7 months, is in 12 month clothing!  She is partial to tomato wedges, cucumber spears, and, like her daddy, is VERY fond of spaghetti!

Personal – Deeper level of sleep making the most of the two to three hour windows I am given.  I would love the ability to cat nap (not a skill I possess). Also, for perseverance to press through this last little bit with the condo repair, reconstruction and close of sale.
Move – Condo sale.  Please pray the buyer’s financing goes through, the floor and plumbing get fixed without issue, and we close as intended the first part of March.
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