Update #248 - Thankfulness

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Dena Grace

Jun 16, 2016, 4:51:51 PM6/16/16
to Dena's Ongoing Adventures
“Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving” Colossians 4:2

Seattle, WA

God posed the following question to me one day in my quiet time with Him:  “What if I took away all you don’t thank me for, are grateful for, or are appreciative of? What if all you complained about and criticized magnified, increased and amplified each time you thought of or concentrated on it?”

Shocked silence.

To answer, my life would look a lot different than it does now.  But, I don’t want worse, I want better!  After the silence ebbed, I immediately started thanking and being appreciative of everything – from breathing to the grass outside.

Since God posed this question to me I have been on a mission to be more thankful, appreciative, grateful of EVERYTHING in my life – even the disappointing, hurtful and painful aspects. Sometimes it is hard, really hard, to see through the disappointment and pain; but I don’t want to lose what I have.

If this scenario / question was posed to you, what would your life look like? Would you have your health? Would you have a home? Would you have clothes, a car, a career? What would the state of your relationships be? Would you have friends, family or fellowship? How can you find thankfulness, gratitude, appreciation amidst life’s disappointment, pain and frustration?

Personal – I am getting more sleep, and it is deeper and more rest filled.  I am beginning to feel more like “me” again. Yea!
Move – The condo’s construction finished right on time, the sound testing passed and the sale closed the end of March.  The condo is sold! Thank you for praying this into being. God provided for the financial shortfall via our tax return. Thank you Jesus!
Baby – Emily is almost a year old.  The last eight months, since colic abolishment, have flown by. She is crawling EVERYWHERE (we call her the bulldozer) and she is getting her top four front teeth as I type. Her first word, besides MaMa and DaDa was “AMEN”. Ha!  I guess Joe and I have been praying a lot!!!

PS: I am thankful for forgiving friends. I am thankful for pardoned offenses. My sincerest apology to two friends who were hurt with the publishing of my last update – from my perspective, several lessons were learned. Thank you for your loving confrontation and grace.

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