Update #243 - Memory

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Dena Grace

Aug 11, 2015, 2:50:29 PM8/11/15
to Dena's Ongoing Adventures

In seventh grade Mrs. Fankhauser had us memorize a standard set of prepositions. Thirty-three years later I can still recall: About, above, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beyond, by, concerning, down, during, except, for, from, in, into, like, near…up, upon, with, within, without.

Memory is a funny thing - I can remember most of the list but not all of it (the “…” is the amnesia piece. Of? Off? On?).  Same holds true with memory devices I used in Physical Therapy school – Tom, Dick and Harry were nicknames for the tendons running along the outside of the  ankle - I can remember two of the three. Or the rhyme I used to recall the order of the cranial nerves - I remember the rhyme, but not the nerve names! 

At one of my baby showers a friend gave me a “One Line a Day” journal – writing a thought, memory, funny item in remembrance of Emily’s early life. Good thing too – the days blur together and I have a hard time distinguishing one from another – and sleep deprivation doesn’t help the situation.

Journaling for Emily made me ponder: How do I remember all the good things God has done? How do I remember, recall, recollect his acts, his kisses, and his kindness? Do I, like the Israelites, build pillars of stones to jog my memory? How do I keep track of his love, care and attention?  It is so easy to forget – or worse - not even notice what he has done.

How do you remember, recall, recollect? What do you do to keep track of all the God touches in your life? How do you track the testimony of Gods goodness? How do you evoke memory, remind yourself, elicit thankfulness and gratitude?  What is your strategy?

Memory may be a funny thing, but we can aide it. How do you help yours?

Personal – Joe finished all the performance reviews before he left for a 10 day paternity leave – and one of his guys was awarded a promotion!  He is more settled into his new position but is still learning a lot about the group and department.
Move – The condo is STILL on the market.  Due to inactivity and low showings we significantly lowered the price and last weekend we had a much better turn out at our open houses; no offers submitted as yet. 
Baby – Emily is growing, growing, growing! She doesn’t fit into her newborn clothes anymore and is wearing some 3-6 month outfits (sniff – it is happening so fast!). She is starting to sleep through one of her night feeds so I am getting at least one stint of 3 hours continuous sleep! Whoo Hoo!

Personal – Joe and I have made it through the first 6 weeks of newborndom… those with kids know the milestone this is.  Pray for continued ability to persevere despite sleep deprivation, limited couple alone time and Emily’s crying jags (gassy tummy – see below).
Move – Condo sale.  We need this piece of real estate to move soon. Please pray in the right buyer for the property.
Baby –Emily is a bit of a lady and doesn’t like to toot or burp – thus creating colicky symptoms (gassy tummy). Yes, I am limiting dairy; yes, we have tried EVERYTHING.  It is improving but she still has 1-2 bouts a day (not after every feed anymore Thank God).  Pray this passes and she will be out of pain / discomfort soon. It hurts my heart to see her in pain.

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