[Demo Research] Licentiate thesis presentation coming up

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Apr 30, 2010, 12:54:50 AM4/30/10
to Demo Research
I will present my licentiate thesis (a Nordic intermediate degree
between MSc and PhD) called "Computer Demos--What Makes Them Tick?" on
the 12th of May at the Aalto University School of Science and
Technology, IT house, classroom A142, at 10 AM. If the thesis is
accepted it will appear online soon thereafter. Everybody's welcome to
attend the event!

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May 2, 2010, 4:14:18 PM5/2/10
to Demo Research
Well, I'll be there in spirit. I hope your presentation will be a
great success! Just out of curiosity: Will it be a pure "lecture" or
do you have some demo hardware prepared?


May 3, 2010, 5:07:25 AM5/3/10
to Demo Research
On May 2, 11:14 pm, robotski <daniel.b...@lmu.de> wrote:
> Well,  I'll be there in spirit. I hope your presentation will be a
> great success! Just out of curiosity:  Will it be a pure "lecture" or
> do you have some demo hardware prepared?

Thanks! The lecture is going to be pretty much a technicality of half
an hour - something that has to be done to graduate. Demos are not
easy to explain without showing them too, so I'll probably play some
from DVD or using an emulator.
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