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Martin Peel

Aug 23, 2020, 10:57:31 AM8/23/20
to Democracy Foundation

Just registered after seeing this website discussed over on Reddit.

Looked at your screenshot of a issue being presented for vote, and I recognise this is still in the developmental stages but was wondering if you are planning on implementing an umbrella model of discussion, ala Kialo ( ) where a proposal is made, and then branches of pros and cons, and further branches to each pro and con can be voted on and amended. 

This is a popular, simple and effective method in discussing complex proposals.

Good luck with the site, here's hoping we can use this or something similar as a replacement to most countries Representative Democracy!

Georgios Mavropalias

Oct 6, 2020, 6:30:55 AM10/6/20
to Democracy Foundation
Hi Martin,

Thanks for the message. Sorry for the delay, for some reason I didn't get notified.

Yes, Kialo has done a great job in making massive open conversations possible. Their model is definitely something that should be studied, and I've added them in the list of similar projects

Thank you
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