Accessing delta tables in Thriftserver

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Ed P

Jun 6, 2021, 5:55:08 PM6/6/21
to Delta Lake Users and Developers
I was able to use Spark/scala to create parquet files and make available to a SQL tool via thriftserver but not so lucky with the delta table.

I am storing my data on HDFS, created the delta table and I can see it with my SQL tool but when I try to get a list of columns or do a "select" statement, I get errors. Similar to when I use Beeline.

To properly create a Delta table stored on HDFS and access via the thriftserver, what steps are required?

Jacek Laskowski

Jun 7, 2021, 8:13:00 AM6/7/21
to Ed P, Delta Lake Users and Developers

Delta tables are regular Spark artifacts so they should be available in STS. You may however need to set up --packages and the two --conf's for STS to have all infra set up properly. How did you create delta tables? Is this a vanilla STS configuration?

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Ed P

Jun 8, 2021, 8:33:50 AM6/8/21
to Delta Lake Users and Developers
Hi Jacek,
Thank you for the quick response and info. I looked further into the issue after thinking about your comments and I was able to get it to work. 

I am submitting a Scala job and the config lines that made this work were;

.config("", s"${mapConfig("warehouseLocation")}")
.config("spark.sql.extensions", "")
.config("spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog", "")


Appreciate the support, very excited to get this project moving forward.

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