Gurgaon and Shimla Await you - Lets play hot and cold

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Rahul Verghese

Jul 14, 2013, 11:46:35 AM7/14/13
Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible. 

Doug Larson 

At Running And Living, we believe that if you think about something for too long, you tend to see more and more issues. It's best to dream big and start small, a step at a time, and be amazed at where you reach.

We just had a great run in the monsoons in Mumbai last Sunday and also did a recce for a monsoon run in Goa next year- get ready to get wet

For those who like a steam bath - come and sign up for the Aug 11th Town and Country Half Marathon/ 10k/5k - The Aravalis, country roads, peacocks, hares and Nilgai and a few buffaloes and tractors and loads of frogs are waiting to spot you. More info and online regn are at
Each registrant gets a gym bag.

For those who like it cool - come to Shimla on Sept 29th and challenge yourself with the altitude change and the steeps on the routes of the 6km, 14km, 21km and 24km runs. Info and online regn are at

For those wanting to start tomorrow - we have a recce run of 5k,10k,15k on the Town and Country route - starting from the IREO parking at the 2.5km mark on the Town and Country run route - see the map in the link above. We start at 530am tomorrow ie Sunday - bring your own water and pack in your attitude - we start at 530am sharp so try and land up by 520am - let's hope it rains a bit too.

See you soon

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pps: if you like what you see - forward this on to friends and colleagues and family and spread the running virus - it's contagious. Its a great platform to get your team members to join in - free!

ppps: Running And Living is a marketing company focused on providing a fun filled running experience. Great for runners and great for brand and organizational activation. We have a national calendar of 30 runs, organize corporate workshops - focused around motivation, leadership and productivity enhancement, our content on running reaches 2 m households periodically. We would love to work with your brand with a metrics driven approach to provide you a 3x leverage in the short term and a potent brand engagement platform in the medium term

We work with brands to unleash their potential in an engaging and fun way, via running

Who says there is a short running season in India? 
Engage with us at
Run with us in our 30 runs in 10 States, and our 75 groups across the Country

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