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The Birds of a Terrace - # 10.58 - Purple Sunbird (Nectarinia asiatica) - 2023-013

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Anand Arya

Jun 4, 2023, 10:55:21 AM6/4/23
to Narinder Shinh,,, ljfhpf, Anjana Jain, deepak krishna, ANUBHUTI, Isha Garg,,, ASHOK SHARMA Sharma, Yogesh, Rommel Varma, Ajit Jain, Salil Bhandari, Amartya Bhushan, Sharda Narayanan Narayanan, Neeru M. Biswas, PAVAN BHUSHAN BHUSHAN, Jaya Mundkur Mundkur, Animesh Manna Manna, Advika Agrawal, SKANDIA (Srinivasan), Raj Dutt, VEENA-AJIT JAIN JAIN, Sujoy Bannerji Banerjee, Virendra Chawla Chawla, Charu Khurana, Pitamber Mac, HEMANT BISHNOI, Prabhakar, Aakanksha Chandra, Prafulla Gokhale - IIM, D. D. Rishi, Dr. Vinay Bhaskar 15A, Arjun Natrajan - TRAI Advocate, Ashutosh dubey,, Birds-Pix

First the Greeitngs on World Environment Day 2023.  If on this
Environment Day - the lessons cannot be learnt then this Planet
and Life on it is destined is in serious danger.

Example is this Sunbird that could not breed successfully - an event
that I have noticed for the first time and is the ADVERSE Impact of
Climate Change.

The Sunbirds have been known to breed from March to August but most
breeding is concentrated - as per my own records - between late March
to End April and then some in June and then one single record of August.

This year there was Havoc - hardly any hot days from mid March to 
end of May - rain, rain, cloudy, cloudy 9barring a short spell of heat
during early April.

Sunbirds had been seen several time with nesting material and then
these were fooled by the Weather.  Finally, one nest was seen under
construction in Second Week of May.

We were thrilled at see on 15th or so the Bird sitting in the Nest
for long periods and then regularly from 17th. Obvious conclusion was
that the Eggs were there.  Taking into account the incubation period,
we were expecting the Chicks to be seen/heard any time from 27th.
On 1st and 2nd June, we saw it sitting on the edge such that it suggested

But, then it abandoned it on 3rd and we have not seen any activity on
the Nest.

Climate Change is here to stay and many Species would eventually
be lost to Untimely and Extreme Weather as we have seen this year.


Anand Arya
353, Sector 15A
NOIDA 201301
+ 91 98182 61909
"This is a copyrighted image. Not to be used for any purpose without prior permission."
Canon 7D M2 + 100-400mm
Panasonic HC-WXF991

Anand Arya

Jun 4, 2023, 1:44:24 PM6/4/23
to Narinder Shinh,,, ljfhpf, Anjana Jain, deepak krishna, ANUBHUTI, Isha Garg,,, ASHOK SHARMA Sharma, Yogesh, Rommel Varma, Ajit Jain, Salil Bhandari, Amartya Bhushan, Sharda Narayanan Narayanan, Neeru M. Biswas, PAVAN BHUSHAN BHUSHAN, Jaya Mundkur Mundkur, Animesh Manna Manna, Advika Agrawal, SKANDIA (Srinivasan), Raj Dutt, VEENA-AJIT JAIN JAIN, Sujoy Bannerji Banerjee, Virendra Chawla Chawla, Charu Khurana, Pitamber Mac, HEMANT BISHNOI, Prabhakar, Aakanksha Chandra, Prafulla Gokhale - IIM, D. D. Rishi, Dr. Vinay Bhaskar 15A, Arjun Natrajan - TRAI Advocate, Ashutosh dubey,, Birds-Pix
Should have added a Caveat that the Image was taken from
inside the room and hence the quality is not upto standards.
No disturbance to the Bird.

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