Where is the class Job defined?

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Martin Streicher

Oct 20, 2022, 4:42:16 PM10/20/22
to delayed_job
I am digging through the DJ source code to figure out how to better monitor it. One thing stumps me: Where is the module or class `Job` as in `Delayed::Job` defined? Code can call methods on it, so I assume it exists somewhere?

Robert Mathews

Oct 20, 2022, 6:04:41 PM10/20/22
to delay...@googlegroups.com
It's not hard to monitor it, at least at a simple level. Just query the delayed_jobs table via SQL.

For example, the size of queue is Delayed::Job.count and/or "select count(*) from delayed_jobs".

You can further refine your monitoring by getting counts by depriority and/or queue_name.

I've never needed to do any more.

On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 12:42 PM Martin Streicher <martin.s...@gadget.consulting> wrote:
I am digging through the DJ source code to figure out how to better monitor it. One thing stumps me: Where is the module or class `Job` as in `Delayed::Job` defined? Code can call methods on it, so I assume it exists somewhere?


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Martin Streicher

Oct 20, 2022, 9:39:54 PM10/20/22
to delayed_job
To answer my own question... the `Job` of Delayed::Job is defined in the adapter providing a data store to AJ. For me, using Active Record for the data store, `Job` is defined in the active_job_active_record gem. 

I agree about the queues themselves -- easy to monitor from the database. I was interested in tracking the workers, including across several machines. I found the method I would like to hook into in the active_job_active_record gem, but I cannot seem to apply a Ruby refinement to the method. I may have to resort -- gasp! -- an old school monkey-patch to hook in. 

I also am considering the addition of monit to keep the workers running in the event of a crash. 
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