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Camilla's Son Tom -Royal Wild Child, The Times, May 16, 1999

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May 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/16/99
Family ties: the partygoing Tom Parker Bowles, son of Charles's consort
Camilla, is also the prince's godson and a close friend of Prince

A wild child in the royal family
by Christopher Morgan
and Maurice Chittenden

A DISTRAUGHT Tom Parker Bowles telephoned his mother from Cannes
yesterday to apologise for the latest scandal to blacken his family's
name - and then prepared to go into hiding.
The Parker Bowleses - motto: dare to be wise - have been a public
problem for the Queen ever since the affair between the Prince of Wales
and Camilla Parker Bowles became widely known during the annus
horribilis of 1992.

The revelation that Tom, Camilla's son, is a cocaine user will cause
further concern at Buckingham Palace.

Last night his close friends issued a statement by way of apology for
the upset caused. It read: "He is very sorry about all this and humbled
by it, and knows that he has been very stupid. He is very upset by the
whole affair, particularly for dragging his parents into it. He has
promised them that he has hardly ever done this and will not do it ever
again. He would now be grateful if he could be left alone."

Tom Parker Bowles lives with his sister Laura, 21, in a flat in west
London. He has become a regular at London film premieres and talks
openly about his status as a minor celebrity.

His close friendship with William developed after the prince completed
his GCSE examinations nearly a year ago. Parker Bowles now often visits
William at St James's Palace.

Although William has long been one of Tom's acquaintances, it was not
until last year that he first met Camilla in St James's Palace. At
Easter last year Parker Bowles and his sister spent five days with
William as Charles's guests at Birkhall, the Queen Mother's home on the
Balmoral estate.

They both also attended a birthday party for Prince Harry in September
last year. Both Parker Bowles children joined the princes at Charles's
50th birthday party at Highgrove last November.

As his godfather, Charles has a prominent role in Tom's life. Charles
is said to have a photograph of Tom next to his bed in which Tom is
holding Pooh, Charles's Jack Russell. William decided against attending
Tom's 24th birthday celebrations at the fashionable K-Bar, owned by Ben
Elliot, Tom's cousin, in Fulham Road, west London. He is thought to
have feared being caught by photographers and accused of underage

However, the pair are known to have gone on many similar trips when
there was little threat of attracting attention. They were recently
seen together at the London restaurant Foxtrot Oscar and later at the K-
Bar. Earlier this year William attended Laura's 21st birthday at the
Kabaret Club in Soho. William was seen dancing until the early hours.
At a meal beforehand, at Mimmo D'Ischia in Belgravia, William
demonstrated his affection for the family by greeting Laura and Camilla
with a kiss.

Parker Bowles's notoriety as a wild partygoer began in his first year
at Oxford. He joined two clubs: the Piers Gaveston Society, a dining
club famous for its decadence and named after the male lover of King
Edward II; and the secretive Assassins. Both societies have a
reputation for long drunken thrashes and bizarre parties.

Two years ago Parker Bowles wore a PVC dress and plastered his face
with make-up for a fetish party in the Cotswolds. Rubberwear, studded
dog collars, bullwhips and chains were in evidence and a tabloid
photographer managed to capture the partygoers in action. It was said
that "gallons of vodka" were consumed on the night.

Parker Bowles rose to be baron of the Assassins and acquired a
reputation of leading the group into new outrages. His activities with
the Assassins and the Piers Gaveston Society, however, never brought
him into conflict with the law.

His love of partying did not prevent him getting a second-class degree
in English, but a visit to a south London nightclub could have finished
his academic career when he was arrested for possession of cannabis and
ecstasy. He was released with a caution and Oxford decided against
disciplinary action.

In his new role in public relations, he has plenty of time to party. He
escorted Alicia Silverstone, the American actress from the film
Clueless, to the Bafta awards, and this weekend he is in Cannes for the
film festival. Last night he was due at the party to launch the new
Austin Powers film, The Spy Who Shagged Me.

His family has certainly been in the wars. Five years ago, in front of
20m of his future subjects, Prince Charles became the first potential
king to confess to the world that he had cheated on his wife.

The young Camilla Shand had a social circle of friends which overlapped
with that of Charles. In 1964, when she came out on the London social
scene, she was seen as a Swinging Sixties girl who attended high-
profile gatherings of the beautiful people in London, Switzerland and

But although she would remain a secret part of Charles's life, she was
blacklisted as a marriage partner for having a "history": a
relationship with Andrew Parker Bowles, a young officer in the Blues
and Royals. While Charles dithered over his friendship with Camilla she
married Parker Bowles.

It was after the birth of their two children, Thomas Henry Charles,
born in 1974, and Laura Rose, born in 1978, that Camilla's friendship
with Charles began to deepen.

The relationship was finally broadcast to a wider public in 1992 with
the publication of the Camillagate tapes, a late-night x-rated
discussion. Andrew Parker Bowles suffered gibes as the man who laid
down his wife for the royal family, even as he was rewarded with the
title of silver stick in waiting.

However, he was not exactly the retiring type. Far from going into
hiding, he shared his time with at least three middle-aged women.

The Parker Bowleses were granted a divorce in 1995 and, a year later,
Andrew married Rosemary Pitman, a divorced mother of three.

Laura Parker Bowles, the fourth member of this remarkable family, looks
set to grab headlines herself. Last month, when she had her 21st
birthday in the Kabaret Club at a party planned by Tom, one drunken
reveller "mooned" through a taxi window at photographers and another
urinated on the pavement.

The two Parker Bowles children endured the scandal surrounding their
parents marital difficulties through their teenage years. Now it
appears Tom is set to ignite the family's taste for controversy even
further, though any parent with children in their early twenties might
feel at least a smidgen of sympathy for Camilla Parker Bowles.

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May 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/16/99
First off this boy sounds like a snotty spoiled brat who knows good and
well that Charles will bail him out of whatever.

This is also not a good person for William to be hanging with.....

Geezzzz wasn't Dodi considered a lousy scum bag because it was
reported he did Cocaine????? And therefore he wasn't worty to be
around Diana or the boys?????

And after their deaths it was rumoured he had it in the car...

They found it revolting etc. that Diana could be involved with
a "charachter" like this...

Yet Tom Parker Bowles (who looks as ugly as his mother)has a history of
bad behavior... of drug use etc... and he's just "Great" to hang
around with William...

It figures.. sorry no offense meant but Camilla is nothing but rich
Euro Trash.... and her children are examples of her behavior and her
parenting skills.....

Maybe the Queen will finally tell Charles... "enough is enough with
this family" and make him decide...

What a lovely thought!!!!!!!

If that boy was carrying around his own drugs to parties.. I'm sure he
used them in front of William..



May 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/17/99

Charles phones Tom for explanation over drugs

CAMILLA Parker Bowles broke down in tears when her son Tom - Prince Charles'
godson - confessed to using cocaine, it was revealed last night.

But Charles' initial anger at the reckless behaviour of Tom, who is close to
Prince William, quickly turned to concern for Camilla and her wayward son.

In a later talk with William, 16, he said he could make up his own mind about
his friendship with film publicist Tom. With Camilla at his side, Charles had
made a 15-minute phone call to Tom, 24, in Cannes, France, where he is working
at its film festival.

The Prince wanted an explanation of the newspaper story.

Tom - cautioned for drug possession in 1995 - was very apologetic . A friend
said the Prince's first concern was Camilla, who "has been through enough".

Charles thought Tom was irresponsible, but "wanted him to know that he has his

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May 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/17/99

I AM SO SORRY MUM Tom confesses his drug shame in emotional call but says 'I
'm not hooked' DISGRACED Tom Parker Bowles confessed his drug shame in an
emotional phone call to his mother Camilla.

He told her bluntly: "I've taken cocaine - I'm sorry."

Tom, pictured in a Sunday paper looking gaunt and unkempt after allegedly
spending a night sniffing coke, admitted he occasionally took drugs.

But the 24-year-old film publicist, Prince Charles's godson and pal of Prince
William, insisted he was not hooked.

He asked Camilla to break the news to his father, Andrew. Devastated Camilla,
who was preparing to host a dinner party with Charles at his Highgrove home,
wept in anguish.

Camilla and Charles planned to entertain close pals Charles and Patti
Tomkinson, whose daughter Tara has been admitted to a US rehab clinic.

A pal said last night: "Tom said he was really sorry, that it did not happen a
lot and that it was not a habit.

"He feels stupid and blames himself. He is in a party set where it is the norm
to take coke. But he's adamant that he's not an addict."

A source close to Charles and Camilla added: "They knew Tom was involved in
drugs several years ago. But they thought it he'd get through it."

Despite the news, loyal Charles has vowed to stand by Tom and has no intention
of banning Wills from meeting him.

He phoned his 16-year-old son at Eton to warn him the story would appear in
Sunday newspapers.

Then yesterday he met him at Highgrove where he told him he could make his own
mind up about his friendship with Tom.

Vulnerable Wills has admired Tom for years. He sees him not only as a man
about town but as someone completely trustworthy. Of all his pals, Tom has
had the most influence on him,

Charles will now inevitably be asking himself whether he was right to allow
his son so much freedom in his friend's hands.

An insider said: "Charles thinks Tom has been totally irresponsible.

"He is very upset at the distress this has caused to Camilla who can't believe
that after all that has happened to her family, things are still going wrong.

"But there is no question of the prince abandoning Tom."

Another source said: "It is Charles's nature to be loyal, particularly in
circumstances like these. That is not to say he's not angry, but he will
support Tom."

There was more support from Tom's former girlfriend furniture restorer Chloe
Salmon, 23.

She said at her West London home last night: "Tom is not addicted. To say he's
got a problem is ridiculous. Ask any of his friends and they'll tell you the
same." Tom was pictured staggering on a London street after a claimed coke

In another incident, he is said to have taken the designer drug at a party in
London's Fulham.

One of his friends reportedly said: "He walked in and saw cocaine on the

"There were about 20 people present and someone said: 'Do you want some
charlie (cocaine)?' Tom said: 'I've got my own.' He then racked up a couple
of lines and sniffed those."

Tom also reportedly promised to arrange a drug supply to a society girl, and
told her of a coke den he had visited.

While working at Cannes film festival with the PR firm Dennis Davidson
Associates, he told her: "The best place to go is a houseboat. That's what I
did last night." Earlier, he asked: "Do you want gear or weed?"

Yesterday DDA described Tom as an "exemplary employee."

Chief executive officer Stacey Wood, said: "He has our full support and will
continue to be a valued employee.

"Tom has always behaved in a totally professional manner and we would not
tolerate a member of staff who did not do so."

Agency boss Dennis Davidson said: "I'm not shocked by this. Disturbed, yes.
But I really don't think it's unusual.

"This type of thing is part of life in general. Most people have done things
they wish they hadn't, especially at Tom's age.

"He's a silly boy. But he's worked for us for a long time and we've never had
any problems. His job is not on the line. Life goes on."

Tom smiled broadly as he left his hotel for work. Later, speaking on his
mobile telephone, he said he had no plans to cut short his trip to the South
of France.

Refusing to comment on the allegations, he said: "I'm staying out here. It's
work as usual." Earlier, however, friends reportedly said: "He is very sorry
about all this and humbled by it. He knows he's been very stupid.

Tom's father Andrew, 58 - who is divorced from Camilla - refused to discuss
the issue.

After Camilla broke the news to him he travelled to her home near Chippenham,
Wilts, where he spoke to his son on the phone.

Yesterday, he refused to answer callers to his own home at Brokenborough,
Wilts. His new wife, Rosemary Pitman, 57, said: "He has no comment to make."

Tom's sister Laura, 21 - known to be strongly against drugs - was not at the
flat she shares with her brother in a four-storey Georgian block in
Kensington, West London. Old Etonian Tom and Wills, who has followed him to
the school, became close pals in the wake of the break-up of their parents'
marriages. In the last few months the teenage prince has joined Tom and his
pals for several nights out where alcohol is freely available.

William was by far the youngest in a group of Tom's pals when they met at
trendy London restaurant Foxtrot Oscar.

The prince sat in the basement bar while youngsters worked their way through
several bottles of wine.

Their most recent outing together was Laura's 21st birthday. It ended with one
of their friends exposing his bare bottom to photographers while another
drunken partygoer was sick on the pavement.

Four years ago, Tom was arrested and cautioned for carrying cannabis and
Ecstasy tablets as he left a disco in South London.

But, despite this, Charles has had no qualms about allowing Wills to become
friends and it was he who took the first step of bringing his and Camilla's
children together.

Charles invited Tom and Laura to Birkhall, the Queen Mother's house on the
Balmoral estate, during one Easter holiday to see if they would get on. The
five-day break was a success. William, mature beyond his years, thought that
Tom was "pretty cool."

Afterwards the two boys continued to meet every few weeks.

Tom and Laura are now familiar faces at York House, Charles's London
residence, and at Highgrove, where they are so much part of the "family" that
Laura recently asked for several purchases at a local shop in Tetbury to be
put on the prince's account.

Friends of Tom and Laura explain the good relationship between them, Wills and
Prince Harry, 14, by saying they have found comfort in each other.

They share painful memories of the break-up of each of their parents'
marriages, and getting to know each other has been part of the healing.

May 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/17/99


IT is impossible for Prince Charles to trust Tom Parker Bowles ever again.

Not only is the young lad his godchild, he has also become a role model for
Prince William.

So Charles will be shocked at the charges against Tom, the fact that he is a
person who influences his son, and the reality that his life is now blighted
for ever.

But Charles will remain deeply devoted to Tom. He will offer any support he

For, if there is one rock solid thing about Prince Charles, it is his
unswerving loyalty towards old friends and their offspring, however

It may be particularly poignant that Tom is the son of his mistress, Camilla
Parker Bowles, but it is irrelevant. The fact that he is the son of a close,
personal friend is sufficient for Charles to remain on side.

And yet, things between the Prince and Tom can never be the same again. I have
been hearing for some years now that Tom was involved in drugs.

It is impossible that Charles did not have similar information. So this latest
horror story will not have come as a total bombshell to him.

What is so ghastly for Charles is that William has been spending quality time
with Tom.

As heir to the throne, William will spend all of his life short of true
friends. The few who will be around must be honest, decent, loyal and,
hopefully, bright.

Tom has now proved beyond question that he has none of these qualities. But
there will be no denunciation of him by the Royal Family, no obvious attempt
to distance themselves publicly from him.

But the damage has been done and Tom will have to prove himself to his

In the meantime, a warier eye will be kept on William and Prince Harry, with
regard to whom they spend their time.

One of the few bonuses of having a personal bodyguard is that they can watch
and learn.

William might not like this idea but at times such as now it is comforting to
Charles to get an assurance that nothing untoward has been going on. William,
who will be 17 on June 21, is at an age when he wants to experiment. We've
already heard stories that he's been smoking.

What he doesn't need is a role model doing nothing to prevent him trying out
any illegal substance.

If Princess Diana was still alive she would have been able to talk to Wills
about drug-takers. She met dozens of them.

But it's not been at all easy for Tom. The notoriety of his mother's
relationship with Charles came at a vulnerable time of his life.

Teenagers loathe anything that thrusts their parents into the public gaze,
particularly if sex is involved. Tom was at Eton when Camillagate and talk of
tampons was exposed by The Mirror.

Tom nearly died with embarrassment. It got worse when Charles confessed

Poor Tom went into decline. By the time he got to Oxford University he stopped
using his full surname calling himself Tom Bowles.

And he could do nothing but cringe when because of her exposed friendship with
Charles, Camilla was abused. On one awful occasion she was pelted with bread

For younger sister Laura it was as bad. She virtually stopped studying when
she should have been working hard for her GSCEs.

Tom and Laura had a very tough time. Friends sympathised, teachers made
allowances for them but neither flourished.

It was in this atmosphere that the two were trying to mature towards

Tom did not stay on the straight and narrow and pretty Laura, clinging to her
mother, went quiet.

Lately, Tom has grown in confidence. He has realised there can be benefits to
being recognised. Now he is a publicist for a film company, he's prospering
from being a Parker Bowles. The name opens doors.

May 17, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/17/99
Rachel, Irish - I agree, this is terrible. I've been saying for months that
it is inappropriate for a 16 year old to be pals with a 21 and 23 year old.
No one allows their impressionable teenager to hang around with people so
much older than themselves, no matter how 'grown-up' that teenager may be.

What I find damning in these articles is the fact that the editor says he had
heard the drug stories, and therefore Charles knew.

So Charles allowed his son to continue a friendship with someone who uses

This is more than disgraceful, it is criminal.

Also, what does 'standing by' him really mean? Tom needs to be in drug rehab
from the sounds of it, not ignored. What is this whole attitude that he
isn't an addict, he just uses every now and then, as if that makes it OK?
The person who sold the drugs to him, if caught, in the US, would spend
quality time in jail even for a small amount. It's not considered trivial.

But if you are the son of the future King's mistress, that makes it just a
boo- boo?

Lord Spencer should exercise some of the authority he has with his family to
move in court to remove his nephews from their father's care. My worst fears
seem to have panned out, that Charles, self-absorbed creature that he really
is - no "good" father - has allowed servants (Tiggy) and inappropriate
people, like Tom Parker Bowles, to take care of his sons.

And look at the result. What is this little mention below that William smokes,
for example? I've never heard of that, but if he has taken up smoking, what
else may he have done?

None of this would be happening if Diana had lived. She would never have
permitted this friendship.


May 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/18/99


WITH a smug grin on his face, shades on his head and a trade paper in
one hand, Tom Parker Bowles seemed carefree yesterday despite his
cocaine shame.

The godson of Prince Charles and son of the Prince's companion Camilla
was back at work plugging movies at the Cannes Film Festival. Friends
claimed he felt "humbled" when his drug- snorting was exposed. But Tom,
24 - said to be admired by young Prince Wills - was merely ticked off
as "a silly boy" by his boss at Dennis Davidson Associates.

So he had every reason to look pleased with himself as he arrived at
the firm's offices at the Majestic Hotel - safe in the knowledge he
still had a job.

May 18, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/18/99
Monday, May 17, 1999 Published at 14:50 GMT 15:50 UK


Charles ticks off godson over drugs

Tom Parker Bowles with his mother Camilla

The Prince of Wales is reported to have telephoned his godson Tom
Parker Bowles and given him a severe scolding over newspaper claims
that he had taken cocaine.

BBC Royal Correspondent Jennie Bond: "Tom Parker Bowles is keeping a
low profile"
The 24-year-old film publicist and son of Camilla Parker Bowles
received the call while on a business trip to Cannes in France.

Prince Charles, whose sons William and Harry are good friends of Tom
and his sister Laura, reportedly told him: "You've been a bloody fool.
Pull yourself together."

Prince Charles: Furious
The BBC court correspondent Jennie Bond said that the prince was very
angry but also concerned.

He summoned his sons to Highgrove for a frank face-to-face discussion
on the sensitive issue of drugs.

There are reports that William has had a cigarette or two but there is
no suggestion that the princes have been involved with drugs.

And Tom Parker Bowles has reassured Prince Charles that he has never
taken drugs in front of the princes.

Fighting drugs is an issue close to Prince Charles' heart and he is
patron of the drugs charity Phoenix House.

"He's been very frank in discussing these issues with the people in our
services and they have responded in the same way," said Bill Puddicombe
of Phoenix House. "So he's concerned about the individuals and the
stories he's heard."

Anxious Camilla

According to royal sources, Tom, who is not making any comment on the
reports, does not have a serious problem and that it is just an
occasional habit.

Prince William: Heart-to-heart chat with father
However his mother is believed to be deeply saddened by the reports
four years after her son was cautioned for possession of cannabis and

Tom's father, Andrew, visited ex-wife Mrs Parker Bowles twice over the
weekend to discuss the matter.

Their son is said to be feeling "contrite" and promised his parents he
will steer clear of drugs in the future.

In Cannes, Tom's employers, PR firm Dennis Davidson Associates, assured
reporters his job was safe and that he had always behaved in a
professional manner.

'Coke den'

Sunday newpapers had reported that Tom was "high on coke" while at the
Cannes Film Festival.

Front-page news on the tabloids
The News of the World said Mr Parker Bowles told a friend he "did a
line with someone I found last night". Undercover journalists
reportedly overheard the conversation at a pavement cafe on Friday.

He was quoted as promising to "arrange a drug supply to a society
girl", and suggesting a "coke den he visited".

Mr Parker Bowles simply smiled at reporters while going about his work
on Sunday, and offered "no comment" to questions about the drug claims.

May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99


DISGRACED Tom Parker Bowles is putting his drugs shame behind him -
with help from Bond girl Maryam D'Abo in Cannes.

May 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/22/99

Camilla's boy back in swing
SHAMED Tom Parker Bowles is back in the party mood - with an ex- Bond
girl on his arm.

He returned to the limelight with actress Maryam D'Abo in his first
night on the town since he was exposed as a cocaine user last weekend.

The venue was a star-studded bash at the Cannes Film Festival to
support the charity Cinema Against AIDS.

And contrite Tom seemed determined to get things right. The film
company PR wore a 007-style tuxedo to escort his date, who starred
opposite Timothy Dalton in The Living Daylights.

And his gaze was for her eyes only as they danced cheek to cheek. Mum
Camilla was said to be "devastated" by the cocaine revelations.

And his godfather Prince Charles gave him a stern talking-to, fearful
that he could have a bad influence on sons William and Harry.

Old Etonian Tom, 24, who was cautioned as a student for possessing
cannabis and ecstasy, has vowed his cocaine days are over.

A pal at the bash said: "Tom is keen to put it all behind him and he
was doing a good job at the party."

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