Download Ethereum Wallet App |BEST|

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Fajar Roux

Jan 25, 2024, 10:23:03 AMJan 25
to dehosreba

Mist now injects contractAddress on web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt() responses when the node does not return it. Which means, when using the Ethereum Wallet with Light Client enabled, it would properly show newly-created wallet contracts. See #3265.

From this version on Mist will not ship its own web3.js instance anymore. We only provide for now web3.currentProvider so you can connect to ethereum. In the future, we will provide a special ethereum object with a default provider.

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And if you want to create your own solo network for testing purposes (or in a workshop where you have a very poor internet connection) you can also do it directly via the Develop menu: it will create a local network just for your computer in which you can test, mine and publish local contracts. It will use the --dev flag on your Geth node. From the Mist UI console (developer tools), you can use and control the web3 object.
See (command line options)[ -ethereum/wiki/Command-Line-Options]. #2723.

It will even double check the name and can redirect to preferred names, so if you type "ethereum" it will see that it points to the address of the Ethereum Foundation tip-jar, which calls itself "ethereumfoundation".

As Mist 0.9.0 release is approaching, we'd like to inform that in the near future, from 0.9.0 onwards it won't inject web3 object by default on Dapps. This is a measure to keep Dapps stable on the long run as ethereum ecosystem evolves. We'll provide a developer preview version, so Dapp developers will have time to update their Dapps accordingly.

Hi there. I want to use more than 1 ETH address for privacy reasons on my Ledger wallet. How do I do this? Is it possible to create the address using MetaMask and still see the balance and transfer it in ledger Live?

@Pilgrimsmaster Yup, seen it. It is just a address storage, tho. I made this specifically to send, receive, and create new addresses on the fly. I will do the same for BTC when I get time, but emulating a full wallet is the goal.

Cool so i used faucet and got some ETH, i have sent and recieved some checked balace etc and can honestly say it all checks out and works great. the only point i would add is its a PITA to type in an wallet address.

I think the internet can explain it better than me, but, your wallet is just your way to view what is stored in the ethereum blockchain.
As long as you have your recovery keys you can view the blockchain by typing the keys into some other wallet.

I will be able to receive any ERC-20 currency in a private ETHERIUM wallet, however I will need to move some actual ETH into the wallet (to cover gas fee) if I intend to move the funds to another wallet such as an exchange where I can potentially convert to fiat or another currency?

As a result, more users have been eager to join the Ethernet network. However, the more people join the community, the greater is the need to create totally secure cryptocurrency wallets, where users can safely store their Ethereum coins and ERC-20 tokens. As of today, an astonishing variety of Ethereum wallets exists, but choosing the right one is a tall order, since you have to consider a number of important factors, including security, ease of use, reliability, functionality, durability, etc.

A private key, in its turn, is the password to your wallet, which means that it cannot be given to anyone. It unlocks your wallet and grants you total control over the contents. If your private key is compromised, anyone will be able to steal your coins. The only viable solution to this problem is to create a new wallet with a new private key and transfer your coins into that one.

A hot wallet can store your private keys online, making them accessible to you from virtually any part of the world on the condition that you have an Internet connection. However, they are not the safest option since they run the risk of being hacked by scammers aiming to steal your funds.

Cold wallets, on the other hand, are always non-custodial and they enable you to store the keys offline. You connect them to the Internet only when you need to make a transaction. This makes them much more reliable and less susceptible to hacker attacks.

Installing two-factor authentication is by far the best way of boosting your security in the short term, which is especially important for custodial wallets. By doing this, you will ensure that access to the wallet is granted only after fulfilling two steps of an authentication procedure: entering a password and providing a numerical code sent to a mobile device. 2FA greatly reduces the risk of your account being stolen as the hacker will have to gain access to both the password and your actual phone.

In general, paper wallets can boast the following pros: they are very secure if properly used and therefore suitable for storing large amounts of Ether. As for the cons, keep in mind that once you access your funds from a digital wallet, its record becomes available in the history of transactions. So you will have to create a new paper wallet to maintain the unbreakable security.

Being one of the most reliable ways of storing cryptocurrency, a hardware wallet resembles a USB drive. It allows you to store your private keys inside a physical medium. To access them, you can connect the pen drive to any desktop computer or laptop and enter a four-digit PIN code.

Browser wallets offer a relatively secure and efficient way of handling and signing blockchain transactions directly in ordinary browsers like Google Chrome. As well as this, browser wallets are a neat tool for interacting with some Web3 applications that are provided on Ethereum.

Some other notable features of the wallet comprise support for smart contracts, the ability to swap ETH to BTC, and the opportunity to keep your Ethereum private keys on your computer, which undoubtedly guarantees greater security compared to other wallets of the same type.

In addition, this wallet supports different cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Augur, Dash, Factom, Golem, and Litecoin, which makes Exodus a great option for those who have various types of coins in their portfolio.

MetaMask is a wallet in the form of a cross-browser extension for Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Brave that grants access to the Ethereum network and DApps. This Ethereum wallet type is safe, convenient, and easy to use and it allows you to encrypt your password and store it on your computer.

Ledger Nano S is regarded as one of the highest-rated hardware wallets. It supports Ethereum, different types of ERC-20 tokens, and even other cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Litecoin, and so on. Ledger Nano S comes with a small OLED screen, which significantly simplifies the monitoring of your transactions. It also includes two-factor authentication and a PIN code as well as recovery seed functionality. Just as importantly, Nano S can also be integrated with MyEtherWallet in order to send, receive, and hold tokens. It runs on operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Ledger Nano X is the successor of the popular Ledger Nano S and it is considered to be one of the most popular ETH hardware wallets. It supports all tokens on the Ethereum blockchain and includes such features as a battery and Bluetooth, which provide for increased mobility. Moreover, Ledger Nano X allows you to install up to 100 apps at the same time, supporting 1800+ different tokens.

Thanks to Argent wallet, you can store, purchase, and exchange your coins directly in the app. Crypto can be bought with Apple Pay, a credit card, or a bank transfer. When using the app, you can earn interest on Ethereum, as Argent is a partner with the Compound platform.

Atomic Wallet is a non-custodial decentralized wallet that helps you manage Ethereum and ERC20 tokens and supports over 300 other coins and tokens. Moreover, it allows you to buy ETH with your credit card.

However, if your business is looking for its own unique Ethereum payment solution that will comply with its specific needs and requirements, you can always consider bespoke wallet development. This will undoubtedly bring you and your project lots of benefits, including greater flexibility and a more positive user experience.

Vault can help. Vault's raison d'être is to solve the secrets management problem. And since Vault can scale from a single laptop to a highly available, globally replicated data center, it can be used as a personal wallet or as an enabler of enterprise blockchain use. Vault's design allows it to broker many forms of authentication with many forms of credentialing. As a consequence of using Vault as a platform for an Ethereum Wallet, I was able to trivially add MFA support - making Vault the first standalone Ethereum Wallet with MFA. Another benefit of using Vault as a platform for an Ethereum Wallet is that we get all the benefits of a hierarchical deterministic wallet without the risk - with this Vault plugin, I can very quickly and easily create many Ethereum accounts based on independently derived private keys.

The Vault Ethereum plugin is an implementation of a secret backend. This plugin provides many of the capabilities of an Ethereum wallet. It supports public and private chains. It can support smart contract continuous development practices by providing mechanisms to deploy smart contracts. It enables you to sign and verify signatures on arbitrary data. And, of course, you can send ETH.

To demonstrate the power of using Vault as a platform for blockchain wallets, let's use the Vault Ethereum plugin to build an MFA-enabled Ethereum desktop wallet. To keep this exercise focused on this use case, I will make a few assumptions:

Whether we are running a private chain, testnet or on the mainnet, we may want to use existing accounts. These accounts are often stored in a file format known as a JSON keystore. The plugin supports importing JSON keystores. (For the Mist browser or Ethereum wallet, keystores are stored in /.ethereum/keystore.)

Lastly, we want to demonstrate how easy it is to backup our Ethereum Wallet. If we want to move a personal wallet onto another machine or put it into offline storage, it is a very simple exercise. Before we take our wallet offline, we need to spend a moment talking about the Vault seal.

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