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hs ks

Jun 13, 2019, 10:21:08 PM6/13/19
to Deep Q-Learning
Dear Sir/ Madam,

An Urgent Request from Desperate Hong-Kongers: Human Rights Concerns of Journalists and Civilians in Hong Kong

We are writing to express our concerns towards the infringement of human rights due to the unacceptable actions of the police force towards civilians in Hong Kong. On 9th June, a massive demonstration with over a million Hong-Kongers took place in protest against the Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill (2019). However, the Hong Kong government insisted on scheduling the second and third reading of the bill in the Legislative Council of Hong Kong on 11th June. This issue has aroused global attention and triggered concerns towards Hong Kong’s position as an international trading hub.

To commence with, although over a million people participated in the peaceful demonstration on 9th June, the Hong Kong government still refused to respect the opinion of society and revoke the bill. The bill is now scheduled for debates from 13th to 20th June at the Legislative Council. Meanwhile, the public, amongst them were mostly young people, started another peaceful demonstration on 12th June, demanding the withdrawal of the bill. It ended with the Hong Kong Police Force demonstrated unreasonable and excessive use of force against peaceful protesters. Firing tear gas, rubber bullets and beanbag rounds in their shotguns and rifles, they claimed that such weapons are used for the purpose of self-defence against unarmed civilians, and declared the demonstration as a riot. Although rubber bullets and beanbag rounds are non-lethal weapons, they were only intended to be shot at the lower part of human body for repulsion purposes. According to the director of Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor, as Hong Kong is a densely-populated city, it is not appropriate to fire such weapons as it could cause bone fractures or even death in the worst case.

Moreover, under the International Humanitarian Law, civilians, medical personnel, aid workers and journalists should be protected against direct attacks. Yet, on the 12th of June, the Hong Kong Police Force had carried out numerous direct attacks by shooting tear gas and using batons and unnecessary force targeted at unarmed civilians and journalists. They even blocked the way for the ambulance, intended on preventing the medical personnel from reaching the injured protesters. This had clearly violated the fifth Law of War: ‘Mandate that the sick and wounded have a right to be cared for, regardless of whose side they are on’. Numerous videos taken by the civilians and reporters are solid evidence of such unnecessary violence.

There was this story back in February 1992, a former East Berlin Wall guard Ingo Heinrich, who shot-killed the countryman Chris Gueffroy fleeing to West, was sentenced to prison for 3 ½ years. Heinrich had pleaded with the judge to find him not guilty because he was merely following the laws and commands of the German Democratic Republic as he had no choice in his position. Yet, Judge Seidel did not accept this reason, as he explained that “not everything in the law books is just”, even though East German law specifically allowed the use of force to “secure the state border”. He also said, “the lesson of German history is that each person must use his conscience and decide ‘to refuse to obey immoral standards’.” What happened recently in Hong Kong seemed to have become a replica of such historical events - but it was the then 1992 Germany, and we are now living in 2019 Hong Kong.

The actions of the Hong Kong Police Force violated the law on police use of force inflicting grievous bodily harm and injuries to the protesters. It also violates the fundamental and core values of freedom and human rights in Hong Kong. Therefore, we would like to urge you to publicly address this issue to protect the civilians in Hong Kong under the extreme circumstances we are facing right now. Please kindly advise if there is anything you could do to put right the unjust actions of the police force. We look forward to your prompt reply on this important matter.

Yours Sincerely and Truthfully,
A group of desperate Hong-Kongers
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