Questions about tau method and difficulty creating square system

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Ford Khoudary

Jun 12, 2024, 11:16:47 AMJun 12
to Dedalus Users
Hey Dedalus Users,

Im a rising sophomore at UNC-CH who recently started working with Dedalus (and programming in general). Currently I'm trying to recreate the simulations from this paper: of density and velocity fields for fluid on a disk using Toner-Tu hydrodynamics via Dedalus (with an initially homogenous density and a random velocity field as initial conditions). However, I haven't quite been able to figure out how to make the system both square and non singular. Ive attached a screenshot of the two differential equations I've implemented (from the Topology-Driven Ordering of Flocking Matter paper linked above). Along with these two equations I've also added a no-normal flow condition to the disk. I've tried adding tau_p and tau_u terms to my equations but I believe my understanding of the tau method is flawed (I've been adding a tau_p term to the LHS of my first equation, tried introducing a lift term and tau_p to my second). How/where would I add these terms in so that the simulation runs and why? I'd like to develop a better understanding of this method since I will want to utilize Dedalus more in the future.

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import dedalus.public as d3

from scipy.special import jv

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('__name__')



Nphi = 32

Nr = 128

l = 0.7

D = 1*10^(-7)

a = 100

b = 1*10^(-5)

s = 5*10^(-6)

stop_sim_time = 20

timestep = 1*10^(-3)

timestepper = d3.RK222

dtype = np.float64


coords = d3.PolarCoordinates('phi','r')

dist = d3.Distributor(coords, dtype=dtype)

disk = d3.DiskBasis(coords, shape=(Nphi, Nr), radius=1, dtype=dtype)

edge = disk.edge



p = dist.Field(name='p', bases=disk) #density

u = dist.VectorField(coords, name='u', bases=disk) #velocity

tau_u = dist.VectorField(coords, name='tau_u', bases=disk.edge)

tau_p = dist.Field(name='tau_p ')

t = dist.Field()


phi, r = dist.local_grids(disk)

#Initial Conditions

p0 = 0.1


u.fill_random('g', seed=42, distribution='normal')


problem = d3.IVP([p, u], time=t, namespace=locals())


problem.add_equation("dt(u)+s*grad(p)-D*lap(u)= (-l*u)@grad(u)+(a-b*(u@u))*u")



solver = problem.build_solver(timestepper)

solver.stop_sim_time = stop_sim_time

# Main loop

try:'Starting main loop')

    while solver.proceed:


        if (solver.iteration-1) % 100 == 0:

            max_u = 'u'

  "Iteration=%i, Time=%e, dt=%e, max(u)=%e" %(solver.iteration, solver.sim_time, timestep, max_u))


    logger.error('Exception raised, triggering end of main loop.')




Any guidance is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 5.31.55 PM.png

Jeffrey S. Oishi

Jun 12, 2024, 6:07:50 PMJun 12
Hi Ford,

I'm glad you're excited about using Dedalus! Your script has a number
of issues, some of which come from a lack of familiarity with python

D = 1*10^(-7)

is not what you want. You want

D = 1e-7.

Carat (^) does not do exponentiation in python; I suggest you read a
basic python tutorial to get your head around syntactic stuff like
this. This is a dangerous problem because carat is indeed a
well-defined python operator, so it does not raise a syntax error.
Instead it silently gives you a very, very different numerical value.

There are also some mathematical issues with your formulation; I have
fixed those here: with diffusive hydrodynamics (one laplacian) in the
disk, you get one boundary condition and thus one (vector) tau because
there is one laplacian and one boundary. That tau goes on the left
hand side of the u equation. Since the density field has no
laplacians, it has no boundary conditions.

The attached script runs, though I think the domain might be too small
to see much action. I've also attached a very simple plotting script.
I've added some output that might be useful to you, including the
magnitude of p = u/umag as defined in the paper and a few other
things. I've also corrected the fact that in the paper you pointed out
alpha and beta are density-dependent, rendering the entire generalized
drag term non-linear. If alpha is a constant, then that part of the
drag becomes linear and can be moved to the LHS.

The most important thing is boundary conditions: right now, it is easy
to do no-slip (u(r=1) = 0) in the disk but not so easy to do other
conditions. If you need different boundary conditions, let us know; I
know you specified no normal flow. You actually need more than that
for viscous flow; you would need to specify the other component of
velocity for the system to be well-posed.

Finally, I'm very interested in generalized hydrodynamics and active
matter (and have worked a bit with Toner-Tu before), so I'm very
excited to see what you find with this! I'm also happy to chat
off-line if you like.

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Ford Khoudary

Jun 19, 2024, 11:56:29 PMJun 19
to Dedalus Users
Hey Jeff,
Thank you so much for the immense amount of help I really appreciate it! I tried to send you a message late last week but for some reason it didn't reach you, sorry about that. I would absolutely love to chat offline, how can I best contact you? 
Again I apologize for the for the late response I was unaware my message wasn't sent, and also thank you again for the incredible assistance,
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