Wave equation with Dirichlet bc blows up

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Ju Dith

Jun 12, 2024, 6:27:17 AMJun 12
to Dedalus Users
Hi Dedalus experts,

I tried implementing a nonlinear wave equation

w_{tt} = w_{xx} + alpha*w^2

with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions.

The relevant code lines are these:

a = 0   # even unstable without nonlinearity

# Bases and domain
xcoord = d3.Coordinate('x')
dist = d3.Distributor(xcoord, comm=MPI.COMM_SELF, dtype=float)
xbasis = d3.Chebyshev(xcoord, size=Nx, bounds=(xmin, xmax), dealias=dealias)
domain = Domain(dist, bases=[xbasis])

# Fields
w = dist.Field(bases=xbasis, name='w')
wt = dist.Field(bases=xbasis, name='wt')
tauw = dist.Field(name='tauw')
tauwt = dist.Field(name='tauw1')
t = dist.Field()
tempul = dist.Field()
lift_basis = xbasis.derivative_basis(1)
x = dist.local_grid(xbasis)

def lift(A, n): return d3.Lift(A, lift_basis, n)

def dx(p): return d3.Differentiate(p, xcoord)

# Problems
nonlinProblem = d3.IVP([w, wt, tauw, tauwt], time=t, namespace=locals())
nonlinProblem.add_equation("dt(w) - wt + tauw = 0")
nonlinProblem.add_equation("dt(wt) + lift(tauwt, -1) - dx(dx(w)) = a*w**2")
nonlinProblem.add_equation("w(x='left') = 0")
nonlinProblem.add_equation("w(x='right') = 0")

nonlinSolver = nonlinProblem.build_solver(d3.RK443)

w['g'] = np.exp(-100*x**2)
wt['g'] = 0

This blows up after a short time. I guess something's messed up with the tau terms, but I don't know what. A finer time step (like 1e-5) does not help a lot.

Any help would be very much appreciated!


Keaton Burns

Jun 12, 2024, 9:11:21 AMJun 12
to dedalu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Judith,

This is the right approach for reducing the system to first-order in time using “wt”, but that equation actually doesn’t need a tau term. Both tau terms should go in the equation with the second-order spatial derivatives, which you could do either in:

  • first order form, making the substitution wx = dx(w)+lift(tauw,-1) and using dx(wx) in the equation.


  • second order form, adding lift(tauw,-2) to the equation, and making lift_basis = xbasis.derivative_basis(2).


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Ju Dith

Jun 12, 2024, 10:29:43 AMJun 12
to dedalu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Keaton,

Thanks a lot, this works!


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