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About Integration in Dedalus, and tau fields

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Vhaskar Chakraborty

Nov 19, 2024, 9:40:16 AM11/19/24
to Dedalus Users
Hello, I am new in Dedalus , I am solving a pde, where I am facing two problems,
1.          I am solving for a value T(x,y,t) , now I want to also integrate and get an average of this T with respect to x and y domains, i.e within the boundary conditions. for that i ahve to integrate T over x and the y over their domains. Then I will get <T>  vs t , How to do that ?

2.         For boundary conditions, say I am having two robin like boundary conditions , I have seen in other examples that tau fields are created for that, and those are in for this case x basis . Why is that ?   I need to understand a bit about tau fields.

Thank you ,the pde solver has helped me a lot , if I can through these I will be immensely helped

Jeffrey S. Oishi

Nov 19, 2024, 10:34:25 AM11/19/24

Please have a look at our documentation. Both of your questions are answered there:

1.          I am solving for a value T(x,y,t) , now I want to also integrate and get an average of this T with respect to x and y domains, i.e within the boundary conditions. for that i ahve to integrate T over x and the y over their domains. Then I will get <T>  vs t , How to do that ?

2.         For boundary conditions, say I am having two robin like boundary conditions , I have seen in other examples that tau fields are created for that, and those are in for this case x basis . Why is that ?   I need to understand a bit about tau fields.

We ask that you please read the documentation first. If there is something you don't understand afterwards, please feel free to ask specific questions here.


Vhaskar Chakraborty

Dec 5, 2024, 6:44:26 AM12/5/24
Thank you sir, it helped me a lot, I did get an average of as you said , and I read about that in the documentation.
I have an separate question apart from this, it's related to Librational instability IVP,
there we have a function of time, and u0 which is included in the problem, I had a similar function of time, which I could explain with numpy functions such as np.cos and np.sin and it worked fine.
in my next problem I have an interpolation function, i.e I have a data which is dependent on time , and I have created an interpolation function out of it, so that i can use that in my problem equation, but unlike np.cos and np.sin, first it was not taking t as a field, and when I gave t['g'] , I think what is happening that it is only giving the value of that function in the current time, but for IVPs we need value of the function at different times.

Thanks again for the help

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Yours Sincerely,
Vhaskar Chakraborty                             भास्कर चक्रबोर्ती                           
Research Scholar                                  अनुसंधान विद्वान
Department of  Physics                          भौतिकी विभाग    
Condensed Matter Theory Laboratory
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Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, India 
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