Orszag Tang Vortex in Dedalus 3

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Sofiane Alla

Nov 20, 2024, 7:17:10 AMNov 20
to Dedalus Users
Hi everyone, 

I am building a little project in AI for fusion, and I wanted to reproduce the results of the original paper as a basis to build a FNO surrogate: methods_paper_examples/orszag_tang_vortex at master · DedalusProject/methods_paper_examples

I troubleshoot most of the compatibility issues switching from dedalus 2 to 3, but I still face major stability issues. The main problem that I have is matrix dimensionality mismatch between x_basis, y_basis and the initial conditions x and y when the dealiasing factor is 3/2. Also what is the equivalent of Domain.grid(0) in Dedalus 3? I used global_grid but it causes instabilities. 

Here's the code below (hope that helps! I will make it open source once everything is fixed): 

import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
import time

from dedalus import public as de
from dedalus.extras import flow_tools

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Parameters
Lx, Ly = (1., 1.)
Prandtl_m = 1.
Prandtl = 1.
Rm = 1e4

gamma = 5/3
c_v = 1/(gamma-1)
c_p = gamma*c_v

# Create coordinate objects
coords = de.CartesianCoordinates('x', 'y')
x = coords['x']
y = coords['y']

# Create a distributor with complex data type
dist = de.Distributor(coords, dtype=np.float64)

# Define Fourier bases for each coordinate
x_basis = de.Fourier(x, size=256, bounds=(0, Lx), dealias=3/2, dtype=dtype)
y_basis = de.Fourier(y, size=256, bounds=(0, Ly), dealias=3/2, dtype=dtype)

# Create fields for your variables
u = dist.Field(name='u', bases=(x_basis, y_basis))
v = dist.Field(name='v', bases=(x_basis, y_basis))
T = dist.Field(name='T', bases=(x_basis, y_basis))
logrho = dist.Field(name='logrho', bases=(x_basis, y_basis))
A = dist.Field(name='A', bases=(x_basis, y_basis))

# Set up the initial value problem (IVP)
problem = de.IVP([u, v, T, logrho, A], time='t')

# Define parameters and assign them to the problem's namespace
eta = 1 / Rm
nu = Prandtl_m / Rm
chi = Prandtl_m / (Prandtl * Rm)
T0 = 1. / gamma

problem.namespace['eta'] = eta
problem.namespace['nu'] = nu
problem.namespace['chi'] = chi
problem.namespace['gamma'] = gamma
problem.namespace['c_v'] = c_v
problem.namespace['T0'] = T0

# Define differential operators using the Differentiate operator
dx = lambda f: de.Differentiate(f, x)
dy = lambda f: de.Differentiate(f, y)

# Assign differential operators to the problem namespace
problem.namespace['dx'] = dx
problem.namespace['dy'] = dy

# Define substitutions directly using the operators
bx = dy(A)
by = -dx(A)
p_m = 0.5 * (dx(A)**2 + dy(A)**2)
div_u = dx(u) + dy(v)

# Assign computed quantities to the problem's namespace
problem.namespace['bx'] = bx
problem.namespace['by'] = by
problem.namespace['p_m'] = p_m
problem.namespace['div_u'] = div_u

# Viscous terms
viscous_u_lhs = nu * (-dx(dx(u)) - dy(dy(u)) - (1./3.) * dx(div_u))
viscous_v_lhs = nu * (-dx(dx(v)) - dy(dy(v)) - (1./3.) * dy(div_u))

viscous_u_rhs = nu * (
    dx(logrho)*dx(u) + dy(logrho)*dy(u) +
    dx(u)*dx(logrho) + dx(v)*dy(logrho) -

viscous_v_rhs = nu * (
    dx(logrho)*dx(v) + dy(logrho)*dy(v) +
    dy(u)*dx(logrho) + dy(v)*dy(logrho) -

viscous_heating = (
    2.*dx(u)**2 + dy(u)**2 + dx(v)**2 + 2.*dy(v)**2 +
    2.*dx(v)*dy(u) - (2./3.)*div_u**2

ohmic_heating = (dx(dx(A)) + dy(dy(A)))**2

# Assign viscous terms to the namespace
problem.namespace['viscous_u_lhs'] = viscous_u_lhs
problem.namespace['viscous_v_lhs'] = viscous_v_lhs
problem.namespace['viscous_u_rhs'] = viscous_u_rhs
problem.namespace['viscous_v_rhs'] = viscous_v_rhs
problem.namespace['viscous_heating'] = viscous_heating
problem.namespace['ohmic_heating'] = ohmic_heating

# Use de.math.exp for the exponential function
exp_neg_logrho = np.exp(-logrho)
problem.namespace['exp_neg_logrho'] = exp_neg_logrho

# Add equations to the problem
    "dt(u) + dx(T) + T0*dx(logrho) + viscous_u_lhs = "
    "-T*dx(logrho) - (u*dx(u) + v*dy(u)) + viscous_u_rhs + "
    "(bx*dx(bx) + by*dy(bx) - dx(p_m))*exp_neg_logrho"

    "dt(v) + dy(T) + T0*dy(logrho) + viscous_v_lhs = "
    "-T*dy(logrho) - (u*dx(v) + v*dy(v)) + viscous_v_rhs + "
    "(bx*dx(by) + by*dy(by) - dy(p_m))*exp_neg_logrho"

    "dt(logrho) + div_u = -u*dx(logrho) - v*dy(logrho)"

    "dt(T) + (gamma - 1)*T0*div_u - chi/c_v*(dx(dx(T)) + dy(dy(T))) = "
    "-u*dx(T) - v*dy(T) - (gamma - 1)*T*div_u + chi/c_v*(dx(T)*dx(logrho) + dy(T)*dy(logrho)) + "
    "nu/c_v*viscous_heating + eta/c_v*ohmic_heating*exp_neg_logrho"

    "dt(A) - eta*(dx(dx(A)) + dy(dy(A))) = u*by - v*bx"

# Build solver
solver = problem.build_solver(timestepper)
logger.info('Solver built')

import math

# Access evaluator
evaluator = solver.evaluator

# Update the evaluator's vars with problem's namespace

# Assign differential operators and functions to evaluator's vars
evaluator.vars['dx'] = dx
evaluator.vars['dy'] = dy

# Assign fields and parameters to evaluator's vars
evaluator.vars['A'] = A
evaluator.vars['logrho'] = logrho
evaluator.vars['T'] = T
evaluator.vars['T0'] = T0

# Import 'exp' function from dedalus.core.math
evaluator.vars['exp'] = np.exp

# Define 'bx' and 'by' in the evaluator's vars
bx_eval = evaluator.vars['dy'](A)
by_eval = -evaluator.vars['dx'](A)
evaluator.vars['bx'] = bx_eval
evaluator.vars['by'] = by_eval

# Initial conditions
# Retrieve 1D grids at the dealiased scales
x_grid = x_basis.global_grid(dist, scale=1)
y_grid = y_basis.global_grid(dist, scale=1)

# Use the field variables directly
logrho['g'] = np.log(25/(36*np.pi))

u['g'] = - np.sin(2*np.pi*y_grid)
v['g'] =   np.sin(2*np.pi*x_grid)

B0 = 1/np.sqrt(4*np.pi)
A['g'] = B0*( np.cos(4*np.pi*x_grid)/(4*np.pi) + np.cos(2*np.pi*y_grid)/(2*np.pi) )

# Set initial T
T['g'] = 0.0  # Assuming initial temperature perturbation is zero

# Initial timestep
dt = 0.000025

# Integration parameters
solver.stop_sim_time = 1.001
solver.stop_wall_time = np.inf
solver.stop_iteration = np.inf

# Analysis
snapshots = evaluator.add_file_handler('/content/drive/My Drive/snapshots_Re1e4_48', sim_dt=0.01, max_writes=10)

# Add fields
snapshots.add_task(u, name='u')
snapshots.add_task(v, name='v')
snapshots.add_task(T, name='T')
snapshots.add_task(logrho, name='logrho')
snapshots.add_task(A, name='A')

# Add computed quantities
snapshots.add_task(bx, name="Bx")
snapshots.add_task(by, name="By")
snapshots.add_task(np.exp(logrho), name="rho")
snapshots.add_task(T + T0, name="temp")

from dedalus.extras.flow_tools import CFL

CFL = CFL(solver, initial_dt=dt, cadence=5, safety=0.6,
          max_change=1.5, min_change=0.5, max_dt=0.05, threshold=0.05)

# Import VectorField
from dedalus.core.field import VectorField

# Create vector field for velocity
velocity = dist.VectorField(coords, name='velocity', bases=(x_basis, y_basis))
velocity['g'][0] = u['g']
velocity['g'][1] = v['g']

# Create fields for bx and by
bx_field = dist.Field(name='bx', bases=(x_basis, y_basis))
by_field = dist.Field(name='by', bases=(x_basis, y_basis))

# Compute bx and by
bx_field['g'] = evaluator.vars['dy'](A).evaluate()['g']
by_field['g'] = (-evaluator.vars['dx'](A)).evaluate()['g']

# Create vector field for magnetic field
magnetic_field = dist.VectorField(coords, name='magnetic_field', bases=(x_basis, y_basis))
magnetic_field['g'][0] = bx_field['g']
magnetic_field['g'][1] = by_field['g']

# Add vector fields to CFL

# Flow properties
# Import 'exp' function from dedalus.core.math
evaluator.vars['sqrt'] = math.sqrt

flow = flow_tools.GlobalFlowProperty(solver, cadence=10)
flow.add_property(np.sqrt(u*u + v*v) / eta, name='Rm')
flow.add_property(np.sqrt(bx*bx + by*by) / eta, name='S')

# Main loop
    logger.info('Starting loop')
    start_time = time.time()
    while solver.proceed:
        dt = CFL.compute_timestep()
        if (solver.iteration - 1) % 10 == 0:
            logger.info('Iteration: %i, Time: %e, dt: %e' % (solver.iteration, solver.sim_time, dt))
            logger.info('Max Rm = %f' % flow.max('Rm'))
            logger.info('Max S = %f' % flow.max('S'))
except Exception as e:
    logger.error(f'Exception raised, triggering end of main loop: {e}')
    raise e
    end_time = time.time()
    logger.info('Iterations: %i' % solver.iteration)
    logger.info('Sim end time: %f' % solver.sim_time)
    logger.info('Run time: %.2f sec' % (end_time - start_time))
    logger.info('Run time: %f cpu-hr' % ((end_time - start_time) / 3600 * dist.comm_cart.size))

Keaton Burns

Nov 20, 2024, 7:56:18 AMNov 20
to dedalu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sofiane,

Please take a look at the tutorial notebooks here. They cover issues like setting up initial conditions, basis grids, and field scales.


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