Dynamic permissions

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Bishma Stornelli

Aug 14, 2012, 7:21:25 PM8/14/12
to declarative_...@googlegroups.com
Hello everyone,

I'm designing a system that has the next entities:

User, Project, Activity. Project has many Activities. Projects are managed by many users. Projects are leaded by many users. Activities are assigned to many users.

I have different roles like project_leader, project_manager and admin. I need to define roles and permissions on these entities so the admin can change them. Here's how it'll work:

Roles and permissions are going to be static. But the permissions assigned to a role won't be. Also the basic CRUD operations can be done in many different scopes: all projects, projects managed by me, projects leaded by me, activities in projects managed by me, activities assigned to me, etc.

I was thinking to define the permissions table like this:

name operation context context_attribute user_attribute compare_by
Create projects create project
Read all projects read project
Update all projects update project
Delete all projects delete project
Update managed projects update project managers user contains
Delete managed projects delete project managers user contains
Update leaded projects update project leaders user contains
Delete leaded projects delete project leaders user contains
Create activity in any project create activity
Read activities in any project read activity
Update activities in any project update activity
Delete activities in any project delete activity
Create activity in managed projects create activity project user.managing_projects is_in
Update acitivity in managed project update activity project user.managing_projects is_in
Delete activity in managed projects delete activity project user.managing_projects is_in
Create activity in leaded projects create activity project user.leading_projects is_in
Update activity in leading projects update activity project user.leading_projects is_in
Delete activities in leading projects delete activity project user.leading_projects is_in
Update assigned activities update activity assigned user contains
Delete assigned activities delete activity assigned user contains

And try this in the authorization_rules file:

Role.all.each do | r |
  role r.name.to_sym do
    r.permissions.all.each do | p |
      has_permission_on p.context.to_sym , :to => p.operation.to_sym do
        if p.context_attribute 
           if_attribute p.context_attribute.to_sym => [ p.compare_by.to_sym , eval(p.user_attribute) ]

I'm not sure on the querys I used to consult permissions but I think the idea is there.

I haven't prove it yet because I'm still doing a lot of documentation but do you think it'll work?
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