Imagination and Planning

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Itzhak Gilboa

Jan 2, 2025, 8:53:46 AM (3 days ago) Jan 2
to decision_theory_forum
Hi all,

We've just completed a (tentative version of a) paper on (case-based) planning and imagination.  The abstract is below and the paper is available at

Any comments are very welcome, of course.

Happy new year!

Gabi and Tzachi


We consider a model of case-based planning, where a position is a vector of numbers, and a case is an edge in the directed graph of positions. The planner generates new plans by using cases that are similar to those she has observed in the past. In the benchmark model presented here, similarity is defined by equality of differences (between the target and the source position). We prove a complexity result that shows why planning requires imagination and is not easily done algorithmically. We put this result in the context of learning and expertise in case-based models, distinguishing among information, insight, and imagination.
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