Strike Debt Meetings in NYC and SF

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Thomas Gokey

Aug 30, 2012, 9:04:08 AM8/30/12
In New York this weeks meeting of Strike Debt will take place on Sunday, Sept 1st at noon at 16 Beaver Street, 4th floor in Manhattan. The meeting will be dedicated to two big issues, 1) trying to figure out how Strike Debt relates to OWS as a whole and other structural issues, and 2) Strike Debt's direction actions for Sept. 17th.

In San Francisco they are planning a debt burning at 5pm on Sept 17th at Bank of America, 555 California at Kearny (Montgomery BART/Muni). Here's the Facebook page.

We are at the very early stages of building a Strike Debt website with all the functionality needed to create a kind of global "debtor's union" that will let anyone join, collect info about their debt, and coordinate debt strike/refusal against specific lenders, basically what we were talking about building at ContactCon.

We are looking for experienced web developers who are willing to strongly commit to this project. If you are that person, or know someone who might be this person, please get in touch. It would be simpler to find someone with the right skill set and the willingness to commit to such a project in NYC who could meet in person.


Thomas Gokey
This e-mail is a handmade object, all errors of spelling and grammar give it a sense of character and authenticity.

Matthew Skomarovsky

Aug 30, 2012, 12:18:45 PM8/30/12
thanks for the update! is the meeting on saturday sept 1 or sunday sept 2?

Thomas Gokey

Aug 30, 2012, 12:20:08 PM8/30/12
Sorry, the Strike Debt meeting in NYC is on Sunday Sept 2nd at noon at 16 Beaver.


On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 9:04 AM, Thomas Gokey <> wrote:
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