The FINAL: The Amazon Drowns Jeff Bezos

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Rev Billy

Nov 25, 2020, 8:12:38 PM11/25/20
Rev Billy Radio Episode 31 & Black Friday Action!

The Church of Stop Shopping, NYC

Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving!
We rushed out this episode as we begin our annual struggle against Consumerism.  Friday is Stop Shopping Church's first action, at Jeff Bezos' Manhattan mansion, but we will carry on with our singing interventions to the bitter end, called Christmas.  Right now, we have Amazon's 1,000,000 metric tons of CO2 they give us each week... lets get to work!
Quotes from "The Amazon Drowns Jeff Bezos"


1) Earth to Humans:  Start Your Apocalypse.

2) To survive:  All evidence points to the need for a quasi-religious transformation.

3) We will leave behind piles of pixels and paper.  Careerism is over.

4) We built our sophistication behind 300 years of carbon.

5) Can we break through convenience?  Covid says yes that is possible.

6) Children!  We gotta teachable moment like a tsunami!

7) Let's take the Fabulous Unknown from the Night Sky and Put it on our Hearts!

8) We might have to turn into birds, like the dinosaurs did. That might be OK.

9) If we survive Consumerism, then we lock arms at the cliff's edge, and get set to evolve.

10) We're jumping into the abyss shouting LIFEALUJAH!  LIFEALUJAH!  LIFEALUJAH!

If you share your resources with us, your gift would go to choir-members who have lost their jobs.


Reverend BIlly and The Stop Shopping Choir // POB 1556 NY NY 10013 //

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