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Sekai Farai

Dec 25, 2011, 5:55:16 PM12/25/11
to debt-strike-...@googlegroups.com
While I've been unable to secure space for a weekend hackathon, I submitted this project for consideration as a potential participant in the below hackathon that's being hosted on January 19th. You can read more about it below.

I'll let you know when I hear back.

Hi everyone-

I'm writing today to extend an invitation to participate in an upcoming event. The January 19th Webvisions conference in NYC has a hackathon component, where nonprofit organizations will be able to share their work and connect with developers to build web solutions together. Full details about the conference are at:

You can learn more about the hackathon and agenda at:

Webvisions is looking for 3 nonprofits to feature. A participating organization should be:

• A group with a problem that's a good candidate for a web application.  This hackathon is sponsored by IE9, so the solutions will be browser-based (not stand-alone mobile applications, etc.).  
• A group that's organized enough to prepare anything that needs to be setup ahead of time or be available for the volunteers to get work done.  Databases, server access, documents, etc...  It's helpful if they've got a "wrangler" who can take care of organizing things on their end, who can come to the hackathon and be the point person.
• A group that will help us spread the word about the hackathon and the conference, we need to drive people to sign up!

If you're organization is interested, please let me know and I can connect you to the organizers. There are only 3 spots available!


Amy Sample Ward
http://amysampleward.org |  @amyrsward
http://socialbysocial.com   |   @socialbysocial

Membership Director
NTEN: The Nonprofit Technology Network
http://nten.org | @NTENorg

anthropologist. founder. social entrepreneur.


Follow me on twitter


Jan 26, 2012, 10:44:52 AM1/26/12
to Debt Strike /Kick-Stopper
Did this end up happening? Either way, I"m a developer and would be
happy to get involved, it sounds like a great project. Let me know
how I can participate (github?)



On Dec 25 2011, 5:55 pm, Sekai Farai <sekai.fa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> While I've been unable to secure space for a weekend hackathon, I submitted
> this project for consideration as a potential participant in the below
> hackathon that's being hosted on January 19th. You can read more about it
> below.
> I'll let you know when I hear back.
> -------------
> Hi everyone-
> I'm writing today to extend an invitation to participate in an upcoming
> event. The January 19th Webvisions conference in NYC has a hackathon
> component, where nonprofit organizations will be able to share their work
> and connect with developers to build web solutions together. Full details
> about the conference are at:http://www.webvisionsevent.com/
> You can learn more about the hackathon and agenda at:http://www.webvisionsevent.com/new-york/session/hackathon-for-social-...
> *Webvisions is looking for 3 nonprofits to feature.* A participating
> organization should be:
> • A group with a problem that's a good candidate for a web application.
>  This hackathon is sponsored by IE9, so the solutions will be browser-based
> (not stand-alone mobile applications, etc.).
> • A group that's organized enough to prepare anything that needs to be
> setup ahead of time or be available for the volunteers to get work done.
>  Databases, server access, documents, etc...  It's helpful if they've got a
> "wrangler" who can take care of organizing things on their end, who can
> come to the hackathon and be the point person.
> • A group that will help us spread the word about the hackathon and the
> conference, we need to drive people to sign up!
> If you're organization is interested, please let me know and I can connect
> you to the organizers. There are only 3 spots available!
> Thanks,
> Amy
> --
> *Amy Sample Ward*http://amysampleward.org|  @amyrswardhttp://socialbysocial.com  |   @socialbysocial
> *Membership Director
> * NTEN: The Nonprofit Technology Networkhttp://nten.org| @NTENorg
> --
> anthropologist. founder. social entrepreneur.www.twitter.com/sekaifaraiwww.about.me/sekaifaraiwww.hashable.com/sekaihttp://meetwith.me/sekaifarai
> [image: Follow me on twitter] <http://movableink.com/twitter_pics/151/link>
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