Will Debezium built-in SMT "ExtractNewRecordState" support excluding unchanged fields?

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Brandon Hsu

Jun 16, 2022, 11:47:13 AM6/16/22
to debezium
Hi, All,

As far as I know, Debezium provides a built-in SMT "ExtractNewRecordState" to extract and flatten "payload.after" content.

But sometimes it is useful to get only changed columns and optionally primary/unique key columns in a flattened record for further data handling.

I think it might be great if "ExtractNewRecordState" can optionally compare "payload.before" / "payload.after" fields/values and only keeping changed after-state fields to compose the result flattened record.

And such feature may be controlled by providing new "ExtractNewRecordState" configurations to turn on/off such feature
 - "drop.unchanged.fields" : to keep only changed fields in the resulting flattened record
 - "include.primary.keys" : to optionally keep primary/unique key fields in the resulting record no matter the previous setting is present or not.

Is it possible for Debezium community to implement such feature in the future?

Best Regards.

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Chris Cranford

Jun 21, 2022, 8:09:22 AM6/21/22
to debe...@googlegroups.com, Brandon Hsu
Hi Brandon -

Great ideas. 

So I don't particularly have any issues adding these toggles, as long as they're opt-in.  In many cases, ExtractNewRecordState is paired with a JDBC sink connector in a DB replication pipeline and these would most definitely not be compatible with that scenario.  That said, there may be other SMT or CDC pipelines where these might actually be quite useful and it makes logical sense to include those as a part of that SMT I think.  I would suggest raising a Jira enhancement issue at
https://issues.redhat.com/projects/DBZ and if you or someone else from the community wishes to contribute the work, we'd be welcomed to review it!

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Jun 21, 2022, 10:12:45 AM6/21/22
to debezium
Hi, Chris,

Thanks for your feedback.  😄

I have raised a Jira enhancement here.

Hope this is not hard to implement.  😊

Chris Cranford 在 2022年6月21日 星期二晚上8:09:22 [UTC+8] 的信中寫道:
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