deal.II Newsletter #109

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Rene Gassmoeller

Feb 10, 2020, 12:00:54 PM2/10/20

Hello everyone!

This is deal.II newsletter #109.
It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the deal.II finite element library.

Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:

#9503: Create separate artifacts in GitHub workflows (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#9502: replace Assert with AssertThrow in tests/base (proposed by rezarastak)
#9501: Correct the printed message output from ExcInvalidBoundaryFunction() (proposed by jihuan-tian)
#9500: Remove eps step 6 (proposed by drwells; merged)
#9499: Remove most new in folder include/deal.II/matrix_free/ (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#9498: Fix more Gmsh references (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#9497: Replace the use of VECTORS_WITH_MATRIX by VECTOR_TYPES in files. (proposed by bangerth)
#9496: Avoid automatic referencing (proposed by agrayver; merged)
#9495: Convert step-14 from using eps/gnuplot to svg/vtu. (proposed by bangerth)
#9494: Matrixfree hold all faces to owned cells fix (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#9493: Convert step-30 from using eps/gnuplot to svg/vtu. (proposed by bangerth)
#9492: Add new constructor to ArrayView (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#9490: Add header quadrature_generator.h (proposed by simonsticko)
#9488: Add missing instantiations for DoFTools::extract_hanging_node_dofs (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#9487: Fix rhs typo in introduction of step-40 (proposed by lpsaavedra; merged)
#9486: Move a changelog entry. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#9484: Add an assert on row index in SparseMatrix::add(..) (proposed by simonsticko; merged)
#9483: Ignore merge commits in author check (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#9482: Fix subscript in step-12 intro (proposed by rumajo; merged)
#9481: Revert introduction of deprecated functions. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#9480: improve FunctionMap deprecation message (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#9478: Say something about local conservation in step-20. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#9477: Convert one more place for GeometryInfo::face_indices(). (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#9476: Convert more places to use GeometryInfo::face_indices(). (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#9474: Add boundary id functionality to write_svg (proposed by GrahamBenHarper)
#9473: Add Utilities::MPI::min_max_avg() for vectors (proposed by peterrum)
#9472: Add function to print statistics over MPI for TimerOutput (proposed by kronbichler; merged)
#9471: Move implementation of ConsenusAlgorithm into mpi.templates.h (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#9470: Address a question on the mailing list about step-20. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#9469: CMake: Make TEST_PICKUP_REGEX stricter (proposed by tamiko; merged)
#9468: Update documentation of NeighborType. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#9467: Use cell->face_iterators() or GeometryInfo::face_indices() in the tutorials. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#9466: Fix an overzealous assertion related to Dataout (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#9465: Fix types in ConsensusAlgorithmProcess (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#9464: doxygen documentation fixes (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#9463: Really minor stuff. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#9461: Add a missing @endcode in DoFTools documentation (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#9458: Fix a broken Trilinos Sacado CMake test (proposed by jppelteret; merged)
#9457: Improve some operations in symmetric tensor and tensor (proposed by jppelteret; merged)
#9456: Fix SymmetricTensor and Tensor ProductType (proposed by jppelteret; merged)
#9454: check MPI return value in one location (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#9435: Avoid using deprecated functions (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#9429: Add python bind for compute_aspect_ratio_of_cells (proposed by agrayver; merged)
#9428: Add python wrappers for Quadrature (proposed by agrayver; merged)
#9393: In step-7, removes the explicit listing of various norms since the list is anyway outdated (proposed by krishnakumarg1984; merged)
#9379: Simplifies the example code for glossary entries of boundary_id and manifold_id (proposed by krishnakumarg1984; merged)
#9278: test DataOut set_cell_selection for multilevel cells (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#9237: make MueLu optional in Trilinos (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#9220: Test python bindings (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#9216: Extend MatrixFree::get_dof_handler (proposed by Rombur; merged)
#9160: ECL: add loop_cell_centric (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#9004: Add a check on whether LLD links shared object (proposed by BrettDong; merged)

And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions:

#9491 Irrelevant references to Gmsh namespace in step-49 (opened and closed)
#9489 make indent fails with old git version (opened)
#9485 matrix_free/face_setup_01 segfaults (opened and closed)
#9479 Poor error message from SparseMatrix::add with empty SparsityPattern (opened and closed)
#9475 TBB Version cannot be recognized correctly (opened and closed)
#9462 CMake with external LAPACK on NERSC (opened)
#9460 [Step-20] Doxygen linking mechanism is inadequate when linking to different sections having the same heading name? (opened)
#9459 [Step-20] DoFTools::count_dofs_per_component() is deprecated since v9.1.1? (opened and closed)
#9455 [Step-20] Repetition of code for assignment of problem-specific coefficients is tedious and error-prone for keeping in sync (opened)
#9439 Compatibility issues with DoFTools::count_dofs_per_block() (closed)
#9420 TEST_PICKUP_REGEX is too generous (closed)
#9029 Import .stl files for meshes? (closed)
#8729 PETSc issue: Convergence failure with hp-adaptivity (closed)
#8563 Use cell->face_iterators() in tutorials (closed)
#6832 Post 9.1: Revert #6828 (closed)

A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at this website.

Thanks for being part of the community!

Let us know about questions, problems, bugs or just share your experience by writing to this mailing list, or by opening issues or pull requests on Github.
Additional information can be found at our official website.

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