MappingQ, and minimal test for reproducing Benchmark

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Juan Carlos Araujo Cabarcas

Apr 4, 2017, 11:36:33 AM4/4/17
to deal.II User Group
Dear all,

I'm am trying to reproduce with my implementation, the results in the Photonic Crystal computations performed in [1]. Here, the author uses a grid with an inner disk with radius R=0.475, and for FEM it is used the software Concepts [2] that implements curvilinear elements denoted Blending technique, or transfinite interpolation in quadrilaterals [3], [4,p. 144]. Exponential convergence was obtained for the p-FEM version.

By using the deal.II SphericalManifold, I can only get with the attached code up to R<0.46, before I get the exception:

"The image of the mapping applied to cell with center [0.446317 -0.206317] is distorted. The cell geometry or the mapping are invalid, giving a non-positive volume fraction of -0.000129188 in quadrature point 54."

I am attaching a minimal test case (modified from step-10) that reproduces the errors:
and the code for the same mesh used in [1], adapted to deal.II standards in:

The question is then if it is possible to get this example running for R=0.475, in order to reproduce the results in [1]. Is there something I am doing wrong that can be improved? Can this behaviour be explained by round off's?

Furthermore, is anyone implementing transfinite interpolation [3,4] in deal.II?

Thanks in advance, any help is greatly appreciated!

[1] Engström, C.,Spectral approximation of quadratic operator polynomials arising in photonic band structure calculations, Numer. Math. (2014) 126: 413.
[2] Concepts web page:
[3] W. J. Gordon, C. A. Hall, Construction of curvilinear coordinate systems and application to mesh generation Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng., Vol. 7 (1973), pp. 461-477
[4] Pavel Solin, Karel Segeth, Ivo Dolezel, Higher-Order Finite Element Methods, Studies in Advanced Mathematics, CRC Press, 2003.

Martin Kronbichler

Jun 3, 2017, 4:36:58 AM6/3/17
to deal.II User Group
Dear Juan Carlos,

We have now finalized the TransfiniteInterpolationManifold implementation in deal.II, 

If you are interested, please try it out and let us know. As its implementation is completely new and I have only applied it to two applications in my group, there might still be issues, so let us know.

By the way, if you are working on a 2D disk I recommend using PolarManifold rather than SphericalManifold. I have not yet looked in your code, but I recommend to try the transfinite interpolation manifold first.


Juan Carlos Araujo Cabarcas

Jun 5, 2017, 6:08:56 AM6/5/17
to deal.II User Group
Thanks a lot Martin,

I had been waiting for this type of solution in dealii for a long time!
I also read in another thread about using MappingQGeneric instead of MappingQ, so I updated my test code as below, and everything worked like a charm!

PolarManifold<dim> boundary;
TransfiniteInterpolationManifold<dim> inner_manifold;
Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
Geom_parameters gp;
unsigned int curved_faces_label=10, not_curved = 1;
( triangulation, 1.0, R, gp, false );
.set_manifold ( curved_faces_label, boundary ); // labels defined with the grid
.set_manifold (not_curved, inner_manifold);
const MappingQGeneric<dim> mapping (degree);
const QGauss<dim> quadrature(degree);
// const FE_Q<dim>     dummy_fe (1);
const FE_Q<dim> dummy_fe (QGaussLobatto<1>(degree + 1));
DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler (triangulation);

FEValues<dim> fe_values (mapping, dummy_fe, quadrature,

Juan Carlos Araújo,
Umeå Universitet
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