deal.II Newsletter #125

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Rene Gassmoeller

Jul 6, 2020, 12:00:33 PM7/6/20

Hello everyone!

This is deal.II newsletter #125.
It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the deal.II finite element library.

Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:

#10658: fix warning in bundled taskflow (proposed by tjhei)
#10657: Replace MPI_COMM_WORLD by mpi_communicator in step-50 (proposed by dangars; merged)
#10655: Remove more deprecations (proposed by masterleinad)
#10654: Remove deprecated TransposeTableIterators (proposed by masterleinad)
#10653: Remove unused tests (proposed by dangars)
#10651: Bugfix: Unify dof indices on ghost interfaces if no finite element dominates. (proposed by marcfehling)
#10649: Extend read_vtk to add FIELD data (proposed by OpenFCST)
#10648: Remove LocalIntegrators::grad_div_matrix and LocalIntegrators::grad_div_residual (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#10647: Fix default mapping parameter in VectorTools boundary functions (proposed by masterleinad)
#10646: Add Simplex::FE_P (proposed by peterrum)
#10645: FiniteElementData: select number of objects based on cell type (proposed by peterrum)
#10644: Remve some inlines in tria_accessor.h (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#10643: Add additional quadrature rule for Simplex (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#10642: Add Simplex::ScalarPolynomial (proposed by peterrum)
#10641: Intoduce ReferenceCellInfo (proposed by peterrum)
#10640: examples/step-69: Link in repository for higher-order code (proposed by tamiko; merged)
#10639: Remove GeometryInfro from a few files (proposed by peterrum)
#10637: Introduce ReferenceCell::Type (proposed by peterrum)
#10636: Remove constraint_and_return_value and types_are_equal (proposed by masterleinad)
#10635: Generalize line_orientation() for 2D general meshes (proposed by peterrum)
#10634: Remove deprecated SolverFGMRES::AdditionalData constructor (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#10633: Fix in log: cpp-taskflow -> taskflow (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#10632: Enable ArrayView for std::array (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#10631: Refactor Triangulation::create_triangulation() (proposed by peterrum)
#10629: Don't suppress error output from FIND_PACKAGE(deal.II ...) in examples (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#10626: Remove DoFHandlerType from different files (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#10625: Remove deprecated parallel::distributed::SolutionTransfer::prepare_serialization() (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#10624: Suppress TBB deprecation warnings (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#10611: Archive documentation (proposed by masterleinad; merged)

And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions:

#10656 Error using deal.II 9.2.0 on Mac OS Catalina (10.15.5) (opened)
#10652 Deal.II thinks that clang 7.0 is not C++17 compatible (opened and closed)
#10650 Bug: hp DoF unification fails on ghost interfaces if elements do not dominate each other (opened)
#10638 New non-templated version of DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints lead to Trilinos Matrix error code 2 (opened and closed)
#10628 Improve CMAKE error message when deal.II is too old (closed)

A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at this website.

Thanks for being part of the community!

Let us know about questions, problems, bugs or just share your experience by writing to this mailing list, or by opening issues or pull requests on Github.
Additional information can be found at our official website.

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