Imposing Dirichlet-type conditions via AffineConstraints: Expected behavior or bug?

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Ahmad Shahba

Mar 17, 2020, 10:34:16 AM3/17/20
to deal.II User Group
Hi all,

I am re-posting this here and delete the previous one since the images in my original post do not load properly. So here it is!

I am seeing a rather strange behavior from AffineConstraints when dealing with inhomogenous Dirichlet-type conditions in an MPI context. To explain this behavior, I set up a small problem which involves solving a system of linear equations. The coefficient matrix is an 8x8 identity matrix (i.e. all entries on diagonal are 1 and all other components are zero). The solution to the system of equations is subject to the following constraints

  1. u_0 = u_4
  2. u_1 = u_5
  3. u_2 = 0
  4. u_3 = 0
  5. u_4 = 0.05
  6. u_6 = 0
  7. u_7 = 0

Clearly DOF 5 is the only true unknown while the rest are known. All components of the force vector corresponding to this system is zero except for
  • F_5 = 1
Note that the force vector entries corresponding to all constrained DOFs are zero (since AffineConstraints will take care of imposing the correct values later) and the only non-zero entry corresponds to the true unknown DOF 5. 

This system is distributed between 2 processes such that
  • Process 0: handles DOFs 0 to 3
  • Process 1: handles DOFs 4 to 7
Due to this partitioning, the affine constraint set up by process 0 takes care of constraints 1 to 4 (given above) and process 1 takes care of constraints 5 to 7.

My expectation
I expected when I solve the system and then call distribute method of AffineConstraints, the solution should come out as

  • u_0 = 0.05
  • u_1 = 1
  • u_2 = 0
  • u_3 = 0
  • u_4 = 0.05
  • u_5 = 1
  • u_6 = 0
  • u_7 = 0

My observation
I observe that after calling the distribute method, solution is
  • u_0 = 0
  • u_1 = 1
  • u_2 = 0
  • u_3 = 0
  • u_4 = 0.05
  • u_5 = 1
  • u_6 = 0
  • u_7 = 0
That is, the AffineConstraints object correctly imposed all constraints except for constraint 1 on DOF 0. I noticed that if I invoke distribute method twice, I will get the correct result though.

My question:
Is this behavior expected? Or am I doing something wrong or perhaps my understanding of this subject is flawed?

I prepared a small code to demonstrate this behavior. Thanks in advance for your help and sorry for this long description of the problem.



Wolfgang Bangerth

Mar 20, 2020, 7:59:30 PM3/20/20
On 3/17/20 8:34 AM, Ahmad Shahba wrote:
> *_My question:_*
> Is this behavior expected? Or am I doing something wrong or perhaps my
> understanding of this subject is flawed?
> I prepared a small code to demonstrate this behavior. Thanks in advance for
> your help and sorry for this long description of the problem.

The AffineConstraints class needs to know about constraints on all *locally
relevant* DoFs, not just the locally owned ones. So I would suspect (without
having tried) that when you do

dealii::AffineConstraints<double> constraints(locallyRelevantIndices);

if (idProcess == 0) {
constraints.add_lines(std::set<unsigned>({0, 1, 2, 3}));
constraints.add_entry(0, 4, 1.0);
constraints.add_entry(1, 5, 1.0);
} else {
constraints.add_lines(std::set<unsigned>({4, 6, 7}));
constraints.set_inhomogeneity(4, 0.05);

That this is not enough -- you need to also add the constraints for the other
unknowns among the locally relevant ones.


Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Ahmad Shahba

Mar 25, 2020, 8:35:05 AM3/25/20
Thanks Wolfgang for your help! I tried it out and it worked.


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