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Deep State Pedophiles, Political Traitors and their Communist Agenda

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D. Schlenk

Jun 28, 2019, 7:59:36 PM6/28/19

Deep State Pedophiles, Political Traitors and their
Communist Agenda



(Patrick J. McShay) Author Henry Makow in his review of
Bella Dodd's 1954 book, "School Of Darkness," reports
that Dodd referred to the Communists as Satanists who
operated by infiltrating and subverting social institutions
like churches, schools, mass media and government. Dodd
revealed that the American Communist Party had 1100
members become Catholic Priests in the 1930's alone. Here
in America today the Catholic Church has nearly been
destroyed by an epidemic of pedophile priests.

Related: How To Brainwash A Nation Explained By Former
KGB Agent (Video)

Source – Operation Disclosure

by Patrick J. McShay, March 22nd, 2018

"The people will not revolt. They will not look up from
their screens long enough to know what's happening."
*George Orwell – Author - "1984"

"Censorship is crucial to Communists. I have seen leaders
pull books from shelves and warn members to destroy
them. Communism is the New World Order and is
controlled by Masonic Jewish Bankers."

*Bella Dodd – Author and Communist Party Leader of the
30's and 40's.

Schools are banning books and our children are being dumbed
down by "Common Core." Amazon Books, the largest bookseller
in the country, and the Jewish owned tech companies, Youtube,
Facebook, Google, and Twitter are using the Jewish, racist,
Anti Defamation League (ADL) and Southern Poverty Law Center
(SPLC) as arbiters to ban books and purge Conservative,
Christian, Patriotic, or any video's and websites that don't
go along with the mainstream media liars whose networks are
all Jewish owned.

Most Americans know that there is something horribly wrong
with this country but can't put their finger on exactly what
it is. Many read about the "Deep State" and aren't sure who
these people are or why they are such a grave threat to our

The majority of people in western countries would be shocked
to learn that a network of elite pedophiles control these
countries and use their intelligence services to set up and
blackmail politicians to keep them in line. Some of the
richest and most powerful men, as well as teachers, judges,
scout leaders and police officers in the US, Ireland, Canada,
Spain, Australia, Belgium, Great Britain, Italy, Denmark,
and Norway among many others, are involved.

Just last July before his meeting with Donald Trump at the
G-20 summit, Vladimir Putin issued a warning that if Trump
didn't expose these pedophiles he would. Journalist Liz
Crokin believes that is what the thousands of sealed indict-
ments Trump's team has handed down in the last 6 months will
deal with. (see: The Franklin Cover-Up )

In the U.S. the National Security Agency (NSA) and the
Senior Executive Service(SES) have total access to spy
illegally on Americans and have been at it for years. The
NSA is responsible for global monitoring collection, and
processing of information and data for foreign intelligence
and counterintelligence purposes.

Israel receives all of the raw NSA data gathered on every
American. Why? Israel along with traitors in our government
are currently trying to outlaw criticism of Israel by Ameri-
cans, another blatant attack on the First Amendment

*An NSA whistleblower says they mostly illegally spy on

Former NSA Senior Intelligence official and whistleblower
William Binney said 12 years ago that the NSA wasn't just
spying on the American people but was illegally spying on
US Congressmen, Senators, Federal Judges, and even
Supreme Court Judges.

Remember what happened to the stubborn Senator in the
"Godfather" who wouldn't play ball with the Corleone
family? A couple of days later he woke up in bed with a
dead hooker. Is that's how they keep Congress in line? Is
that how they got John Roberts to stab Americans in the
back as the deciding SCOTUS vote to put Obamacare over
the top?

*In a recent Monmouth poll, 80% said they believe the
government spies on them.

The (SES) Senior Executive Service is not well known to the
public. It is a position classification in the civil service
of the US Government, analogous to a general officer or a
flag officer. The SAS employees report directly to presiden-
tial appointees and are said to make more than Congressmen.

These people are the link between politics and the adminis-
tration of the Federal Government and make up much of the
Deep State. Author Field McConnell says one must already be
a compromised traitor to be recruited by the SES who employ
10,000 people.

Field McConnell is a graduate of The Naval Academy, a former
Marine fighter pilot, a retired commercial pilot for Delta,
a 911 whistleblower, an author of 12 books, a talk show host,
and lecturer. He also has inside information on the SES.
You see, McConnell's sister, Kristine Marcy, runs the SES.

McConnell says his sister out ranks Hillary Clinton and is
a Satanist, as are most of the members of the Deep State. He
says his sister was involved in 911 and the Oklahoma City
bombing, and other false flag attacks along with other
prominent politicians like Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush,
John "Traitor" McCain and a long list of other traitors
well known to the American people.

We are now in the middle of the worst political scandal in
our country's history and the majority of the media simply
refuses to cover it. Instead, without a single bit of evi-
dence, the media continues to attack and accuse Trump. This
is right from the Communist Jew Saul Alinskys playbook,
"Rules For Radicals."

Accuse the opposition of crimes that you are guilty of.
These "New World Order" Eichmann's who masquerade as bene-
volent representatives are in reality agents of foreign
interests and care nothing for our freedom, our sovereignty,
the girl next door, or mom's apple pie.

Some good examples of that are revealed in Peter Schweizer's
new book,"Secret Empires", reviewed by Rebecca Mansour at
Breitbart, which shows how these criminal politicians use
their office to garner lucrative deals for their children
and other family members.

*Ten days after Joe Biden and his son Hunter flew to China
aboard Air Force Two, Hunter's firm signed a $1.5 billion
deal with a Chinese bank. Suspicious? You bet.

*Texe Marrs reported that two months before Obama's Neo-Con
henchman Victoria Nuland gave the green light to take out
Ukranian President Yanukovych in an illegal coup, Vice
President Biden travelled to Ukraine and met with the Chief
Rabbi and other top Jews. He also met with executives of
Burisma, the largest natural gas company in Ukraine.

*In 2014 Hunter Biden was put on the board of directors of
Burisma.This, of course, happened less than a year after the
US and Israel led a coup that took out the duly elected
president Yanukovych for corruption. You can't make this
stuff up!

*Globalist and US Senator Mitch McConnell and his wife
Elaine Chao, Trump's Secretary of Transportation, have
received millions of dollars from a family member who sat
on the board of a top Chinese government military contrac-
tor. Chao's father is a Chinese shipping magnate worth

*In 2014 90 pounds of cocaine were found on one of Mr.
Chao's freighters. The U.S. media wasn't very interested as
there was no coverage of it at all. Since most experts agree
that China poses a much bigger threat than Russia, why is
none of this not a bigger deal?

Congress just sold out to defense contractors approving
over $700 billion for the military while they are busy
planning our next war for Israel. Don't believe me?
Lt.General Richard Clark recently told the Israeli media
that "US troops should be prepared to die for the Jewish
state." Just who in this administration is in charge of our
foreign policy disaster in Syria, Jared Kushner?

Trump just announced that McMaster is out as National Secu-
rity Advisor and has been replaced by "Neo-Con John" Bolton.
Nothing good will come of this since Bolton gets his orders
from Tel Aviv. Look for things to heat up in Syria sooner
than later.

They've also sold us out to the pharmaceutical companies
who continue to push ineffective and dangerous vaccines
on trusting and unsuspecting Americans. Mandatory vaccines
for all Americans is next on their agenda. 128,000 people
die every year taking medication as prescribed by their

The Marxists on the left are now attacking freedom of
speech daily. New words we can't say, books we aren't
allowed to read, sites we are no longer allowed to visit,
videos we are no longer allowed to see. This is moving
toward Soviet-era type censorship at lightning speed and no
one has any answers. Trump could make moves to stop this,
why hasn't he? He won the presidency because of many of
the sites being targeted and banned.

With a crucial election approaching in November just what
is the Democrat platform? Is their position on immigration
amnesty and open borders? Will their solution to gun control
be gun confiscation? Will they continue to use children to
make their unreasonable, irrational, and unconstitutional
demands that the majority of Americans don't support? Will
they continue to attack Christian's and the traditional
family while promoting the gay/transgender agenda?

Will they continue to ask us to sacrifice our freedom's at
the altar of multiculturalism? Will they continue the bla-
tant censorship that would make Stalin blush? These are all
right out of the Communist playbook and They are all on the
agenda of the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti
Defamation League. Two groups that should never be allowed
to decide what people in a free society should be allowed
to read, view, or discuss.

Added content by Stillness in the Storm:

Related Articles by Patrick J. McShay:

"The American Shadow Government is Jewish Controlled"

"Traitor McCain And The Deep State Agenda"

*Patrick J. McShay is a writer and researcher whose
articles have appeared on,,,,,,,,,,, and among many others.

*His articles have been translated into numerous
languages including French, Chinese, German, Spanish, and

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