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Netherlands: New Right-Wing Populist Party Wins Election

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D. Schlenk

Mar 23, 2019, 6:42:13 PM3/23/19

Netherlands: New Right-Wing Populist Party Wins Election

By infostormer

March 21, 2019

A new right-wing populist party has just won provincial
elections in the Netherlands. This comes after a Turkroach
shot up a tram in Utrecht killing and wounding a bunch of

Al Jazeera:

An upstart populist party shocked the Dutch political
establishment by winning the most votes in provincial
elections after a preliminary count in the early hours of
Thursday, boosted by an attack this week in the city of

The result shows the enduring strength of far-right
populism in the Netherlands, coming nearly two decades
after the assassination of populist Pim Fortuyn in 2002
led to a similar upset in parliamentary elections.

The most important short-term impact is that Prime Minister
Mark Rutte's centre-right coalition will be forced to seek
outside support to win Senate approval for laws passed by

I have no idea if this is a good result or not. I do not
know a whole lot about the internal politics of the Nether-
lands or this new political party. Considering that the
Jewish media is calling this party "right-wing", "anti-
immigrant" and "populist" I would have to assume that it
is at least a somewhat positive result.

Politico is describing it as a "stunning win" for far-
right populism, so take that for whatever it's worth.
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