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Norman G. Finkelstein: The Holocaust Industry - Part 4/5

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Dr. Izzeddin Musa

Nov 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM11/29/00

Part 4 - Extracts:


The term "Holocaust survivor" originally designated those who
suffered the unique trauma of the Jewish ghettos, conentration
camps and slave labor camps, often in sequence. The figure for
these Holocaust survivors at war's end is generally put at some
100,000. The number of living survivors cannot be more than a
quarter of this figue now. Because enduring the camps became a
crown of martyrdom, many Jews who spent the war elsewhere repre-
sented themselves as camp survivors. Another strong motive behind
this misrepresentaion, however, was material. The postwar German
government provided compensation to Jews who had been in ghettos
or camps. Many Jews fabricated their pasts to meet this eligibi-
lity requirement. "If everyone who claims to be a survivor actua-
lly is one," my used to exclaim, "who did Hitler kill?"

... Even within the industry, deborah lipstadt, for example, wry-
ly observes that Holocaust survivors frequently maintain they
were personally examined by Josef Mengele at Auschwitz.

In recent years, "Holocaust survivor" has been redefined to desi-
gnate not only those who endured but also those who managed to
evade the Nazis. It includes, for example, more than 100,000
Polish Jews who found refuge in the Soviet Union after the Nazi
invasion of Poland. ... One contributor to a Holocaust web site
maintained that, although he spent the war in Tel Aviv, he was
a Holocaust survivor because his grandmother died in Auschwitz.
To judge by Israel Gutman, Wilkomirski is a Holocaust survivor
because his "pain is authentic." The Israeli Prime Minister's
office recently put the number of "living Holocaust survivors" at
nearly a million. ...

The reparation issue provides unique insight into the Holocaust
industry. As we have seen, aligning with the Unites States in the
Cold War, Germany was quickly rehabilitated and the Nazi holocaust
forgotten. Nonetheles, in the early 1950s Germany entered into
negotiations with Jewish institutions and signed indemnification
agreements. With little if any external pressure, it has paid out
to date $60 billion (Remark: Correct, $60 billion in cash and the
same amount in military equipment and another levels).

Compare first the American record. Some 4-5 million men, women and
children died as aresult of the US wars in Indochina. ... (Remark:
US killed and destroyed every thing. No penny for reparations, no

The German government sought to compensate Jewish victims with
three different agreements signed in 1952. Individual claimants
recieved payments according to the terms of the Law of Indemnifi-
cation (Bundesentschaedigungsgesetz). A seperate agreement with
Israel subsidized the absorption and rehabilitation of several
hundred thousand Jewish refugees. The German government ... and so
on, et cetera, et cetera ... Other Jewish victims (and many who in
fact were not victims), however, received lifetime persions from
Germany ...

... Large sums were circuitously channeled to Jewish comminities
in the Arab world and faciliated Jewish emigration from Eastern
Europe. They also subsidised cultural undertakings such as Holo-
caust museums and university chairs in Holocaust studies, as well
as a Yad Vashem showboat pensioning "rightous Gentiles."

More recently, the Claims Conference sought to appropriate for it
self denationalized Jewish properties in the former East Germany
worth hundreds of millions of dollars that rightfully belonged to
living Jewish heirs. As the Conference came under attack by de-
frauded Jews for this and other abuses, Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg
cast a plague on both sides, sneering that "it's not about justice,
it's a fight for money." ...


Foreword for the day of November 25., 2000: In the Evening about
9.30 I heard a piece of reading from Wilkomirski book through the
Deutsche Welle. After the reading few people discussed and pointed
out the valuable history book of Wilkomirski. It was very funny.
The literati did know, that Wilkomirski a swiss born non-Jew
citizen, and never met with the Holocaust. Germans are so ingenous
and silly. They are still and will. Therefore it's no wonder that
Jews will always use the "Auschwitz-Keule".


In recent years, the Holocaust industry has become an outright
extortion racket (Re.: in German Auschwitz-Keule). ...

Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II,
Switzerland's president formally apologized in May 1995 for denying
Jews refuge during the Nazi holocaust. ...

The world Jewish Congress, a moribund organization until its cam-
paign denouncing Kurt Waldheim as a war criminal, leapt at this
new oppotunity to flex its muscle. ...

In late 1995, Edgar Bronfman, president of the WJC and the son of
a Jewish Claims Conference official, and Rabbi Israel Singer, the
secretary-general of the WJC and a real estate tycoon, met with
the Swiss bankers. Bronfman, heir to the Seagram liquor fortune
(his personal wealth is estimated a $3 billion), would later
modestly inform the Seante banking Committee that he spoke "on
behalf of the Jewish people" as well as "the 6 million, those who
nannot speak for themselves." ... Before the Swiss were finally
brought to their knees, the WJC, working with the gamut of Holo-
caust instittutions (including the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
and the Simon Wiesenthal Center), had mobilized the entire US
political establishment. From President Clinton, who buried the
hatchet with D'Amato (the Whitewater hearings were still going
on) to lend support, through eleven agencies of the federal
government and as well as the House and the Senate, down to state
and local governments across the country, bipartisan pressures
wehe brought to bear as one public official after another lined
up to denounce the perfidious Swiss.

Using the House and the Senate banking committees as a springboard,
the Holocaust industry orchestrated a shameless campaign of vili-
fication. ... Gregg Rickman, D'Amato's chief legislative aide,
boasts in his account that the Swiss bankers were forced "into the
court of public opinion where we controlled the agend. The bankers
were on our turf and conveniently, we were judge, jury, and execu-
tionr." ...

... "The last thing the banks need is negative publicity," Rabbi
Singer explained "We will do it until the banks say, 'Enough. ...

... The of the hearings, however, was not to inform but, in jour-
nalis Isable Vincent's words, "to create sensational stories." If
enough mud was flung, it was reasonably assumed, Switzerland will
give in.

The main weapon to break swiss resistance, however, was the eco-
nomic boycott. "Now the battle will be much dirtier," Avraham Burg,
chaier of the Jewish Agency and Israel's point man in the Swiss
banking case, warned in january 1997. "Until now we have held back
Jewish pressure." ...

In July 1998 Hevesi and McCall threatened stiff new sactions. New
Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Florida, Michigan and California
joined in within few days. In mid-August the Swiss finally caved
in. ...

"You have been a true pioneer in this saga," Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated D'Amato. "The result is not only
an achievement in material terms but a moral victory and a triumph
of the spirit." Pity he didn't say "the will".


Already in the late 1940s, when the US was pressing Switzerland to
identify dormant Jewish accounts, the Swiss protested that Ameri-
cans should first attend to their own backyard. In mid-1997 New
York Governer Pataki announced the creation of a State Commission
on the Recovery Of Holocaust Victims' Assets to process claims
against Swiss banks. Unimpressed, the Swiss suggested that the
Commission might more usefully process claims against US and
Israeli banks. Indeed Bower recalls that Israeli bankers had
"refused to release lists of dormant accounts of Jews" after the
1948 war, ... (European Jews ... and opened bank accounts in
Palestine during the Britisch mandate to support the Zionist
enterprise or prepare for furure immigration.) In October 1998,
the WJC and WLRO "reached a decision in principle to refrain
from dealing with the subject of assets in Israel of Holocaust
victims on the ground that responsibility for this lay with the
Israeli government" (Haaretz). The writ of these Jewish organi-
zations thus runs to Switzerland but not to Jewish state. The
most sensational charge leveled against the Swiss banks was that
they required death certificates from the heirs of Nazi holocaust
victims. Israeli banks have also demanded such documentation. One
searches in vain, however, for documentations of the "perfidious
Israelis." To demonstrate that "no moral equivalence can be drawn
between banks in Israel and Switzerland," the New York Times
quoted a former israeli legislator: "Here it was negligence at
best; in Switzerland it was a crime." Comment in superfluous.

For the Holocaust industry, the Swiss banks affair - like the post-
war torments endured by Swiss Holocaust "survivor" Binjamin Wilko-
mirski - was yet further proof of an ineradicable and irrational
Gentile malice. The affair pointed up the gross intensivity of even
a "liberal democratic, European country," Itamar Levin concludes,
to "those who carried the physical and emotional scars of the worst
crime in history." ...

Material compensation for the Holocaust "is the greatest moral test
facing Europe at the end of the twentieth century," Itamar Levin
maintains. ... Indeed, emboldened by its sucess in shaking down the
Swiss, the Holocaust industry moved quickly to "test" the rest of
Europe. The next stop was Germany (Remark: crowned with sucess,
however, Germany is paying since 1954, $ 60 billions, same amount
$60 billions for military equipments and many other levels).

After the Holocaust industry settled with Switzerland in August
1998, it deployed the same winning strategy against Germany in
September. (Rem.: After many pressure negotiations with Germany,
Chancellor Schroeder was angry and pronounced "no penny more than
$6 billion." Here after President Clinton cited him to the White
House and urged him to pay, otherwise ... Chancellor Schroeder
accepted $10 billion. The rest of the story is well known). The
same three legal teams (Hausfeld-Weiss, Fagan-Swift, and the World
Council of Orthodox Jewish Communities) intiated class-action
lawsuits against German private industry, demanding no less than
$20 billion in compensation. Brandishing the threat of an economic
boycott, New York City Comptroller Hevesi began to "monitor" the
negotiations in April 1999. ..., Congressman Rick Lazio bluntly
urged the Commitee "to focus on the private sector German compa-
nies, in particular, those who do business in the US." To wip up
public hysteria against Germany, the Holocaust industry took out
mutiple full-page newspaper advertisements in October. The awful
did not suffice; all the Holocaust bottons were pressed. An ad
denouncing the German pharmaceutical corporation Bayer dragged in
Josef Mengele, although the evidence that Bayer "directed" his
murderous experiments was nil. Recognizing that the Holocaust
juggernout was irresistible, the Germans caved in to a substan-
tial monetary settlement by year's end. The Times of London
credited this capitulation to the "Holocash" campaign in the
United States. "We could not have reached agreement," Eizenstat
later told the House Banking Committee, "without the personal
envolvement and leadership of President Clinton ... as well as
other sebnior officials" in the US government.

The Holocaust industry charged that Germany had a "moral and legal
obligation" to compensate former Jewish laborers. "These slave
laborers deserve a small measure of justice," Eizenstat pleaded,
"in the few years remaining in their lives." Yet, as indicated
above, it is simply untrue that they hadn't received any compen-
sation. Jewish slave laborers were covered under the original
agreements with Germany compensating concentration camps inmates.
The German government indemnified former Jewish slave laborers for
"deprivation of liberty" and for "harm to life and limb." ...
Those who sustained enduring injuries each received a substantial
lifetime pension. Germany also endowed the Jewish Claims Conference
with approximately a billion dollars in current values for those
Jewish ex-camp inmates who received minimum compensation. ... Still,
fifty years later the Holocaust industry was demanding money for
"needy Holocaust victims" who had been living in poverty because
the Germans allegedly never compensated them.

Whether "needy Holocaust victims" will ever see any of the new Ger-
man monies is an open question. The Claims Conference wants a large
chunk set aisde as its own "Special Fund." According to the Jeru-
salem Report, the Conference has "plenty to gain by ensuring that
the survivors get nothing." Israeli Knesset member Michael Kleiner
(Herut) lambasted the Conference as a "Judenrat, carrying on the
Nazis' work in different ways." It's a "dishonest body, conducting
itself with professional secrecy, and tained by ugly public and
moral corruption," he charged, "a body of darkness that is mal-
treating Jewish Holocaust survivors and their heirs, while it sits
on a huge pile of money belonging to private individuals, but is
doing everything to inherit (the money) while they are still alive."
... Rabbi Israel Singer ... "We don't want that money paid to heirs.
We want that money to be paid to victims." Yet, Haaretz reports
that Singer has been the main proponent of using Holocaust compen-
sation monies "to meet the needs of the entire Jewish people, and
not just those Jews who were fortunate enough to survive the Holo-
caust and live into old age."

In a US Holocaust Memorial Museum publication, Henry Friedlander,
the respected Nazi holocaust historian and ex-Auschwitz inmate,
sketched this numerical picture at war's end:

If there were about 715,000 prisoners inn the camps
at the start of 1945, and at least one third that is,
about 238,000 - perished during spring 1945, we can
assume that at most 475,000 prisonerssurvived. As Jews
had been systematically murdered, and only those chosen
for labor - in Auschwitz about 15 percent - had even a
chance to survive, we must assume that Jews made up no
more than 20 percent of the concentration camp population.

"We can thus estimate, he concluded, "that the number of Jewish
survivors numbered no more than 100,000." (Remark: In case all
100,000 survivors live until our day, every one became just from
Germany's last 10 billion dollars compensation 100,000 US dollars)
(Re.: Jewish Holocaust industrialists were always very good
acrobates of figures.) ... In an authoritative study, Leonard
Dinnerstein reported: "Sixty thousand Jews ... walked out of the
concentraion camps. Within a week more than 20,000 of them had

... Yet, as it entered into negotiations with Germany, the Holo-
caust industry demanded compensation for 135,000 still living
former Jewish slave laboreres. The total number of still living
former slave laborers, Jewish and non-Jewish, was put at 250,000
(look at Wilkomirski, a non-Jew Jewish survivor who never was in
a camp !?!). In other words, the number of former Jewish slave
laborers still alive increased nearly tenfold from May 1999, ...
In fact, to believe the Holocaust industry, more former Jewish
slave laborers are alive today than a half-century ago.
(Is it same game, "the 6 millions victims of the Holocaust ?"

... How can one reconcile these established facts, however, with
the claim that many hundreds of thousands of Jewish slave laborers
survived the camps? ...

In a full-page New York Times advertisement, Holocaust industry
luminaries such as Elie Wiesel, Rabbi Marvin Hier, and Steven T.
Katz condemned "Syria's Denial of the Holocaust." ... Regrettably,
the Syrian charge is true. ...

The shakedown of Switzerland and Germany has been only a prelude
to the grand finale: the shakedown of Eastern Europe. ...

... Claiming to be the legitimate heir of those who perished in
order to appropriate their assets could easily be mistaken for
grave-robbery. On the other hand, the Holocaust industry doesn't
need a mobilized public opinion. With the support of key US
(Remark: M. Albright, W. Cohen, R. Robin, D. Glickmann,
G. Tenet, S. Berger, E. Liebermann, S. Eizenstat,
D. Ross, M. Indyk ... et cetetra, an so on ...)
it can easily break the feeble resistance of already prostrate

... "Polish officials fear," Jweish Week reports, that the demand
"could bankrupt the nation." When Poland's Parliament proposed
limits on compensation to avert insolvency, Elan Steinberg of the
WJC denounced the legislation as "fundamentally an anti-American

Tightening the screws on Poland, Holocaust indsutry attorneys
filed a class-action lawsuit in Judge Korman's court to compensate
"Aging and dying Holocaust survivors." ... dispatched a letter to
the Polish Parliament demanding "comprehensive legislation that
would return 100% of all property and assets seized during the
(Rem.: Don't demand, better is to send all Polish Jews back to
Poland, all German Jews should return back to Germany, all
Jews from East Europe back to East Europe, all American
Jews back to Amerika. However, every Jew back from where
he came. The Problem will be solved.)

... Eizenstat urged Congress to "elevate" Holocaust compensation,
put it "high on the list" of requirements for those East European
countries that are seeking entry into the OECD, the WTO, the
European Union, NATO, and the council of Europe: "They will listen
if you speak.... They will get the hint." Israel Singer of the
WJC called on Congress to "continue looking at the shopping list"
in order to "check" that every country pays up. "It is extremely
important that the countries involved in the issue understand,"
Congressman Benjamin Gilman of the House International Relations
Committee said, "That their response ... is one of several stan-
dards by which the United States assesses its bilateral Relation-
shuip." ... Recalling his "fights" with the Romanian Prime
Minister, Hirschson testified: "But I ask one remark, in the middle
of fighting, and it changed that atmosphere. I told him, you know,
in two days I am going to be in a hearing here in Congress. What
do you want me to tell them in the hearing? Whole atmosphere was
changed. ...

... To justify the pressures exerted on Eastern Europe, Eizenstat
explained that a hallmark of "Western" morality is to "return or
pay compensation for communal and private property wrongfully
appropriated." ... Eizenstat is a senior US government official
and a prominant supporter of Israel. Yet, judging by the respec-
tive claims of Native Americans and Palestinians, neither the US
nor Israel has yet made the transition.

In January 2000 officials from nearly fifty states, including Prime
Minister Ehud Barak of Israel (Rem.: including Mr. Arafat also),
attended a major Holocaust education conference in Stockholm. The
conference's final declaration underlined the international commu-
nity's "solemn resposibility" to fight the evils of genocide,
ethnic cleansing, racism and xenophobia. A Swedish reporter after-
ward asked Barak about the Palestinian refugees. On principle,
Barak replied, he was against even one refugee coming to Israel:
"We cannot accept moral, legal, or other resposibility for
refugees." Plainly the conference was a huge success.

... Insurance companies, banks, art museums, private industry,
tenants and farmers in nearly evry European country are under the
Holocaust industry gun. ... The Holocaust may yet
turn out to be the "greatest robbery in the history of mankind."

Wehn Israel first entered into negotiations with Germany for
reparations after the war, historian Ilan Pape reports, Foreign
Minister Moshe Sharett proposed transfering a part to Palestinian
refugees, "in order to rectify what has been called the small
injustice /the Palestinian tragedy), caused by the more terrible
one, (the Holocaust)." Nothing ever came of the proposal. A pro-
minent Israeli academic has suggested using some of the funds
from the Swiss banks and German firms for the "compensation of
Palestinian Arab refugees." Given that almost all survivors of
the Nazi holocaust have already passed away, this would seem to
be a sensible proposal.

In vintage WJC style, Israel Singer made the "startling announce-
ment" on 13 March 2000 that a newly declassified US document re-
vealed that Austria was holding heirless Holocaust-era assets of
Jews worth yet another $10 billion (Remark: See you later in
"Austria."). Singer also charged that "fifty percent of America's
total art is looted Jewish art." The Holocaust industry has clear-
ly gone berserk.

Part 5 follows ...


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