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New Release!!

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Wolf and Dragon

May 17, 2004, 9:06:53 PM5/17/04
New Release!!

"Cash: An American Man"
Bill Miller
Published by CMT

A must for any fan...of life.

Written by a life-long friend of Cash's, Bill Miller shares his thoughts,
his stories, pictures from his own collections, and rareties not found
anywhere else. 100% of the royalties from his book are going to the SOS
Children's Village in honor of Johnny Cash's memory.

"There are two kinds of cool. There's the sugary, quickie cool you get from
eating a Popsicle under a hot noontime sun. It's tasty and sharp, but it
lasts only a few licks. Then there's the other kind of cool, the kind you
get from resting in the shadow of a big oak tree on a summer day. That kind
reaches down to your bones, and it even touches your soul: that old oak tree
is noble and enduring. Johnny Cash is oak-tree cool." - Christopher John
Farley, TIME Magazine, May 9, 1994.

"Everything you need to know to get through life can be learned from his
music: prison and guns are bad, God is good, you should stand up for what
you believe in, love often breaks your heart, and a good train ride is one
of life's simple pleasures." (Letter to TIME Magazine, October 13, 2003

From a lifelong fan of "Uncle Johnny",

"Do not meddle in the affairs of Wolves and Dragons, for you are crunchy and
taste good with ketchup."

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