Am 02.02.2024 schrieb Alexander Goetzenstein
> Sie möchte aber die Bedienung vereinfachen, indem sich nicht immer
> erst das Programm starten muss, sondern einfach am Gerät den Knopf
> drücken, und der Scan landet ohne weiteres Zutun auf der Festplatte.
m@localhost:~$ apt show scanbd
Description: Scanner button daemon
It polls the scanner buttons looking for buttons pressed or function knob
changes or other scanner events as paper inserts / removals and at the same
time allows also scan-applications to access the scanners. If buttons are
pressed, etc., various actions can be submitted (scan, copy, email, ...) via
action scripts. The function knob values are passed to the action-scripts as
Scan actions are also signaled via D-Bus. This can be useful for foreign
applications. Scans can also be triggered via D-Bus from foreign applications.
On platforms which support signaling of dynamic device insertion / removal
(libudev, D-Bus, hal) scanbd supports this as well. scanbd can use all
sane-backends or some special backends from the (old) scanbuttond project.
This package is a successor of scanbuttond.