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Question about Linux/CodeLite-IDE and Resourcefiles

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wolfgang bauer (D)

Jun 17, 2023, 5:53:39 PM6/17/23


(I have already asked in a more appropriate place. But without success)

I create an Resourcenfile (Type .gresource) with the program "glib-compile-resources".

This file can easily be included in a Project with the CodeBlocks-IDE.

But with the CodeLite-IDE it doesn't work. Does anyone have an idea, how to link the Resourcefile
into the project ? Maybe an Linker-Option ?

I have not found anything on the internet.

To give a hint in advance:

"glib-compile-resources" gives the option, to create the Resource as an C-File.
This works with both IDEs without any problem.

I am asking out of technical interest and to expand my knowledge of CodeLite.

Gruß, Greetings
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