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Midi's, Karaoke's (all 2600 of them) and lyrics here.

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Illana May

Feb 24, 2004, 4:30:25 PM2/24/04

Greetings All,

My webmaster has kindly loaded my 2600+ karaoke files onto my website. The
files are in the format .KAR, .MID and .RMI The page link is

Also on the website are search facilities utilising the best resources of
AltaVista, Lycos, Hotbot, Google, Midi Explorer, and Van Basco. So you can
find midi files, karaoke files, audio files (most formats) and lyrics. And
they are all on ONE page. The link for this page is

Best Wishes


Feb 25, 2004, 6:00:41 AM2/25/04

"Chaz" <> wrote in message
> Cute picture, but hang on to the day job! The website was great and I
> listened to your voice as well. Keep singing and you'll improve over
> the years. It doesn't come easy and if it was, everybody would be
> doing this for a living. It took me 20 years or more before I was ever
> comfortable with my own voice.

and it's gonna take the rest of us another twenty to do the same...;)

Illana May

Feb 25, 2004, 10:17:55 AM2/25/04
Hi Chaz,

Silly ole me quit the day job about 6 months. If you look at the booking
page, you'll see that I am pretty busy most weeks. I earn 4 times more in a
month than I did as an accountant:) and I love what I am doing. Can't get
much better than that..... But then I must admit the CD sounds (from a year
ago) are completely different (more flat and subdued) than what I am doing
at live shows now. Small video clip available of a live version of "I love
rock n roll" (not the Britney version!!) at . Vidcam sound but I'm sure you'll
get the idea:)


"Chaz" <> wrote in message
> Cute picture, but hang on to the day job! The website was great and I
> listened to your voice as well. Keep singing and you'll improve over
> the years. It doesn't come easy and if it was, everybody would be
> doing this for a living. It took me 20 years or more before I was ever
> comfortable with my own voice.

> Chaz


Feb 25, 2004, 7:48:09 PM2/25/04

"Illana May" <> wrote in message

> Hi Chaz,
> Silly ole me quit the day job about 6 months. If you look at the booking
> page, you'll see that I am pretty busy most weeks. I earn 4 times more in
> month than I did as an accountant:) and I love what I am doing. Can't get
> much better than that....

oh i promise you it gets *much* better than being a third rate karaoke
performer such as yourself.......;./0)

. But then I must admit the CD sounds (from a year
> ago) are completely different (more flat and subdued) than what I am doing
> at live shows now. Small video clip available of a live version of "I love
> rock n roll" (not the Britney version!!) at
> . Vidcam sound but I'm sure you'll
> get the idea:)

oh yeah...:)


Feb 25, 2004, 9:32:28 PM2/25/04
ha ha ha ha ha!

Says a lot for the state of entertainment in South Afrika, eh?

"Beserker!!!!" <> wrote in message


Feb 25, 2004, 9:45:58 PM2/25/04

"bowser" <> wrote in message


Feb 26, 2004, 1:35:49 AM2/26/04
I'm sorry guys....I don't mean to slam her or her voice....I've been
around a long time and do this for a living and can spot talent. She
might actually make a decent living and might have a niche that we've
overlooked. Her CD sounds are not what they should be, but I must
admit that singing in a voice booth and singing at a live show, the
juice gets pumping and things happen.
If this makes her happy and she makes more than she did at her day
job, ....hell, why not? You go girl and best of luck to ya! I'm not
really a mean and heartless bastard. Just a little outspoken at times.



Feb 26, 2004, 2:15:02 AM2/26/04

"Chaz" <> wrote in message

> I'm sorry guys....I don't mean to slam her or her voice.

sure you did.

no need to apologise..:)

>...I've been
> around a long time and do this for a living and can spot talent. She
> might actually make a decent living and might have a niche that we've
> overlooked.


it's called karaoke

>Her CD sounds are not what they should be, but I must
> admit that singing in a voice booth and singing at a live show, the
> juice gets pumping and things happen.
> If this makes her happy and she makes more than she did at her day
> job, ....hell, why not? You go girl and best of luck to ya! I'm not
> really a mean and heartless bastard.

nah, that'd be ernie's job...:0)

Illana May

Feb 26, 2004, 5:37:28 PM2/26/04

"Beserker!!!!" <> wrote in message

> oh i promise you it gets *much* better than being a third rate karaoke

> performer such as yourself.......;./0)

You are entitled to your opinion, from whatever point of expertise (or lack
thereof) you offer it from. Karaoke here differs fundamentally from what I
do at my gigs. But then again, this is darkest Africa, and clearly we know
nothing about entertaining our people in our manner. I suppose the Aussie
manner involving sheep is far more preferable:)

Bottomline is that I enjoy what I do, it's honest, pays my bills and brings
me many hours of joy with people I would probably not ever have otherwise
met. So what do I care what you think? Who are you anyway?


Illana May

Feb 26, 2004, 5:40:52 PM2/26/04
We bow to the mighty voice from the music industry in the omnipotent USA. As
I gather you are a karaoke singer, wonder where one can view you
performances online, or would you rather keep them private?


"bowser" <> wrote in message


Feb 26, 2004, 6:25:11 PM2/26/04
I was the original poster and I hope that what I might of said did
not hurt your feelings too much. I'm glad that you can make a living
at it and it brings you joy at the same time.
I also work full time in this business and I love what I do! As
long as you have the passion and people continue to ask for your
return to the stage...then keep at it because you are doing something
right that others might have missed and could do well to learn from.
Sometimes jealousy is at the bottem of these posts and you must
learn to take a little flack on the way up. It sounds like you have a
good attitude and can handle yourself! I have slow 56k modem these
days and can't download your video unless it's a really small clip.
I'll be posting some mp3s of my own show next week sometime and you
can hear how we do it in the good ole' USA! Best of luck to ya girl!



Feb 26, 2004, 6:30:43 PM2/26/04
Ya know, Charlie, I'm surprised you didn't take humbrage at the sheep
remark...But the question is, "how did she know?" Did she see the photos?


"Chaz" <> wrote in message


Feb 26, 2004, 7:03:59 PM2/26/04

"Illana May" <> wrote in message

> "Beserker!!!!" <> wrote in message
> news:403d4244$0$15135$
> > oh i promise you it gets *much* better than being a third rate karaoke
> > performer such as yourself.......;./0)
> You are entitled to your opinion, from whatever point of expertise (or
> thereof) you offer it from. Karaoke here differs fundamentally from what I
> do at my gigs.

how so?

it appears you are simply singing along to backing tracks in the corner of a

that's called karoake in any language, even afrikaans!.

> But then again, this is darkest Africa, and clearly we know
> nothing about entertaining our people in our manner. I suppose the Aussie
> manner involving sheep is far more preferable:)

nice try, but you are confusing australia with new zealand....;)

> Bottomline is that I enjoy what I do, it's honest,

no, it's karaoke, which is intrinsically false.

but it's no biggie.

> pays my bills and brings
> me many hours of joy with people I would probably not ever have otherwise
> met. So what do I care what you think?

i don't know, but you obviously do.

> Who are you anyway?

just another stream of electrons.....:)


Feb 26, 2004, 7:05:49 PM2/26/04

"Illana May" <> wrote in message

> We bow to the mighty voice from the music industry in the omnipotent USA.

wow, someone's got a bad case of cultural cringe.:)

> As
> I gather you are a karaoke singer

erm , i think you'll find bowser is a musician, not a karaoke act.

big difference.

>, wonder where one can view you
> performances online, or would you rather keep them private?

perhaps you might consider doing that yourself?.:)


Feb 26, 2004, 7:07:19 PM2/26/04

"Chaz" <> wrote in message

> Illana:
> I was the original poster and I hope that what I might of said did
> not hurt your feelings too much. I'm glad that you can make a living
> at it and it brings you joy at the same time.
> I also work full time in this business and I love what I do! As
> long as you have the passion and people continue to ask for your
> return to the stage...then keep at it because you are doing something
> right that others might have missed and could do well to learn from.
> Sometimes jealousy is at the bottem of these posts

and sometimes its just the sheer fun of taking the piss out of trumped up
karoake singers .......:)


Feb 26, 2004, 7:08:45 PM2/26/04
Hey dont blame the sheep on us. I hear that Kangaroos are a better jump.


Feb 26, 2004, 7:16:39 PM2/26/04

"dickydoo" <> wrote in message

> Hey dont blame the sheep on us. I hear that Kangaroos are a better jump.

only if you're wearing spring-loaded wellies!


Feb 26, 2004, 7:24:36 PM2/26/04
Dam, got a set, bro!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

(Bowser has left the room...)

"Beserker!!!!" <> wrote in message



Feb 26, 2004, 7:25:26 PM2/26/04
Yeah, but Velcro gloves dont work that well on a 'roo...

"dickydoo" <> wrote in message


Feb 26, 2004, 7:36:53 PM2/26/04
I sing at a karaoke bar....and love it.

I also play guitar and write my own music.

I also do music therapy with the elderly and head injured.

I will say that having a passion for music is a gift. Whether someone has
talent or not, if the passion is there I say keep doing it!

If the talent is there somewhere (which I think Ilana has, but hasn't quite
found the direction to go with it yet from listening to her music and
watching her perform on that video) then she should embellish it.

Maybe take a few vocal lessons. I've taken them before and in my opinion you
can only strengthen your voice by taking more.

Where I sing Karaoke is not your average Karaoke bar. It's not a bunch of
drunk people who get up enough balls to sing once they have 4 or 5 drinks.

People come from all over to sing there.

They take it very serious.

I think if you have a repetoir in karaoke of 10 songs or less, you should
keep doing karaoke.

If you can sing 75 songs or more, you may have something that you should
explore more.

Try writing your own songs.

Try learning an instrument.

Build on the potential talent you have.

Some karaoke singers can only sing a few songs by the same artist. That is
not what I'm talking about. Being creative is being versitile.

Illana, I wish you the best in your career and if you make money doing this
then by all means keep doing it if it makes you happy.

But I do advise you continue to LEARN and never settle for what you are
doing. Any musician can ALWAYS learn more. So don't think because people are
paying you for this it means you are great. I hope that doesn't sound rude
but many people think that and that's why they never get better.

Ok I'm done ranting now:)

"Beserker!!!!" <> wrote in message


Illana May

Feb 26, 2004, 7:42:41 PM2/26/04
Chaz no offence taken. I am aware of my own limitations:) I have taken a
leaf out of one of our great golfers books. Gary Player. He was once told
how "lucky" he was. He replied.."The more I practice, the luckier I get".
And my story works out the same.

Bowser, If you bothered to read properly before committing your myopia to
text, you would notice that the sheep lark was aimed at the Aussie, not
Chaz. And yes Chaz, I know that most destructive criticism is born of
jealousy - why lift myself when I can pull others down to my level syndrome.
We get the same nonsense here in the industry, but we have a saying that
really fits well...."Bulls**** talks and money walks", and here if you can
make a living from music , you are very fortunate. As a "karaoke singer"
(according to the aussie) I wonder how many here are privileged to have the
number of gigs I have, or bookings months ahead. I get this by "working"
damn hard at what I do, helping others in the industry when approached for
gigs on dates I am already booked for, and letting people see that I enjoy
what I do. It's as simple as that:)

Bowser and beserker: please direct me to your websites? Would love to see
how you pro's do it! In other words, put up or shut up:) [virtual gauntlet
thrown down]


"bowser" <> wrote in message


Illana May

Feb 26, 2004, 7:50:24 PM2/26/04
Chaz no offence taken. I am aware of my own limitations:) I have taken a
leaf out of one of our great golfers books. Gary Player. He was once told
how "lucky" he was. He replied.."The more I practice, the luckier I get".
And my story works out the same.

Bowser, If you bothered to read properly before committing your myopia to
text, you would notice that the sheep lark was aimed at the Aussie, not
Chaz. And yes Chaz, I know that most destructive criticism is born of
jealousy - why lift myself when I can pull others down to my level syndrome.
We get the same nonsense here in the industry, but we have a saying that

really fits well...."B.S. talks and money walks", and here if you can

make a living from music , you are very fortunate. As a "karaoke singer"
(according to the aussie) I wonder how many here are privileged to have the
number of gigs I have, or bookings months ahead. I get this by "working"
damn hard at what I do, helping others in the industry when approached for
gigs on dates I am already booked for, and letting people see that I enjoy
what I do. It's as simple as that:)

Bowser and beserker: please direct me to your websites? Would love to see
how you pro's do it! In other words, put up or shut up:) [virtual gauntlet
thrown down]


"bowser" <> wrote in message


Feb 26, 2004, 7:51:39 PM2/26/04
I hit your site, Sheli. Nice tunes! You sound a bit like Janis Ian...Had
an Alvarez Yairi myself many years ago, but it basically imploded...Wrote a
lot of stuff on it, so havent had the guts to pitch'll soon get put
on my recroom wall. Enjoyed the site...


"guitarprincess" <> wrote in message


Feb 26, 2004, 7:52:23 PM2/26/04
Illana do you realize you are crossposting to like 5 or 6 newsgroups????


Feb 26, 2004, 7:53:25 PM2/26/04
Thanks alot Bowser. That's very sweet. Did you hit my personal site or my
soundclick site?


Feb 26, 2004, 7:56:50 PM2/26/04
The personal site...New Jersey? Ex wife is in Little Silver/Monmouth
area...Have the worlds greatest sweetcorn out there.


"guitarprincess" <> wrote in message



Feb 26, 2004, 8:02:10 PM2/26/04
>The personal site...New Jersey? Ex wife is in Little Silver/Monmouth
area...Have the worlds greatest sweetcorn out there.<


Yes they do! Sweet corn is great out here..

So are the bagels and the pizza..can't get those things anywhere else! (Ok
good bagels and pizza you can get in NY)

Illana May

Feb 26, 2004, 8:02:28 PM2/26/04

"guitarprincess" <> wrote in message

> If you can sing 75 songs or more, you may have something that you should
> explore more.

My repertoire is about 300 songs. And grows each week......

> Try writing your own songs.

I have written adn recorded one which is doing quite well on the Soundclick
Charts. Not a great songwriter:(

> Try learning an instrument.

Busy learning basic guitar work, and I am proficient on a keyboard as well.

> Illana, I wish you the best in your career and if you make money doing
> then by all means keep doing it if it makes you happy.

Thanks, and yes, I love what I do, still get butterlies before every gig,
and always get a nice rush when the dance floor is packed!

> But I do advise you continue to LEARN and never settle for what you are
> doing. Any musician can ALWAYS learn more. So don't think because people
> paying you for this it means you are great. I hope that doesn't sound rude
> but many people think that and that's why they never get better.

Not rude at all:) I have most of my gigs videoed, then sit the next day and
watch what I did/didn't do, and work on what I (and others who
watch/comment) perceive to be weak areas in my peformance. Complaceny is not
part of my diet. Lets say that I am never entirely satisfied with any
performance I deliver, and always know I can and will do better next time.

> Ok I'm done ranting now:)

Thanks for the comments!

Regards and best wishes

Illana May

Feb 26, 2004, 8:05:25 PM2/26/04
I just hit the "Reply Group" button each time, dunno which group this thread
is actually evolving in...


"guitarprincess" <> wrote in message



Feb 26, 2004, 8:12:30 PM2/26/04
Sorry, girlie, but Chaz and I go back a couple years...and he's been known
to display an, er, afinity for sheep. He plays guitar with velcro gloves
on, JUST in case one goes running by... And is proud owner of the only
4-legged garter belt in the midwestern United States.

I, of course, have a website, but wouldn't think of posting the URL or my
real address on a newsgroup. It's a business thing...and does nothing to
feed my ego. If ya want a reference, Chaz can give you one. Suffice it to
say, I'm a soloact (guitar, vocals, synth/midi backup) in the central US and
work when I want and where I want...I have more money tied up in equipment
than most people make in a year...and work hard at my art...

So pardon me while I go back to shaggin' my OWN sheep.


"Illana May" <> wrote in message


Feb 26, 2004, 8:15:07 PM2/26/04
> If you can sing 75 songs or more, you may have something that you should
> explore more.

My repertoire is about 300 songs. And grows each week......

Well that is good. I wasn't gearing that comment toward you Illana I was
gearing it to the guy who bashed karaoke.

> Try writing your own songs.

I have written adn recorded one which is doing quite well on the Soundclick

Charts. Not a great songwriter:(

I am a songwriter first. I can write lyrics very well

> Try learning an instrument.

Busy learning basic guitar work, and I am proficient on a keyboard as well.

Proficient? What is your definition of proficient?

> Illana, I wish you the best in your career and if you make money doing
> then by all means keep doing it if it makes you happy.

Thanks, and yes, I love what I do, still get butterlies before every gig,

and always get a nice rush when the dance floor is packed!

I was a night club dj for 10 years....I know that rush of a packed dance
floor! Karaoke dj'ing doesn't give me butterflies. It gets me psyched up

> But I do advise you continue to LEARN and never settle for what you are
> doing. Any musician can ALWAYS learn more. So don't think because people
> paying you for this it means you are great. I hope that doesn't sound rude
> but many people think that and that's why they never get better.

Not rude at all:) I have most of my gigs videoed, then sit the next day and

watch what I did/didn't do, and work on what I (and others who
watch/comment) perceive to be weak areas in my peformance. Complaceny is not
part of my diet. Lets say that I am never entirely satisfied with any
performance I deliver, and always know I can and will do better next time.

That's a good attitude. Always listen and critique your own performances. It
will make you a better performer.

> Ok I'm done ranting now:)

Thanks for the comments!

Regards and best wishes


"guitarprincess" <> wrote in


Feb 26, 2004, 8:43:37 PM2/26/04

"Illana May" <> wrote in message

> We get the same nonsense here in the industry, but we have a saying that

> really fits well...."Bulls**** talks and money walks"

gee, i've never heard that one before!

>, and here if you can
> make a living from music , you are very fortunate. As a "karaoke singer"
> (according to the aussie)

well in reality, that's precisely what you are(unless you have another
definition for someone who simply sings along to pre-recorded tracks).

no need to be ashamed of it.:)

> I wonder how many here are privileged to have the
> number of gigs I have, or bookings months ahead

LOL! please tell me you're joking.

there are musicians here who do 300+ gigs a year and are booked well into
next year.

i doubt any karoake singers could say that same.

> Bowser and beserker: please direct me to your websites? Would love to see
> how you pro's do it! In other words, put up or shut up:) [virtual gauntlet
> thrown down]



Feb 26, 2004, 10:01:28 PM2/26/04
Hey guys ,start a new thread I am getting R.S.I from scrolling.


Feb 27, 2004, 1:53:57 AM2/27/04
to the cat is out of the bag again! (G)



Feb 27, 2004, 1:58:32 AM2/27/04

You speak from experience oh wise one? (G)



Feb 27, 2004, 2:12:18 AM2/27/04

"Chaz" <> wrote in message

> the cat is out of the bag again! (G)

YIKES! you're into cat shagging as well!!?

Illana May

Feb 26, 2004, 8:23:25 PM2/26/04

"guitarprincess" <> wrote in message

> Busy learning basic guitar work, and I am proficient on a keyboard as
> Proficient? What is your definition of proficient?

I play live at some functions, and record tracks for other musos to use for
demos/backtracks/whatever they need them for. I don't read music, but learn
"by ear". I have midi files from my keyboard work on websites across the
globe (with credits, can you believe!). But singing is my passion, keyboard
is just the means to while away the hours between vocal sessions:)



Feb 27, 2004, 5:11:17 PM2/27/04
IMHO you are not proficient at it if you can't read music. But like I said,
that is merely my opinion.

"Illana May" <> wrote in message


Feb 27, 2004, 5:57:50 PM2/27/04
I would suggest that you're confusing 'proficient' with 'trained'...I'd
venture a guess that about 90% or more of the recorded musicians couldnt
read a note...just a guess...

Can't imagine Ingwe Malmstein (sic) or Steve Vai possibly reading the stuff
they do...Classical guitarists, yeah...they're readers. Rock musicians?
Nah...most are playing by ear now...Maybe they were readers when they were
practicing with their Silvertones when they were about 8 years old.

Reading doesn't relate to proficiency...I can read the hell out of sheet
music, but ain't worth a darn on the keys anymore...

Just MHO.


"guitarprincess" <> wrote in message



Feb 27, 2004, 6:17:26 PM2/27/04
I hear what you are saying.

I'm not confusing it. I just think that proficient is more of an advanced
degree of accomplishment. Being an expert at it.

Don't you think using that definition, it would include reading? How can you
be an expert if you don't know what you are playing?

I agree some guitarists and musicians who never took a lesson and cannot
read music become very successful. Someone with 20 and 30 years of doing
this could THEN be considered proficient, maybe. But chances are working in
the field they will pick up on how to read music enough to get by which
still means they are learning to read music.

I play the guitar. I am by no means proficient at it. I can read music.

The only thing I am proficient at is my vocation.

I've been trained and tested on my competancy.

This to me is proficient:)

Again, only my opinion....

now I am going out for a bit to get out of the house!

Have fun debating all!

"bowser" <> wrote in message



Feb 27, 2004, 7:10:31 PM2/27/04

"bowser" <> wrote in message
> I would suggest that you're confusing 'proficient' with 'trained'...I'd
> venture a guess that about 90% or more of the recorded musicians couldnt
> read a note...just a guess...
> Can't imagine Ingwe Malmstein (sic) or Steve Vai possibly reading the
> they do...Classical guitarists, yeah...they're readers. Rock musicians?
> Nah...most are playing by ear now.

i know what your saying bowser, and for the most part i agree with your

but you've picked two bad examples.

both those dudes read like nobody's business...:)


Feb 27, 2004, 7:17:43 PM2/27/04

"guitarprincess" <> wrote in message

> I hear what you are saying.
> I'm not confusing it. I just think that proficient is more of an advanced
> degree of accomplishment. Being an expert at it.
> Don't you think using that definition, it would include reading? How can
> be an expert if you don't know what you are playing?

um, again i know what you're driving at and agree with *your* sentiment, but
that last statment is absurd.

bb king doesnt read, nor did jimi hendrix.

john lennon didnt read, nor did the other beatles.

clearly some of the world's most "proficient" and accomplished musicians
never learnt to read, just as many accomplished musicians did.

the two are not mutually exclusive.

> I agree some guitarists and musicians who never took a lesson and cannot
> read music become very successful.

no, they become proficient.

dont be intellectually dishonest

> Someone with 20 and 30 years of doing
> this could THEN be considered proficient, maybe.

more sheer nonsense.

> But chances are working in
> the field they will pick up on how to read music enough to get by which
> still means they are learning to read music.
> I play the guitar. I am by no means proficient at it. I can read music.
> The only thing I am proficient at is my vocation.
> I've been trained and tested on my competancy.
> This to me is proficient:)

music has a lot more to it than simple efficiency at reading.

you need interpretational skills, be able to parlay emotions into the piece
and to be able to step inside the music and bring your own musicality and
talant to bear on it.

its kinda like your vocal intontation.

you sing sharp in lots of places, and it grates.

unless you have the talent, ears and experience to deal with it, no amount
of study will repair that for you.


Feb 27, 2004, 11:42:01 PM2/27/04
On Fri, 27 Feb 2004 23:17:26 GMT, "guitarprincess"
<> wrote:

>now I am going out for a bit to get out of the house!

Even though the princess has left the building, the clarification
continues. :>)

>Don't you think using that definition, it would include reading? How can you
>be an expert if you don't know what you are playing?

The finest jazz musicians certainly know the melodic patterns and
chord changes they are playing even though they may not be able to
read them written out. Many musicians "read" chord charts so you need
to define reading as a chord chart or sheet music.

>they will pick up on how to read music enough to get by which
>still means they are learning to read music.

If they are earning a living, they all already getting by and may not
need to learn to read. The finest keyboard player I have heard is
Keith Jarrett. He was classically trained, yet he is a complete
master of his instrument, able to play all styles and with amazing
improvisational ability, technique and musicality.

My piano training from an early age was based on learning to read
music and learning scales, arpeggios, etc. Traditional piano
instruction ties you to the page. The musicians who "play by ear"
know their instrument better because they visually know where they are
on it. When I broke away from the page and started learning to play
by ear, it was difficult because I had to start seeing the melodies
and chords laid out on the instrument instead of the page. I still
read better than I improvise and it's because of that early training
and because I need to spend more time playing. That's really the key.



Feb 28, 2004, 2:00:27 AM2/28/04
I hear what you are saying.
> I'm not confusing it. I just think that proficient is more of an advanced
> degree of accomplishment. Being an expert at it.
> Don't you think using that definition, it would include reading? How can
> be an expert if you don't know what you are playing?

<um, again I know what you're driving at and agree with *your* sentiment,
that last statement is absurd.>

<bb king doesn't read, nor did jimi hendrix.>

<john lennon didnt read, nor did the other beatles.>

<clearly some of the world's most "proficient" and

<learnt to read, just as many accomplished musicians >did.>

<the two are not mutually exclusive.>

I agree that they are not mutually exclusive.

> I agree some guitarists and musicians who never took a lesson and cannot
> read music become very successful.>

<no, they become proficient.>

<dont be intellectually dishonest>

I really wasn't trying to be "intellectually dishonest". And the ones like
BB King are MORE THAN PROFICIENT. They have a lot of natural talent to make
up for their lack of reading skills.

> Someone with 20 and 30 years of doing
> this could THEN be considered proficient, maybe.

<more sheer nonsense.>

Like I said above...the greatest in the music industry are not most of the
people out there trying to make it. They have worked hard to have the
stature they have today, and have become proficient with time, talent,
passion and heart.

> But chances are working in
> the field they will pick up on how to read music enough to get by which
> still means they are learning to read music.
> I play the guitar. I am by no means proficient at it. I can read music.
> The only thing I am proficient at is my vocation.

> I've been trained and tested on my competency.

> This to me is proficient:)

<music has a lot more to it than simple efficiency at reading.>

I agree!

<you need interpretational skills, be able to parlay <emotions into the
<and to be able to step inside the music and bring your <own musicality and

talent to bear on it.>

its kinda like your vocal intonation.

you sing sharp in lots of places, and it grates.

<unless you have the talent, ears and experience to deal with it, no amount
of study will repair that for you>

As true as that may be, I don't claim to be a singer. I am a music therapist
and a songwriter. That's what I claim to be, because that is infact what I

I do appreciate this debate. Some things people see differently. Some things
people will agree on. This is the nature of a newsgroup. People's opinions,
sometimes not so professional ones as mine. But it is still my opinion as
yours is your own. I do agree with most of what you said. :)


Feb 28, 2004, 2:12:04 AM2/28/04

"guitarprincess" <> wrote in message

> I hear what you are saying.
> >
> > I'm not confusing it. I just think that proficient is more of an
> > degree of accomplishment. Being an expert at it.
> >
> > Don't you think using that definition, it would include reading? How can
> you
> > be an expert if you don't know what you are playing?
> <um, again I know what you're driving at and agree with *your* sentiment,
> but
> that last statement is absurd.>
> <bb king doesn't read, nor did jimi hendrix.>
> <john lennon didnt read, nor did the other beatles.>
> <clearly some of the world's most "proficient" and
> <learnt to read, just as many accomplished musicians >did.>
> <the two are not mutually exclusive.>
> I agree that they are not mutually exclusive.
> >
> > I agree some guitarists and musicians who never took a lesson and cannot
> > read music become very successful.>
> <no, they become proficient.>
> <dont be intellectually dishonest>
> I really wasn't trying to be "intellectually dishonest". And the ones like
> BB King are MORE THAN PROFICIENT. They have a lot of natural talent to
> up for their lack of reading skills.

dont you get it?

lack of reading skills does not require "making up".

reading skills really mean jack shit in the big picture of music

>> > I play the guitar. I am by no means proficient at it. I can read music.
> >
> > The only thing I am proficient at is my vocation.
> >
> > I've been trained and tested on my competency.
> >
> > This to me is proficient:)
> <music has a lot more to it than simple efficiency at reading.>
> I agree!
> <you need interpretational skills, be able to parlay <emotions into the
> piece
> <and to be able to step inside the music and bring your <own musicality
> talent to bear on it.>
> its kinda like your vocal intonation.
> you sing sharp in lots of places, and it grates.
> <unless you have the talent, ears and experience to deal with it, no
> of study will repair that for you>
> As true as that may be, I don't claim to be a singer. I am a music

do tell, what exactly is a "music therapist"?

> and a songwriter. That's what I claim to be, because that is infact what I
> am.
> I do appreciate this debate. Some things people see differently. Some
> people will agree on. This is the nature of a newsgroup. People's
> sometimes not so professional ones as mine. But it is still my opinion as
> yours is your own. I do agree with most of what you said. :)

thats because i'm right.:)

(running and ducking)

mike patrick

Feb 28, 2004, 8:26:21 AM2/28/04
Getting back to the more important topic from a few days ago,...where can i
find one of these sheep with a special garter belt???
C'mon guys guys,..lets get back to trading midi's,..not opinions.



Feb 28, 2004, 9:50:04 AM2/28/04


"Beserker!!!!" <> wrote in message


I use music to heal in the eldery and in the brain injured. I use
sounds,instruments,song and lyric recognition, movement to music and music
in general to help people combat depression, work with the cognitively
impaired, and help people who have had brain injuries due to strokes.

Some of these people don't remember their names, but they remember a song
from 50 years ago. It's amazing!

Forget this topic....whether you can read or not...who cares????????

These people who I work with every day help me see the power of music is an
incredible thing that is bigger than all of us.

That's why I respect music so much. I have seen what it can do in a
rehabilitational way and it's remarkable.

> > and a songwriter. That's what I claim to be, because that is infact what
> > am.
> >
> > I do appreciate this debate. Some things people see differently. Some
> things
> > people will agree on. This is the nature of a newsgroup. People's
> opinions,
> > sometimes not so professional ones as mine. But it is still my opinion
> > yours is your own. I do agree with most of what you said. :)
> thats because i'm right.:)

You are entitled to THAT opinion too:)

> (running and ducking)


Feb 28, 2004, 3:40:53 PM2/28/04

"mike patrick" <> wrote in message


speaking for myself, i learn quite a bit out of these discussions, so why
insist they stop?

as for the sheep, i think you need to look a few paddocks to the east...:)


Feb 28, 2004, 3:41:54 PM2/28/04

"guitarprincess" <> wrote in message

be, I don't claim to be a singer. I am a music
> > therapist
> >
> > do tell, what exactly is a "music therapist"?
> >
> I use music to heal in the eldery and in the brain injured. I use
> sounds,instruments,song and lyric recognition, movement to music and music
> in general to help people combat depression, work with the cognitively
> impaired, and help people who have had brain injuries due to strokes.
> Some of these people don't remember their names, but they remember a song
> from 50 years ago. It's amazing!
> Forget this topic....whether you can read or not...who cares????????
> These people who I work with every day help me see the power of music is
> incredible thing that is bigger than all of us.
> That's why I respect music so much. I have seen what it can do in a
> rehabilitational way and it's remarkable.

wow, thats amazing.

good luck and i hope you keep helping lots of people out.

Fed Up With Fighting

Feb 28, 2004, 7:29:44 PM2/28/04
Perhaps we could keep this newsgroup about midis.....

Anyone who wants to continue this posting war should direct their comments
to alt.binaries.bitching&moaning

"bowser" <> wrote in message


Feb 28, 2004, 8:57:17 PM2/28/04

"Fed Up With Fighting" <> wrote in message

> Perhaps we could keep this newsgroup about midis.....

no thanks.

i am happy to delve into broader musical issues, as are many others.

it's interesting and fun.

who knows, maybe if you pulled the stick out of your ass you could even join

> Anyone who wants to continue this posting war should direct their comments
> to alt.binaries.bitching&moaning

physician heal thyself....:)

by the way, i must have missed your last few midi contributions to the


Feb 28, 2004, 9:00:53 PM2/28/04
I agree. This thread has been interesting and fun.

If Illana didn't crosspost to all these groups, this wouldn't be in their
newsgroup. (Sorry Illana but it's true. This is why crossposts are looked
down upon.)

(I am posting from the lyrics newsgroup)


Feb 28, 2004, 9:43:29 PM2/28/04

"Broader musical issues" doesn't (or maybe just shouldn't) include picking
on someone for their musical or singing ability, which, if you recall, was
how the thread started in the first place. I'd love to join in with
conversation threads about music, just not about insulting people... now if
you'll excuse me I have to go get the stick out of my ass... keep up the

p.s. yes you must have missed them, can re-post just for you if you like

"Beserker!!!!" <> wrote in message



Feb 28, 2004, 10:55:52 PM2/28/04

"Esegi" <> wrote in message

> Berserker,
> "Broader musical issues" doesn't (or maybe just shouldn't) include picking
> on someone for their musical or singing ability,

no, but it can.....:)

> which, if you recall, was
> how the thread started in the first place. I'd love to join in with
> conversation threads about music, just not about insulting people

clearly you havent been keeping up. the thread evolved into quite an
interesting discussion.


Feb 29, 2004, 12:46:33 PM2/29/04

Often there is more of value to me as a musician in the discussions
than in the MIDIs. But, I've never met a musician yet whose
musicianship was not improved by the ability to read music, learn
scales and arpeggios, and other technical exercises. Although, this
is only a tool to help one communicate musically in a more sure



Feb 29, 2004, 2:27:37 PM2/29/04
Amen!...Well said.

"jlf" <> wrote in message

BiG dAvE

Feb 29, 2004, 11:10:59 PM2/29/04
Hey jlf... you said it right! There is no replacement for just good hard
work and understanding music as the masters learned it and sculpted it!
BiG dAvE

"jlf" <> wrote in message


Mar 26, 2004, 10:44:27 PM3/26/04
"Beserker!!!!" <> wrote in

> its kinda like your vocal intontation.
> you sing sharp in lots of places, and it grates.
> unless you have the talent, ears and experience to deal with it, no
> amount of study will repair that for you.

No, but the Antares plug-ins sure help! <grin>

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